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Everything posted by Deere-est

  1. Got the sky backgrounds today - Superb! Getting all the bits together bit by bit. Hope to make a proper start over the next week or two. Still got a gert shed to build for Tim too Thanks for the feedback Lady and gents :)
  2. Thanks Johnny I had some very nice gates arrive in the post this morning so they will be fitted onto a small board and made ready for the shelf soon
  3. Just the bedroom floor for now, Paul. Have a few more things coming from Mandy and some more ideas to get to the 'made' stage and I may get somewhere! Thanks for the compliments gents
  4. Pleasing to be able to have a mess about again, I bet. Nice update there :)
  5. Nice photo's Erik. I also echo the comments made about the three NH's, nice to see a good dose of the yellow out there bringing in the harvest As for the CVX'x, well you they are the one for me :)
  6. Well, a few ideas I am messing with at the moment. I have a set of shelves which I want to display my models on but in a slightly different way. Obviously the space is limited being on a shelf but I still want some depth to the way my models are displayed. Here are a couple of backgrounds I have mocked a bit quick to give myself an idea on how to do a few things. It also makes for a nice backdrop for when I get around to photographing my collections. A quick play around with the basics, no guttering or anything like that yet and this is just propped up on the bedroom floor! Did realise the photos had come out quite so grainy so forgive me on that!
  7. Coming along nicely, Paul. Plenty going on but not too much if you know what I mean. Nice updates.
  8. Nice updates Sean. Council trimming with no signs, flashing beacon or customary fluorescent vest on the back of the seat? Disgraceful! :laugh:
  9. Beauties, all of them and what lovely condition they are in as well.
  10. Great photos Jordan and mrol, very nice indeed. Slashing down here, very heavy showers all day with thunder and lightening in close proximity do I doubt I'll be on any straw for a few days now.
  11. Similar here, with a few mates at Bathampton Mill after a few beers on my mates boat and in Bath last night.
  12. Very nice flat 8 sledge here, http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/scratch-built-flat-8-bale-sledge-britains-farm-/320739180051?pt=UK_ToysGames_DiecastVehicles_DiecastVehicles_JN&hash=item4aad8b7e13
  13. Absolutely outstanding!!! Looks very very smart with all the company decals on the container. I love the models you make
  14. I can find out for ya! I have a feeling it is sold to be honest. Lovely looking machine though, stands really proud. Much like I reckon Johnny's model will look when it is done. Will it be on your table at Zwolle, Johnny boy? :)
  15. Muuuuuuuuuuuch better!!! Nice bit of harvest dust too, Paul.
  16. Everybody.. .. Buy a hat!!!! The wedding is on!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I know what you mean Bob, I bet that Dirty Six sounds lovely
  17. I'll get some more as soon as I can buddy and I'll have a hunt round for any old frames.
  18. Two 15ft gate sets, two cloudy sky backgrounds and two clear sky backgroumds all from HLT.
  19. Neither are the Lexions :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  20. Please don't show me the 3095. . .. it will be too much for me! :laugh:
  21. Any good Sean? I can get more close ups if you like. I just grabbed these a bit quick for Marcus.
  22. * Beautiful!! I have bought a 3080 to make a 3065 and I also would like to make a 3095. We had these tractors at college. Luismi makes a very nice 3065
  23. Must be a privilege to know your items end up on such outstanding layouts Mandy. Only the best for some people :)
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