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Everything posted by MJB1

  1. well done phill nice little lot you posted there mate , more like haylage than silage though , bet the forager struggled with all that light fluffy grass trying to go through the blower, last time i tried foraging stuff like that it was a case of bugger this got the round balers in :D
  2. used to have a rubix box & once you were used to it it was ok & faster, believe it or not than the H pattern column change ,& the H patern floor change & of course the middle sticks crash box , the range change / rev stick was a pain in all of them matter of fact i'd rather have the rubix than any of the others but it's what you get used to i spose
  3. oh yeah that & the broom handle in a bucket'o'bricks gearbox
  4. nah ! the 7710 is a 4 pot turbo same as the 7610 i meant ford tractors in general gav
  5. follow this link cameron http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=5671.0;attach=9391;image one of the members should know who built it , maybe they can help
  6. don't be too hard on them marky , they were good tractors & could have been great if it wasn't for the porus block issue \
  7. no , but then why would anybody want to ? you'd need to heavily convert a 66 ford chassis to get it to look right , there have been some great convos for a 6610 & a 7610, spot on for size for these tractors with those chassis & there were some pics on here of them but nothing as small as a 46 that i've seen
  8. he's done well to make the investment payyoff , otherwise he must have looked at it every day thinking to himself "bugger"
  9. now finished , in metallic blue & exhaust pipe fitted capable of running a small country, it's an iveco 430HP motor next time this one gets seen i hope will be in a display with an irrigator just for martin
  10. MJB1

    JD with long axles

    that fair enough ol as the axle bar takes all the stress, wether it's a euro or US version ,most of the bigger tractors here have axle bars now , but even so that front axle has a very stessfull time what with 4wd engaged & turning
  11. now yer just being picky :D still a crap place to be when the suns out :D
  12. I KNOW the cab i saw in my head was an OPU cab & thought to myself those cabs were on fords as well as i don't have a deere to fit one to at the end of the day it's a secura cab ! no matter what it's fitted to LP, AP, DE-LUX, OPU ,call it what you like it's still the same cab , the only difference throughout it's build time as far as i can see is the way the doors opened & probably like yer self i've driven enough of them to know that whatever they're fitted to they're all the same
  13. no just a masted buckrake :D
  14. yes ,by rights it's a silage block cutter only missing the cutter
  15. with hindsight i think many others would have liked to of as well when a friend was looking for a 78 a few years back he had the choice of two,a SJ & a normal blue , could never work out why he went for the blue ? when yer contracting , it's these little things that stick in peoples heads theres a contractor nearby had a SJ & contracted fodderbeet harvesting , he swaped the SJ for a 7740 but he's still known as "the chap who had the silver ford " as no one can remember his name !
  16. thanks for the pics ggglb, really capture the spirit of haymaking , do you do the baling as well ?
  17. still take tris a good day to walk round :D :D yeah but bens nearly ahead of yours , well certainly ahead taller :D tris yer still my bestist buddy :)
  18. i know , that the cabs were all the same basic design but when i started it i thought ' i know i'll build an OPU cab for one of the fords'
  19. you got a contract with birdseye or something :D
  20. it will be when you cast a resin one jas
  21. the engine is from a 'dickies farmstar' NH TM tractor the trailer unit is from sikufert spreader, bit of mesh at the back bit of electrical ducting cut to shape & a lego control pannel :D :D
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