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Everything posted by MJB1

  1. this year i are mostly be running , MF 698T & kuhn mower or vicon 321 in reserve MF 699 & claas trailed forager MF 690 & 7 tonne trailer MF 675 & 7 tonne trailer MF 575 or 590 & 6 tonne trailer JCB 520 or MF 590 4wd on the clamp all equipment although old, is wholly owned & paid for & have no intention of going bust anytime soon & run a stress free outfit for 5 customers covering about 600acres during first cut , & 350 at second cut. we stop for 15 mins at 10.00 half hour at 13.00 & 15mins at 1600 during this time we have a laugh & joke & get to know our customers & their workers our work load is arranged between ourselves & our customers & not our need to get on to the next customer as soon as is humanly possible at the end of each silage season i arrange a skittles evening for all the staff at the Bull Inn in Ambridge unlike the other contributors who must be well into the bank for a few hundred thousand pounds always chasing the next customer , & also go so fast with 17 yearold drivers they are actually road hazzards themselves , get the clamp filled so quick it's not rolled half as much as it should be & the farmer ends up with poor quality silage & will run rain or shine because the payments have to be kept up & running well into the night making their drivers so tired they start pinging the equipment simply because lack of sleep & a diet of coffee, red bull & pro-plus just doesn't work after the first five days i know i've been there
  2. not all that nonsense again will you kitting out your drivers with skateboards ?
  3. what he said i remember using big old cut about grocery boxes for my sheds pair of scissors & loads of sellotape brilliant shed , huge storage capacity as well , as when you finished playing just turn them upsidown & put yer toys in it ! to me that was half the fun , building your own sheds i like the brushwood stuff but i wouldn't pay their prices , for what is like tris said at the collectors end of the scale for toys
  4. ah click on the link mark then hover the mouse on the pictures you'll see bigger images & find it's not a 3000 series cab as we know it . if it's not a factory fit then they've had to cut the doors about to fit the old floorpan & they've made a tidy job of it , cant plastic fantastic arrange an FTF trip to spain for a viewing ?
  5. oh dear .............. i think you may need more UH 590's jan you also forgot the 565 version 30c :)
  6. aberystwyth would be about 3.5 hours from toytrac i can do bridgwater to cardigan in 4 in a lorry !
  7. hello claaspower , welcome to the forum , i dare say you'll be able to find almost anything you need , & probably lots of what you don't but still buy it anyway , hope your bank account is up to it as well as your willpower
  8. i like the brushwood house , but at over £100 , it's no toy , which does make you wonder just who it's aimed at
  9. you got a leaflet for these tractors mark ? the cab looks to be factory fitted not adapted to fit but a wonder they just didn't fit the complete mudule from the off looks ok though with MF having worlwide ranges , it's a wonder they need to have badge engineered tractors ? http://www.agriaffaires.co.uk/used/farm-tractor/1381454/massey-ferguson-1114.html
  10. in that case jan you'll need to add a 592 as well to your list ;D
  11. decent might be stretching it but it's as good as it was going to get , before i got it right , my neighbour thought i had a plasma cutter ;D will be a while before she gets fully covered mate why thank you mark thanks mark thats why my friend went for gasless as he does most of his work ou by his garage , & these smaller welders are very handy but you really dont want to run out of gass too much from those hobby canisters , that & if it's windy you don't have to worry about the wind taking the gass from your weld yes ther is a panel missing , i do have it but if you look closely t the rad , one of the power steering pipes is kinked , stopping it from fitting properly
  12. my efforts of the day , found some silver Hammerite in the garage so got a bit carried away with it on the wheels & grill , then found some black hammerite to help the grill along a bit
  13. maybe nigel , but i'm in no rush i's not my first go with a MIG sean although is a first with gasless ! the loader bracket will go one day but it's ok to hang the chain from for now never really had to weld much in the way of tin , it's usually the heavy guage stuff i'm used to , bit of a learning curve for me mate ! as for the welder , seems ok , this is all i've done with it though
  14. as you may have noticed in past pictures the grill had been painted all grey& seeing as i was restless after a few cups of tea, i decided to fire up the drill & wire wheel attatchment & get the old paint off as well as the hobby dremmel thingy to clear a few hundred holes where the paint had 'filled' & thats about as far as i've got this week ! so just need to get some metal filler & a drop of paint to stop the rust startting again. now then a freind asked me to buy something on ebay for him , of which i duly did, as he is in the process of rebuilding a MK1 landrover in his garage , but he needs a sand blaster for the chassis , so this is what he's bought , will see how things go with it & report the findings
