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Everything posted by MJB1

  1. MJB1

    Marky's new toy

    looks a tidy find rick , something for you to play with perhaps ?
  2. well running or not like barry said investment value alone makes these tractors worth it, but still a fair bit of work involved it getting her all up & running , looks like she's suffering in the cab structure,some pretty big holes there
  3. looks good nathan & that loader will finish it nicely unfortunately the britains bonnet was a little short to be a 6180
  4. this makes an interesting argument well why do we see siku as being a european orientated brand ? admitedly the implements they release is more commonly seen in mainland europe , but the difference between UK spec tractors & euroland tractors is different . More noticeable with the rear hitch, euroland tractors are more commonly fitted with a moveable clevis / drawbar hitch just above the PTO shaft , whereas UK spec is more usually found fitted with an auto-hitch(pick-up-hitch) from what i've seen all siku & UH models & toys are fitted with a UK spec hitch arangement . another thing why do brits not class themselves as european ? i'm a brit & i regard myself as british not european \
  5. not unless he's the other side of the village dan , out of manor towards the village then straight over past the playing field ,but the next farm on the right , cant remember if it's bere farm or if he's actually called beer ? thats the only other one i've delivered to out there, used to do the next further on as well , but not since i've had the artic ,they're big ford / NH users as well arn't they
  6. oh deere lord , Dr tris & nurse udimoore , it's worse than we thought :'( :'(
  7. ricky you're such a tart does it really matter ? as long as they run at about their rating you got to be happy havent you , ? it's not like you're going to be raceing them are you
  8. well it's like this i see so many conversions here that i want one the same , & it all seem easy as to buy one , then when i calm down i realise , that buying one isn't really the answer i should give it a go & make one , so i have a couple of TW's i'd love to get beefed up , but also would like to get my 8670 looking like anothers on here , also , now i know what the Mc mtx wheels are like i'd quite like to try them on a 2680. sorry mark i often get a rush of blood to the head when i see a conversion done well \
  9. name rings a bell, havent delivered out blackford area for a while . will you go out for a look see at shapwick for some pics ? as they have their own forager dont they ?
  10. well it's working up till now , thats not to say the volvo chap is wrong & his engine will go bang tomorrow
  11. hmm.... you could say the going was a bit soft great pics again mate
  12. so how long did it take you to drive the TW home then mark
  13. looks good going dan , was this Mr Coombes at shapwick ?
  14. ad blue hmm i'll tell you what a volvo trained mechanic told me . the ad-blue system is all wired into the electrical nonsence , although ad -blue /amonia stuff does reduce emmissions by effectively dousing the exhaust gasses that is litteraly all it does . When the ad'blue tank runs out , the sensor tells the electric engine management control that all the liquid in the tank has gone , so the electric bits seriously de-rate the engine , giving awfull performance & fuel economy . If however you fill the ad-blu tank back up with ad-blue or water or lucozade even beer the sensor tells the electric bit liquid is back in the tank & so the engine is automaticly brought back up to HP rating , how right this is i dont know . BUT i have talked to hauliers that fill their ad-blu tanks with water only & have had no performance loss what so ever , One of these hauliers runs a 56 plate SCANIA V8 580 with just water in his tank , but soon as the water runs out , the engine performance suffers , to get through his ministry test he did use ad-blu to keep the emmissions down
  15. nice little scene there sean , cant help but think the little ferguson trailer would have been more apt than the box though , but great to see all the same
  16. blimey ! seen some emek stuff at a toy shop i go to , got a few VOLVO FH12 8 legger half pipe tippers & artic units for sale, quite pricey as well i thought . could see it was a larger scale , but without anything to hand to compare size i'm surprised to see the difference is as big as it is
  17. looks well paul , wish you'd have really talked me into that bonnet
  18. aww you've really done it now mark ; looks like i'm actually going to have to buy a big mac to break > ahh well not all bad then :D
  19. gosh thats a deep hole there garret , got much more to do ?
  20. dont knock the other green kev so does this mean you'll be let loose on the harvester next year ?
  21. would be well up for an 8row planter , but it hought you'd want to see the tractor on skinny duals dusty ? for tyres like that i would imagine seeing a front mounted hopper,12mtr tillage & drill train
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