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Everything posted by MJB1

  1. any one see the article in classic tractor magazine on martin's models of the 1080's ?
  2. great model , just goes to show that after all these years blokes like yerself can give these sometimes derilict toys a new lease of life :)
  3. thats a good looking setup paul ,is that drill one of the old britains drills ?
  4. got to be done ram250 :) jobby dobby indeed ricky \
  5. dawn would rather i hauled life threatening toxic waste than haul livestock \
  6. or the dust in yer eyes \ looking good there sean but by the look of your sledge it's a BROWNS auto 8,the COOKS is slightly longer & the rear half of the frame & gate section would fold back onto itself :) going to look very good when it's all sprayed up & on the back of the baler
  7. some pics would be good ,grim
  8. really good work on those 1972F, the county gets my vote, but i'd not turn any of them away
  9. looking good F-P have you got orders already for some then ? or will they be e-bay candidates ?
  10. :D :D udi ,that implies the name BEN is short for er.......BENDA.... um..thats not right thats not \ \ :D :D
  11. maybe a move across the water for me then :D :D
  12. good pics fp glad you're actually allowed into those fields that claas looks a bit small compared to the modern stuff doesn't it \
  13. http://www.allmet-dryers.co.uk/ http://www.hosiersltd.com/graindriers.htm http://www.masterfarm.co.uk/?id=2 http://www.rekord.com/grain%20pages/rekord_logo2_gif.gif http://www.alvanblanch.co.uk/graindrying.htm http://www.bdcsystems.com/images/comprof_on.gif
  14. looks very good marky , havn't got round to putting your boxes on a trailer yet , but how many go on the old britains lorry bed ?
  15. really tidy F-P very nice indeed , doesn't look like it's had too bad a life as it doesn't look beatabout . respray & general tidy up , or total rebuild ? well done on winning :)
  16. some legs under the tipping rams would finish it off nicely richie :)
  17. you going to manage to get it outside in the summer for some pics of it all complete sean ?
  18. coming on a treat there sean :) although i'm glad i don't work for you as it looks as though the sleeping area has to be cleaned out by hand \ ooh manual labour .............................................bad memories \ \ \ :D
  19. :D :D twins ? deere-est & marky separated at birth ?, which one of you has the chewy werthers sweets ? :D
  20. another one to add to the collection now looks quite strange seeing it on smaller wheels \
  21. considering the clamp pics, some of the forager & mowers would be good & seeing as you're in ireland ,how about some spud planting / harvesting same as deer-est, running out of things to say about this display so if the site goes soggy it means i'm drooling :)
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