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Everything posted by MJB1

  1. nasty 40 series, nobodys interested tris ,get over it, live in the now but that red 1184 oof what a beauty :)
  2. nice find steve , just hope that chaps got plenty of backend parts to cope with all that new power going through it , if i remember rightly , they had crownwheel & pinion troubles with them , basicly it wasn't man enough
  3. nice pairing , but would get pretty narked off nowadays if i found that coming towards me on my side of the road nice
  4. err...... i was comenting on how easy us southerners have it & slight hillocks we occasionaly encounter sean, ;D couldnt possibly comment on the foragers , there's no fun in any of it nowadays, no sooner have you greased the trailers up these big machines are done by lunchtime , all in too much of a hurry for my liking
  5. fordmajor do you actually read the replies ? nice looking tractor brian , i must say the old britains casting looks so much better than the new one
  6. MJB1

    At work with Gav

    well i wouldn't buy any of them gav , if i were you i'd get your boss to buy some nice re-built nuffield 10-60 & a few MF 35x's & a couple of dexta's go back to a probably less stressfull working day , stop for lunch with your work mates , hunk of bread ,block of cheese , maybe an onion, & apple, a cold bottle of orange squash & a bottle of luke warm tea kept in an old sock ,enjoy the sunshine & working close to hand with your machinery not sat 10ft away from it in whats basicly you're own little world & once on that nuffy, buster can run up & down with you , snuffle round in the ditches & hedges & keep fit , i wonder how many young tractor drivers would cope without all this fandangled technology
  7. MJB1

    Tim's work

    i remember potato planting before all the bed formers , bed tillers , liquid fert etc. etc ploughed, rotavated , planted & ridged later when the tops were through ! have to ask mate as been out of the loop for a few years , why are you undersowing wheat with grass/clover?
  8. i'd love to introduce you to a few north devon & south wales farmers & contractors murray ;D anyway i been on hills so steep i was nearly upsidown looks a nice tractor tim ,i don't know the name of your 6480 driver but i worked with his son Ray Frubiureureour? or something like that & ray said the MF wasnt as good as he thought it might be
  9. well looks like i'm off to ron greets yard a bit later maybe also trago mills \ as well but off to see if i can't find some stabilizer chains to stop all the swinging about from the transport box & other implements i may use, so will load up me toolbox & see what i can get
  10. MJB1

    Tim's work

    nice pictures tim , looks like you got enough power there to keep you all occupied ! looks like the contractors are running better tractors than yourself though just kidding more pics as & when please oh yeah i was going to break out into song Where did you get that hat Where did you get that tile Isn't it a nobby one And just the proper style I should like to have one Just the same as that Wherever I go they'd shout "Hello" Where did you get that hat
  11. ooh missed this topic graham , like the old matbro , only really used one a few times loading dung , very old , think it was on an old V plate ! are the wheels a tad big though ? never seen one on 38in rims
  12. nice updates mart thanks for posting
  13. nice build graham, you'd be surprised how many people still use them ! i've even persuaded a few to use parts from old ones to help keep the dust down for when i have to blow into sheds . will have to find some to take pictures of now ! whats the betting i dont find one set up ready for use !
  14. nice build john , you getting tired of being covered in dust running that baler on your 35 than
  15. MJB1

    Robbo's Photos

    i only sugested 990 as the front wheel looks to have a tinge of blue rather than yellow but that might be rust ,even at shows i don't see many 770's about colm but only ever seen 3 900's
  16. pretty sure she is although i may be mistaken \ , i've broke three in the past , one hauling silage & one hauling wheat , both 2wd , & one on a 1210 matter of fact most 4wd 1390 versions were put on loaders ! still lovely little tractors & reasonably cheap over here , they just seem to be a tractor that gets over looked unless of course it's a comemerative edition 13/14/15/1694 my old 1494
  17. just dont drag her down in to high a gear mate , she's only on a 3 bearing crank , too much of that & she'll go bang
  18. well that looks half sensible nick , unless there's someting really wrong it looks to be mainly cosmetic . all white mudguards would make it an 82 onwards ? looks to be the split cab type as well , what year is she nick ? nice to see the spanner controlled hand throttle, those roll pins were never man enough for the job & a bonus to see an ECU lever that hasnt been snapped off looks like you'll need a knob for your 4wd lever though nice buy & they sound great . tractor tim's grandad had one but that one suffered from a glazed block , don't know what happened to it \
  19. don't listen to them mate , he / she ? does it matter i'd have been happy to call my tractor ............tractor \ even fergus would have done , but oh no not with this lot it's got to be calld something exotic , like doris or edna , so mines now called cherry ? short for cherrycalypso ? what ? what was wrong with the tractor ?
  20. not hot on PC & computer stuff i managed to get another modem / wireless base hooked up to this (the main household PC ) to the other PC & a laptop wirless thing as well as robs playstation wirless thingy havent got a clue how i did it , but there it's done \
  21. MJB1

    Chris's photos

    yes & dont let it run out of fuel as it's self bleeding , & when she hasn't self bled you also have a flat battery
  22. yeah not helped buy nick having the **** van dyke teach yourself c0ckerney CD playing all the time awright treacle ooooh mary popins come on pics please nick
  23. i'm afraid to say i represent the FTF HSE /1/32 DEFRA & 1/32 environment agency & those tanks will have to come down due to recent legislation that all fuel tanks should be bunded so i'm sorry to say that redundant fuel tanks should be sent to me for ....................um?...........well just send them to me right ? while i think of some official excuse nice addition paul , keep it up
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