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Everything posted by Deere-est

  1. He gets the orange Jaffa piece after you have sucked the chocolate and nibbled the base off of it, Rob. That's his medal :laugh:
  2. Just a thought as a way to 'get in with the right people' so to speak. Like you, I am not from a farming background. My first farm job came by when a farm I used to go beating on changed hands. I was there for 5 years part and full time in the end. So see if you can go beating on some local shoots, above all else it's an interest to go on that C.V and very enjoyable. Also, Young Farmers Club. Another way of mixing with those in farming and an enjoyable interest too
  3. It's natural to be judged Jordan, regardless of your walk of life. Especially if you're going to plaster the ins and outs of your employment history on websites such as Facebook and forums. I've not judged you in my posts, I've given you some of what you asked for from my own experience and opinion. Some replies in this topic are less than useful admittedly but you'll be able to skip them and concentrate on the posts which refer to what it is you are asking. Even Mark mentioning giving out personal details on an open Forum was helpful and you bit back. Nobody is painting you in a bad light but you risk doing it yourself I'm afraid. For what it's worth I don't think you're a bad chap, you're keen, you're interested, you're actively doing something in job seeking, you're at college - all of these bode well for you.
  4. If they're always taking people on, they must always be getting rid of people too. . . . .
  5. Shorten that cv! Nobody wants to read a four page CV especially from someone still mastering the art of shaving :D Visit farmerr directly and in person with a C.V, covering letter and references or at the very least referee 'phone numbers. Farming does offer less and less jobs due to mergers, bigger kit and tighter budgets but there is always a place for keen, interested, willing, polite and well mannered people. At 17 you're not going to set the world alight so try not to think you can. At the moment most of what you've got comes from your attitude and that has to be right to get anyone to look at you further. It sounds like you have contacted lots of people but if you're going about it in the wrong way you are burning bridges rather than building them. It's a hard time of year to get a job in agriculture in any case really I suppose. If it's a case of NEEDING money, you may have look elsewhere. Anyone will tell you, being to get a job when you're unemployed is very, very difficult. Sorry if all that sounds down beat mate but sometimes the answers to our questions are a lot closer than we think.
  6. Can't college help you with something? This has been a summer of learning for you hasn't it. . . You could still be earning at JRO Griffiths (where you were before the last place?)!! What kind of places are you trying, how are you approaching them, have you any references, have you a CV?
  7. I picked up a 36m Bateman earlier in the year. It was one of three on the farm. Two are being replace with one Challenger RoGator . . .. I don't think that means it has 72m booms though :laugh: :laugh: But it goes to show how the big boys are thinking when it comes to machinery replacement, getting the most out of something and of course - owning one of these!
  8. The only one I have is the Plow City one, 8630 or something?
  9. Nice photo's Pete. It is good to see another year being taken by the TX34, tidy example they have there As for those two Deeres and the new plough. . . . smart! Those Trio's are a damn good bit of kit. They do a grassland subsoiler now which I think someone is keen to try out. . . just have not got a tractor big enough to pull it!
  10. That's a fine collection of JD artics, David. Quite authentic for many a farm with strong JD blood on the grain trail of the USA too 8)
  11. No, it looks like it would carry more weight than 12.5t. Secondly, I guess by it's construction it is not made for volume like a silage trailer and so on would be but for weight - soil, root crops etc.
  12. Nice sights there, Tim. Where abouts did you see these?
  13. I want to go and play with the Valtras :'( Only 12.5t?! It looks a much bigger trailer than that. I guess it is built for weight and not volume.
  14. Very nice, the red of the hubs and nuts looks good against the silver wheels.
  15. Smart bit of kit is that Looking forward to seeing the final version all done up.
  16. Looks like the diesel companies in Holland are making some money with all these machines hard at work!! Nice photos Erik, always something slightly different to see when you guys over there post up your pics :) I am surprised by the size of that Joskin on the 2140 though!
  17. Fantastic photo, Mark. :) Traci's put the brakes on our GSD pup for October :'( Thinks the house isn't ready enough and winter is a bad time to take a pup on. .. .. ( I suppose .. ... she's right)
  18. :laugh: :laugh: I used to love discing. One of them jobs where you could crack one with it. Was it done once or did you disc 21 acres twice?
  19. Day off the straw to have a reduced break, been shipping away at the mortar on the outside wall again ...
  20. Hauling straw at last! Did a load yesterday, will do two today and probably one tomorrow all from Marlborough to just south of Bristol. Some lovely spring barley straw it is too. Looks quite a picture navigating Bath I should think!
  21. There are stacks of pics of it on here, have a look in Other Conversions. 'convo' has repainted half a dozen or so!
  22. Wish Kieth Paice was still building, he did lovely harrows similar to these out of brass/white metal.
  23. Good Morning Lee and a big welcome to Farmtoys Forum. You'll be glad you found us There is a wealth of interesting stuff here waiting for you. From lead figures, old Britains to the very latest releases and custom built models. BC even posts pics of his rotten spuds if you like that kind of thing. I must also sugges the magazine produced by Andy the site owner and a team of volunteers, Model Farmer. A superb bi-monthly read. I myself collect 32nd replicas of machines I have driven and I am also gradually re-collecting my childhood Britains collection with MIB replicas. Enjoy your time on FTF and don't be afraid to offer some sarcasm and wit. Tris.
  24. From what I can find of them on the net, they look horrific!! Not a patch on Welly and falling a fair way behind even Newray!
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