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Everything posted by Deere-est

  1. Oi Barrett I flipping heard that. ... There's a beer named after you and it ain't Indian Pale Ale either!!! (Or Bishops Finger!) :laugh: :laugh:
  2. Make one vibrate, they'll love it!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  3. Hello Emily and welcome to FTF. Your user name would suit many people here!! :laugh: Just one thing though, I see you mention 'growing up'. .. ... . you don't fool us!! We have all tried to use that excuse but then when it comes down to it, we're all kids at heart and enjoy the farm toys now as much as we did in our younger years. Although you'll see now we call them . . .. .. Models. . .. just to try and sound more eligible!! :laugh: Enjoy the site, get stuck and like Gav said - get to a show. There are three UK shows coming up in Spalding, Lincs; Wincanton, Somerset and Penrith, Cumbria. Not forgetting the international one in Zwolle, Holland which many members travel for over. All the best, Tris.
  4. Thanks folks. Fortunately I have worked my socks off this . . Ahem. . . Summer and with another good pay cheque to come the essentials will be covered for a little while. Traci has already applied for over twenty jobs and signed up to half a dozen local agencies. Fingers crossed, sensible decisions and take on as much work as I can and we'll be doing our best.
  5. Albion Alloys are very very helpful. .. http://www.albionalloys.co.uk/metal-for-model-makers
  6. One of the most crucial of farm implements in the last fifty years and never made by a 1.32 manufacturer! You've done a great job on this mate, bloody good job :)
  7. Wonderful shots, Jordan. Really nice captures there buddy. Plenty of dust from the dry sandy soil up there. Not too many bods in the backgrounds spoiling the pics either I did notice the big RoGator sprayer, did the play with the suspension at all so you could see the clearance?
  8. No. Do people want one? Hell yeah!!! :laugh:
  9. Very nice finishing touches, Johny. Even the stickers make a difference but the linkage is very very nice. One question though, does anybody make the headlights in clear plastic instead of painting them silver?
  10. I'll ask at work on Monday if you don't have any luck in between times.
  11. You're rig is a smart looking bit of kit with all that machinery wrapped around it mate, smaaaaart 8)
  12. Deere-est

    Schuco 2011

    Never driven one .. ... never seen one. . .. won't be buying one. That said, it's a fantastic looking model from Shuco!
  13. Sorry to hear about the farm dog, Tim. Horrible time it is, I know how you feel buddy. Well, Traci had her meeting and the administration team she makes up the most amount of work in has been told they are to be made redundant. Four weeks work and two weeks pay after that and then she's out on her ear. Doubt will see the decision makers take a voluntary pay cut. . . . The charity from what Traci has said over time would be better run in the hands of baboons and I think she's better out of there anyway. Doesn't really help the immediate future though!
  14. A day on the farm today. Shifting silage bales at the moment. Had a day of it all round yesterday. Got caught up in Tilbury for three hours due to the DAF LF and the MF595 not being booked in by the shipping company. During that the Howard that came with me for the day fell when a ratchet slipped and he has broken his arm. . . 8am that happened and he waited 'till we got home via Cheffins at 18.30 to be taken to hospital Meanwhile one of the chaps who helps on the farm had to go to hospital after his chest was on the receiving end of a back hoof of a year old bull. . . Ouch. Today, infact just about now; Traci will find out if she is one of the redundancies planned by her work
  15. You'll enjoy that, Tommy! I'm about to leave for Tilbury again. I have a Mercedes mini-coach to drop off this time. After Tilbury it's over the Dartford Bridge and along to Sheerness to drop off an MF165 and then home via Tunbridge Wells to pick up an MF2640
  16. Alcatraz, Sean?! Heading home from Cheffins with a pretty tidy MF188, MF290 turbo 4wd, an MF375 4wd and an Opico 3 leg Swardlifter which is for the farm. Pics later of course
  17. Stunning! Some of those photos look like they'd be at home in an album made in America or Australia, nice when so much machinery is on the go at the same time. Gives a real sense of urgency towards the task in hand.
  18. No wonder they come on such bit tyres then, no good for top work!! :laugh:
  19. Think that's the fourth time you have said that! :laugh: It is still you doing the work mate so all the credit goes to your hands for doing it
  20. Nice to see what you are doing, Ol. Your cows are out at grass are they or ar they housed and forage brought to them?
  21. I like this model mate, I like what you have done with it :)
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