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Everything posted by Deere-est

  1. Nothing other than three strategically placed triangles I am sure, John!! Traci rolled her eyes and yawned, Mark. Women, no understanding!
  2. Picked up Zia today :) Of course, being the mature kind of chap I am, I havn't once enjoyed winding her up....... :'(
  3. Nice scenes you have made up there, Tim. Look forward to the hedge planting ones next
  4. Thanks guys, it couldn't have come at a better time. What a Christmas present! Certainly put a lighter mood in the house knowing the next year will get off to a positive start. Not at the cement works, Mark that had all but ceased now, I think it is just a distribution centre now for bagged products. Natalie will land herself something soon I am sure, Bob. Got to keep positive. Are there any nursing agencies where she may be able to find work? The rates are often quite good here for that kind of thing.
  5. Well after six uncertain weeks, very few job opportunities and just three interviews, Traci has just beaten 48 other applicants to a tidy job with a national company here in Westbury. Start date. 3rd of Jan. Very, very happy days!! :) :)
  6. Dappa Patrick, there Mark. He hasn't half got a proud stance. So much so infact, you'd never guess he has a tase for ring binders and MF jackets!! I was pleased to have met him last week and have a 'chat' with him, he's got a lot to say bless him..... Even if some of his hot air comes from the other end! Still don't think that was him mind.... Counting down the days until we pick up Zia now. Here at 6wks.
  7. It is a new release from Norscot. Released at Agritechnica and available now but probably more widely available in the new year, I think it is in the region of £70.
  8. You forgot to say yours . ... ? Deutz TTV 630. Purely because I never have and would love to drive one.
  9. Cefwyn Davies (Ken). I have four of his implements I think, each one is a little beaut.
  10. Hey this is a great model. The crane is nice, the finished chipper is fantastic and the warning decals really finish the model off. It is nice to see something different being built.
  11. Christ, bit more advanced than Babbacombe isn't it!
  12. Beautiful, what an absolute beauty you have made there. No detail or realism spared at all. Perfect
  13. Heat gun at the bulls! :laugh: You're a crafty fellow, Graham. You are loaded with tips and ideas on how to do things, I'd have never have thought of that. Mark did a nice job refurbishing that 3050 for Kestler Farm. Oh, where does the name Kestler come from?
  14. Fliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiipping heck Mr C!!! :of That's a beauty. No need to apologise for resurrecting an old topic with photos like that!! :)
  15. Nice close up action shots, Tim. Look forward to the new pictures you mention
  16. I flipping love it. I keep saying it but I must come down to see you, matey
  17. That building really is lovely, so much work with all the detail you gave put into the interior.
  18. Deere-est


    It's done a lot but lose a lot of straw doing it and on stoney ground you can pull stones into the swaths. Yes, the four rotor rakes are common place for going ahead of foragers and big bakers, especially in lighter crops.
  19. He looks like he'll wreck everything he lays his paws on..... Just the way all kitties start! A bundle of joy I am sure. I may be able to add to this Topic on Christmas Eve ...
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