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Everything posted by Deere-est

  1. Much better for you doing the work to it, Wil. I'm sure it will look the business on your layout too.
  2. Cracking start to a crystal clear, very chilly day. Got two loads delivered and one more to do up to Marlborough. Will fill both trucks ready for Monday morning, sort out any answerphone messages/orders then clear off home at lunchtime. But now, to the butty van up Hopton Barracks for the finest doorstep bacon and egg sandwich
  3. Looks a bit different out there, Gav.... Just saw your inter-row hoeing pics....... :ha ha!: That spud store looks like a slick operation, very nice indeed. Ideal for lunchtimes during these long hot summers too, I'd say..
  4. Appreciate your informative reply, Niels I'm glad to hear the onion market is looking more buoyant for the farm, even if is is at the expense of the UK's market! That is just how the markets work though so I expect our turn will come again. I should think there is more personal pleasure working on a small farm with all sorts than just plugging away over thousands of acres with a cultivator?
  5. I think that was a crap idea, whoever implemented that. Nice buy though, there was another nice Autoway box set on there last week, a nice set too.
  6. I did wonder if Matador Damian had had a hand in that, being just his kind of thing.
  7. Thanks for the come back, Tim. Mowers are well looked after, Tim. Credit to the chaps who use them, do you generally change the front mower more often than the back? Howards had a brand new 531-70 this year and it had to go back to Uphills. It had bugger all power, they had it six weeks so it must've been major. Seems a lot better now though. Bit of expansion on the buildings then, you going to have more calves about then or is just more space needed?
  8. Lovely panoramic view. I like the look of what might be coming
  9. You allowed to move yet, Sean I'm sat at Aberystwyth University equine yard (there are worse places ) having my load of hay unloaded. Been a long day already, got up at 3am, left the yard at 03.45 and with a stop for diesel, rolled in here at 08.30. Couldn't have had a better run up here, very quiet that time of day. Infact it didn't get light until I met the Welsh coast at Aberaeron and about the same time the dark had givenway to a clear dry day Would be nice to get my head down but oh no, wide aflippingwake!
  10. Taa! I've been sent to Aberystwyth for my sins, Chris.
  11. What a whopper! Only ever seen one of these and that was near Faringdon, Oxon on the road. Hell of a sight, I must say. How do they ride on the road?
  12. Pete, this is faaaaaantastic! Proper old school combine. You have done a fine job on what was nothing but a diecast hulk before. Yeah she is a real stunner
  13. Ideal, sounds like a pretty spanky job you have got there, look forward to seeing some of that. I havn't got on BFF as I only have a free email account. I know, what a loser huh?! Hope the sale didn't see any cherished models have to go? I know what you mean about the modding, I steer clear of that too. Preferring to put the money in the pockets of the people who do, for a finished model.
  14. Through eBay but through your PlayStation?! PlayBay?! :D That is not a port for the merchant navy in Thailand by the way. That's WayPlayBay..... I don't know where I'm going with this!
  15. Alright, mate nice to see another new member making and introduction. So, what floats your boat then (keep it clean!) in the world that is model farming? Just collecting or converting, scratchbuilding, layouts? Whatever it is, there will be a place for you here.... Either that or you could teach us something?!
  16. Thanks for popping the photos up, Andy. Could have flattened two batteries taking photographs last week. The diorama entrants put on a hell of a show for the onlookers. A shame there wasn't more in the way of exclusives to get a focus on though I thought. Looking forward to the write up now in Model Farmer
  17. Greater minds think for themselves?
  18. Lovely, another long overdue and very overlooked tractor by the major manufacturers. Still, their oversight is anothers gain. I wouldn't mind one of these, and/or a 66 4wd too! Will enjoy following your progress
  19. It is a pain, the busy show calender at this time of year but I think Mike is right. If any were to be moved I think you would be talking months not weeks. As regards to the punter, I wonder how many people who went to Toytrac, went to Spalding the week before? Not enough to move it for their convenience I should think! While some of us look at the shows as a year long plan, you must remember they are regional and more people probably don't look at it in the same way. I am sure most treat one show as an annual event, so the timing of each show is less critical for those punters as to whether it clashes with any others.
  20. Did he tell you to say that?!
  21. Nice one Mike, a bit if recognition for your work goes a long way. Nice to hear you got some positive and personal feedback. Can I have your signature now before you start charging?!
  22. Doesn't look too bad does that, apart from them super daft climbing frames stuck on each corner!
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