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Everything posted by Deere-est

  1. Will he be doing that the quick way - via the floor?!! :laugh: Congratulations to all of you.
  2. One of the blokes at work has the HTC the same as Traci has got and today he found an App for HGV drivers ours, they think of everything! It has buttons to press as would be on a digital tachograph and a count down timer to remind you of when to stop or when you are able to drive again. It also works out your fortnightly and three weekly averages!!
  3. Just finished pointing in the last of the slabs :) :) Now on to the next project, railway sleepers around the edges.
  4. Look at all them home built models, certainly look the part on the diorama, Pete. Smart as! 8)
  5. Ah ha, great plains country eh?!
  6. A very warm welcome to the Farmtoys Forum. I would recommend casting your eye through the farm layouts board, Riche has some fantastic 1:87 layouts, one of which has a Hornby train set up running through. He also has a newer project on the go but the name of the layout escapes me. I'm sure someone will pop a link up if I don't later on. In any case, enjoy the community feel FTF encourages and get stuck in Tris.
  7. There is a topic on hobby tools somewhere, I think there are some cutting tools mentioned in it with pictures
  8. I go by 20ft bays between the stauncheons with no set width as that depends on the shed use.
  9. As have some Deutz tractors and yet JCB have reversed their trend - even though some models had a degree of rear wheel steer. I think a lot of it comes down to it 'not looking right' to the old school farmers. As more 'academics' come into the industry and year on year technology is embraced by the user, trends may well change. After all, horses didn't have two short legs at the front and they worked fine! :laugh:
  10. Nice photos Tommy, where are you chaps hauling the straw back form then?
  11. Mixed bag for me today Woke up near Sidford after loading the third of yesterdays tractors, an MF698t 4wd. Headed back to the yard and unloaded the MF along with a JD2450 from Camelford and a Case 844 from Helston. Drove over to the rented farm to load hay. Treated a calf with iodine concentrate around it's hooves as it has mites. Now turning oat straw with a white top Ford 7740 4wd and Haybob. Tomorrow it's off to Wales to deliver hay! :)
  12. Blimey, you don't mind the studying then?! What's the long term plan then?
  13. :D Indeed I will. . . Is it finished yet?!
  14. You beauty!! Hahahahah!!! I knew you'd not rest. . . I also knew you'd make a corker too and I look forward to seeing it coming along in due course. :) :)
  15. Well done Simon, hard work I have no doubt and I bet you have deserved a well earned break from the revising and studying!
  16. A lot of straw being moved around up hear too Paul, there has been a lot out in the rain over the past week. I'm heading down to Penzance tomorrow, then Helston, up to Camelford and then home via Sidmouth with a bit of luck. I hope I see plenty of scrabbling going on as we are in for some rubbish weather again as far as I hear. Nice photo of the two machines unloading together Mark
  17. Nice looking combine that. I hope it serves well Joe, did they have a Massey before this one and are there many in the area?
  18. Go to page 13 of this Topic, Jordan. The bale trailer and the new John Deere is there along with the NH T thingy.
  19. That's taken fine shape Ian and whether it looks 'rough' as you say or not, the main thing is it looks like a 399 at first glance so you ain't done that bad! :)
  20. It is certainly nice now and again Ol. That bale feeder is still the only one I have ever seen, even in photo format.
  21. Christ, yeah I'd say so given their huge stock and national coverage and so on. What a gutter. Will it see another season with you then or go on a boat before then? And up to £6k worth of work to do on it now too, talk about being up against it mate. Hope it all works out for you chaps.
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