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Everything posted by Deere-est

  1. Ford is looking nice, look forward to seeing the first pre-production/samples... Malvern maybe? Is thatva little Massey loader? Even that round baler looks pretty bang with all the workings under the panel.
  2. I would say, given the answer above your reply that felt would not give the effect half as well!!
  3. That looks superb now, takes the overal interior appearance up a few levels. Very nice work indeed.
  4. Look forward to seeing some of your Britians collection, I am now collecting the toys I had as a kid. Got some nice additions in the last year or two. Having a 'want list and gradually working through it, obtaining those once dear toys again at good prices in good condition adds some excitement to the hobby. I see some collections growing with no real direction, seems somewhat hollow for one description. What and how do you collect?
  5. Crikey O'Reilly, Mark!! Did you get shut in the attic or something? Looks like a sudden bout of inspiration you have had and you're certainly producing some fine models with it. Not to mention putting some of us more ahem... dormant layout fans to shame to boot!! \
  6. Something I know as much about as heart surgery but taking a model as just a model. .. ....... .. That's a flipping beeeeeauty!!
  7. Bit of weight on that and some different tines, bean drill!
  8. Vitter yeah! Lovely photos and scenes from different jobs through the year. Like it.
  9. That is a wonderful diorama, the depth of detail seen in the close up shots give thw impression of a much larger layout. Very nice to see something in a different scale and from someone not primarily a model farm enthusiast. Please post more of what you do/have done.
  10. Good size shed matey. It will look great all kitted out with power tools and workbenches and so on.
  11. That's not a Howard lorry picking that gear up Like the lorry, Brian. Nice colour and the super singles look good on the front too. Look forward to some more pics when you get back to it
  12. Wow! That is a lovely model you have made of a nice size machine. I look forward to seeing that with the decals on 8)
  13. I know what you mean about time, some weeks I wish I had 9 days!! It looks real smart with the tree being chipped up.
  14. Popular export machine now, Colm. I've picked up a few over the last year, suprising what good nick many are still in aswell.
  15. That is just brilliant, is it based on a real machine in your area? I have not seen all that many people modify this model Unimog, so yours is even better. Such a nice change to see. Will you make a diorama for it? Who makes the chopper?
  16. Some do but not many because insurance companiea do not always like it. Metal tanks are on their way out dye to ultra low sulphur diesel having a bacteria which can multiply in metal tanks but not in newer plastic/gdp tanks.
  17. Exactly that happened to a spreading customer. He ended up having to foot the bill for a polluted water course........ A breakdown followed and the poor chap is now in a care home. All due to a group of pikeys.
  18. Same down here, Gav. Drilling is no good as they can get award in their highly prized loot! Many tractors don't even come with a locking cap nowadays, cheaper to let the diesel be stolen than have to pay or claim for the tank too. Sad state of affairs
  19. To continue on the same themes. 2011 was meant to be the reincarnation of Leverets Farm. It never happened... Will it happen in 2012 is the question..... \
  20. Smart, Jamie. You have made a nice model for yourself there bud.
  21. Merry Christmas to all of our members the world over. I hope you have a very enjoyable time over the Christmas and New Year periods. All the very best in the new year everyone and here's to another fine 12 months at the top of the hobby for Farmtoys Forum and Model Farmer
  22. Edited my reply, forgot the pic! Spot the dog, isn't she dinky?!
  23. She is now officially ours! Brought her home at lunch time today and so far she had done a lot of sleeping....... a restless night ahead possibly? \ Zia is so full of character though, not scared of anything, loves a cuddle, game for a good play ans already heading for the door for toilet time...... not always making it in time though New house, new people, new sights and sounds, it must be a lot for her to take in, which calls for a knap.....
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