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Everything posted by AlexMF

  1. that Deutz Fahr 8.31 also, holy image size batman!
  2. i organised a house party for philosophy society last night, raging success! so happy!
  3. i was coming back from my mates in the park in kensington this morning, back to my place at childwall in a taxi, after 5mins driving down shial road some scouse **** threw a firecracker at my taxi. at 13:45 for god's sake!
  4. in the words of Jason statham in ****** "proper f*cked!" in the words of my grandad, ex electrical engineer/ inspector and snap on tool enthusiast "lending your tools out is like lending your missus out, it either comes back f*cked or not at all"
  5. i know nothing about its tech specs but, my gosh it's ugly!
  6. instructions are for when you've tried to do it without them and it's gone horribly wrong!
  7. which uni is she at? Uni of liverpool/ hope/ LJMU? what course? as for the rest of you, don't hate the player hate the game.
  8. despite paying for a TV license 2 weeks ago, I have arrived home to a wonderfully threatening letter from the TV licensing people expressing their wish to take me to court.
  9. woke up drunk at 10am, in uni 12-1830 (2 lectures, gym and a debate) cooked "leftover surprise" at home for myself and house mate's dinner. productive day all things considered.... .
  10. oh now that, (despite still being a bit drunk from last night) is hilarious.
  11. virgin media fibre optic broadband all the way marky. leaves AOL for dead!
  12. gutted i missed the show, too busy abusing my liver in 'pool!
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