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Tommy Gough

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Posts posted by Tommy Gough

  1. I am currently making a display and am trying to decide what tractors to have on it. One of the buildings is the small britains one and I would like to know two things

    1. Does the JCB 310 fit under the shed?

    2. If the answer to the first question is no, can you tell me the height of the model from the ground to the top of the cab?

    Any help will be appreciated.


  2. Great photos Tommy!

    Thanks for putting some up ;) Are you milking many now?

    Is it ai or stock bulls that you put with the cows?

    I believe that there are around 85 being milked at the moment.

    Nearly all ai now but we used to have an aberbeen angus stock bull to serve the heifers for the first time.

  3. I finally got round to taking some pictures to put here. If you have any questions i will try to answer them but it may take some time for me to find out answers. Most of the pictures are of the young stock. I will get some of the milkers when  I get a chance.







  4. i've seen these trailers out & about but never taken any notice of them , got to say they look very well built, as for the bale trailer , yes the drawbar does look odd with no visable spring attatched to it !

    tommy it looks like the axles on you bale trailer could have been set a bit further forward , whats it ride & follow like ?

    It rides quite well actually but i think the 25 foot trailers have the wheels nearer the back as they dont seem to travel quite as well.

  5. not too many bales then, how long is the field,

    there was one of those sumos on demo at suckleys and they gave up with it as the 8345R could not cope with it, i bet it goes well on that quadtrac

    and some stunning scenery, plenty of flat land there

    good photos mate keep em coming

    I think the field is about a mile long and that combined with a good amount of straw equaled quite a few days hauling.

    I wish I had seen and heard the Quadtrac going but there was a lot of work for him away from the field we were in.

  6. I suppose one advantage with the square bales is you don't need to strap them on ...or do you if you are on the road ???

    For the journey we were doing we had them roped/straped on, which is a bit of a pain with that way of stacking because there aren't enough hooks for the ropes/straps. If they were to be turned through 90 degrees you could use two straps front to back but the downside for that is that our loader wont reach high enough to unload them properly.

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