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Everything posted by PDH

  1. We think it's fixed. Can those who were getting the Message Box try and again and confirm that it is resolved. Thanks to everyone for their help. ;D
  2. Standard Sort is by Latest Product. You can change the sort order by clicking the 'Line' Symbol next to Order by: Dropdown List (looks like a series of Horizontal Lines).
  3. Two things it could be....Internet Explorer 6 and/or Google Toolbar installed on the PC. Need to know if anyone running IE 6 and not the Google Toolbar is getting the Message Box. Not the site!!
  4. What page are you looking at? I've checked most of them and it says AGRAR-Toy Kverneland PB100 7 Furrow Plough on the ones I've looked at.
  5. Looks OK from my PC, no Message Box when it changes pages here. Can you do a screen shot? Better email Geoff and let him know.
  6. Didn't do entirely on my own, had an excellent website designer working with me. He did all the techy bits. Once the TT website is live, and there are more photo's on it of a similiar nature for you to look at, I'll explain how it was done. Don't want to take the launch impact away from the site or Geoff's business. Serious business this farm model selling ;D
  7. Why thank you Nick, that's very kind of you Pleased you like it. If you ask nicely I'll tell you how it was done.
  8. Which of Folkestone is that happening in? Hope's the same at the sisiter-in-laws in Downes Road!
  9. Now can you tell me if the Xerion is the real thing or not? :)
  10. A brief summary and photo's posted above. Enjoy
  11. Britain?s Farm Boxes are a subject all to themselves. I haven?t a huge amount of time to put together a really detailed document so here is a quick summary. Not sure where Dan wants to start but as he mentioned Rainbow boxes then I?ll start my detail/pictures from there. Rainbow boxes were first introduced in about 1980, replacing the straw boxes. The first version was the Chevron Rainbow. There were many variations but in the main the box was red and the Rainbow Bands were diagonal across the corners. Two Examples: In about 1989 Britains introduced the Banded Rainbow box. The main colour of the box was still red but a white end was introduced and the rainbow bands ran round the box vertically at one end and separated the red from the white in the box design. An Example: In about 1992 the Blue Spot box was introduced. Named as such because of the Blue Circle that was printed on the box front on the bottom right hand side. In this circle was printed in yellow 1:32 Scale. An Example: The Authentic Farm box replaced the Blue Spot in about 1999. This is named because of the oval plaque printed on the front of the box top left hand side saying Authentic Farm Models. An Example: Today we have many different Britains boxes because of the manufacturers branding that has been adopted. The first Britains Farm vehicles were issued in a Green Card box, then from about 1950 the Duck and Egg box. Then we had the Sliding Display box and the Packing Case boxes. These were followed by the Window Display boxes until the Straw box was introduced in about 1972.
  12. TopTractor is alive and well, booming in fact. A new website is on its way and the plan is that the new site should be live later today, hosting company etc allowing. If anyone saw the TopTractor advert in the latest edition of Classic Tractor magazine then you will have had a small taster of what the new site will look like. No doubt Geoff will be happy to take orders etc if you contact him by phone or email until such time as the new site is available. ;D
  13. Just had an email from Mini-Toys informing me that the UH La Campagne trailer will be released in August 28. Reference Number is Ref : 60110 and the quoted price 47,50 ?
  14. There are two Rainbow boxes, Chevron and Banded, Chevron was the first issued. Also 'Blue Spot' issued from about 1992 to 1997. Prior to the Chevron Rainbow was Straw and prior to that Packing Case. All should be self-explanatory as they describe the features of each type of box. If you need any examples let me know and I'll get some photo's for you. Can also give you the appromiate years each type was box was current for.
  15. Went last year so probably won't go this. Poured with rain most of the day, got soaked to the skin, and the climb out of the car park on the wet chalk was interesting. Good day out if the weather is kind.
  16. You're not going daft....as far as I'm aware this tractor has never been released. What I do know is that some time ago, probably a year at least, UH announced the following set: 7099 Claas Atles 936 RZ Dual Wheels with Claas Quantum 6800S We still await it's release and I'm assuming the picture in the catalogue is a picture of this set.
  17. I use Excel and a font called Mandatory to make number plates. Just make the cell the size/shape of the number plate you want and fill it yellow if you are making a rear. Then size the font to fit.
  18. Wouldn't surprise me as Corgi;s approach is to move into a market already built by another manufacturer. The success of UH won't have gone un-notice at Corgi HQ. Just depends on scale as to whether I'd be interested at all but prices will be interesting, Corgi have a reputation of pricing at the very top.
  19. Just received the same letter (and a voucher). So Farm and Site is dead but well done Old Pond. A gesture much appreciated by me.
  20. Or take a look at http://www.bedandbreakfasts.co.uk/propertysearch.asp?location=Wincanton+Racecourse Did you try Farm Stay http://www.farmstayuk.co.uk/mapping.htm ?
  21. Well heres one you could try http://www.gantsmill.co.uk/
  22. I'll give Spalding a miss this October and go again next April I hope. So it looks like Toytrac for me...see you there.....
  23. This is the Ebay seller referred to in earlier posts. He has nothing for sale at the moment, holidays? Just keep trying or contact him via Ebay to see if he has any.
  24. Agree but it's the way the site works. Probably insists on a numeric value in the field, not aplhanumeric. Why they choose 999 is only known to them, a German way of doing things perhaps.........................................
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