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Everything posted by MJB1

  1. nice buy mark another impulse buy or you actually got work planned apart from 10acres ? or is this buy retail therapy for yesterdays man flu
  2. no but deere-est's deere-est might ;D
  3. great pics erik , glad thats not my SAME on the potato planter with the doors open ,look at the dust !
  4. obviously it goes without saying i mean, all you need is someone to run around after you all day for the most mundane of tasks & i personally dont thinks thats too much to ask , matter of fact it's your basic human right . stay strong for the cause our couragous snot & mucus warrior \
  5. don't be surprised if you don't get any takers for this one Ol, i personally have never seen trucks draw silage away, know a few have tried with cereals , not a great success, unlikely the roads / gateways in the dairy areas would accomadate trucks for field access, blimey bad enough getting them into the bl00dy yards half the time . besides you have big open heaps for your silage, many of our farms have either sheds or clamps that are usually tucked away in a yard
  6. really nice build mate i see one quite regularly at a farm i deliver to in tenby (wales) & have to say it's a seriously well engineered trailer , there really is nothing lightweight about it , nice touch with the removeable silage sides :)
  7. time to cool it on the hill's lads , it's going way off topic for tim
  8. don't think thats a 40 loader mate it's got dual crowd rams mounted on the fore arms
  9. got a yellow frame , so cant see why it wouldn't of had yellow cladding ? but look at the windscreen . my windscreen frame was fixed over the front pillars , but the yellow cabbed one looks to be recessed. what puzzels me is the flexi cabbed roof so must have been flexi cab not rigid paneled delux cab
  10. oh yeah & loads of horsey tottie :P not that i'd know of course
  11. indeed hello sailor ;D i have an uncle who was a captain on shell tankers (now retired) he then was drawn out of retirement & travelled the world as a ships safety inspector for a few years then retired again , he refers to himself as a mariner not a sailor he's got a T20 or 35 now i think
  12. all original from what i can see sean with no damage , so looking around £4000ish i supose hmmmm.............. straight axle .....................? MF 20 maybe then mark ? pictures please
  13. err ..........? .um............. yes i just pointed the camera at it & pressed the button on the top as for the model i couldn't tell you mate graham built it
  14. yes i know Ray tim, he passed his lorry test & drove a bag lorry before moving to Keedwells
  15. i'm not sure bill but i think i hatepoundland started one a long time back , i don't know how far he got though
  16. some of the runners at Ron Greets yard well 2 of these were runners or at least had all their pars & were capable of running \ & hey babe 2 out of 3 aint bad 880, 995 & 1056 basking in the sun a nice find, a 2135 with cab & loader an even better find a very straight 185 with 80 loader not fit for any of the piles in the yard but a regular visitor to them all , RG's county 1164 FC
  17. not that deep mate , it's in monmouthshire , not sure what he mixes though , it's an organic set up, we only really deliver organic meal to both his farms , i dont think he feeds in the parlour , but have seen others deliver dairy cake to another silo , & again taken via auger to his mixer then all mixed & augered into a diet feeder /mixerwagon
  18. no mate he has grain delivered into the silo & then he can blow it himself across to the mixing store
  19. aahhhh i remember days like those , thats when we used to drive tractors not just steer them
  20. ooh i used to love hedge trimming , i could dissapear for weeks on end just bumbling round the fields it's a lot like ploughing , theres a satisfaction that you get & not many other jobs give, all these grass boys shout about silage , when most of the time all they do is tear the guts out of their tractors , hedge trimming is a lot more relaxing ooops sorry paul lost meself there yes it's a great model , but in reality he'd be driving into oncoming traffic , UH stuff is good but it's little details like this that tell euro spec apart from UK spec
  21. they were bensons corparate colours sean
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