  15. now i have only ever had one complete front side / marker light on the mudguards & considering the cost of new 'authentic' ones i decided to leave it that way , the other as you see in the pictures had no lens , (not that the lights work anyway ) but at last years yesterdays farming show i bought some cheap look a likes & at £1.50 each i've made a huge saving to say the least ! but alas it's never that easy , the old screws were rusted in & again the tin was so bad i decided to ahem for the want of a better word 'weld' more patches \ as with the rear patches some metal filler will be used to calm the horrors of my welding down
  16. well the last 3 months or so have been a bit barren for the old girl , but i have decided to bring her home , so i can get out & spuddle about as & when i want . having noticed the rear lights were starting to shake about , i found the mudguards have rusted so thin they needed patching , so with the loan of a gasless MIG i set about burning holes & sculpturing pidgeon $H1T in a vain hope to re-attatch the lights trouble is the mudguards are pretty thin now & trying to get something half decent to weld to wasn't easy . not being a MIG man at all my efforts were pretty bad , but i don't think with a stick i would have done any better with either for got to take a picture till i'd started , but here's from the underside , you can see the new shiney tin through the holes
  17. you taking the 590 tim ? found a small sandblasting kit on ebay for about £25 as well so might need to make room in your shed some time in the spring
  18. I will look forward to the day you line them all up for us let me see you will need 550 565 575 2 & 4wd 590 2 & 4wd 595 2 & 4wd in both all red & the silver / red cabs ! 16 tractors 8) looks like you will be very busy Jan ! ;D
  19. stunning conversion Jan will you be creating the whole 500 series line up ?
  20. thought i'd seen some about , on the M4,M5 & the ND link road. must be faily busy to keep them running , must be hard to find garages for them to keep filling up with red, as i know how um ........................ .........................................how can i put this tactfully................. ....... well how..................related you all are round those parts ........... thus your good looks ;D i'll keep an eye out mate
  21. the beacon shop try karen at farmmodels , click the link & scroll down the page , you'll see them http://www.farmmodels.co.uk/spare-parts-farmmodels.html
  22. luke who ? how do mate , still keep an eye out for you up round the hills , but i cant remember what you look like now ;D so i just seem to wave up at any old contractor , you lot got trucks now ? seen a few about enjoy ye'self mate , sorry to see you're still on the deere's
  23. sadly it's not just government that bought british industry to its knees , it also the shortsighted complacency of the old school industry cheifs . the addage of it was good enough when my grandfather did it so it's good enough now just wasn't. britain is always years behind anyone else yet half the worlds greatest engineering feats are designed by brits i remember an old chap telling me he couldn't get over the fact america & germany etc had in house flushing toilets well before the second world war where as us chaps were still having a relaxing smoke in nice wooly tank tops having a puff on a pipe while sitting at the bottom of the garden in a brick hut crapping into a bucket , we had to wait till the 50's for houses to be built with that ! a recycling plant simmilar to what the germans have now in 20 years time ? , that means we'll be building something new that s already 20 years out of date , & that pretty well sums this country up
  24. ah the little 40's looking well mark , very well indeed , quite a handy little tractor to have about by the looks of it , just think that foreign 410 you had would have shaken it'self to bits by now just a question , are the wheels the right silver ? they look a bit type new shade of silver rather than 200 /500 series era shade silver
  25. touch'e considering the uk has gone recycling mad , its a wonder we as a country, with so much economic doom & gloom in our industries, we dont actualy have a large recyling industry to recycle the stuff ourselves , if that makes sense . radio 4 had a programme a while back about steel manufacture in theuk , & basicly it was all going full circle in the wrong direction eg; farmer wants a building uk steel fabricator supply the steel framework a scrapyard sells 97% of it's steel abroad to india where it's sorted & recycled & sold back to the uk back in the uk Farmer Steel Frame Shed Shop buys it to make steel fabricated buildings out of it why did it have to go to india anyway & i bet the ark royal will be sent there to be broken back down but why cant we do it here & create jobs why does the cardboard always seem to go back to germany mate ? as for that text you sent n B g a i think it looks bang out of order to me ;D
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