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Posts posted by jdc

  1. Didn't bung her up again then John :D :D

    Poor old Graeme - I bet he was bitterly disappointed to get the Renault - maybe you should give him the 35 :D :D

    4t/ac is a fine yield especially if at 20% mc - most will be doing well to get 3.5t/ac over here and spring barley is only doing about 2.75t/ac unless there is a lot of dung/slurry gone on :(

    No sign of fusarium then ???

    He likes the Renault!!

    Looks like its about 4.5 average on second wheats. (at 14%)  No fusarium, Colm, low risk (in spite of rainfall) and a bloomin' good head spray.  ;D

  2. Big boy had to play with his new toy  :D :D

    Looks like a great job there John - did your neighbour lose the whole field then - must have given you a bit of a fright :D :D

    Lost about 1/3 of it plus 44 bales - baler was OK just needed a new wiring loom. I was two fields away and phoned for the fire brigade who did a good job of stopping it spreading.  :)

    We had a demo of a 3.5meter trio with air seeder on top,

    behind a 300hp challenger!

    Trio and seeder about £20,000 mark!

    Looked at those seeders, outrageous price for what they are....... :)

  3. Most round here would just like to cut something...anything!

    Wet straw is difficult to cut and doesn't slip through drum and beaters - greater load on these parts, heavier on straw walkers and v. v. difficult to chop. Wet grain doesn't separate well and is difficult to move through grain side and get out of tank! Basically the whole system is overloaded.

    Drying is expensive this year with gas/oil prices where they are. Over 20%, wheat takes a disproportionate amount a fuel to dry.

    Most damage up here is caused by pulling combines out of wet holes. Latest (true) tale near here is guy with Lex 600+ (tracks) gets well bogged, takes his two Cats to pull it out and apparently it's now a 600 + about 9 inches...... :D

  4. TT managed to take some photos today as we started the wheat - this is the first day of combining that the combine hasn't had rain on her!

    First field was a second wheat with a bit of take-all - yielded quite well though. Graeme is doing a good job on the Renault. He got some mud on the NH so has been relegated  ;D







  5. Nice looking implerment John.

    First thing that I noticed was the burnt stubble. ;)

    Paddock going into winter OSR next?

    It's getting late but will try and drill some OSR this week. Normally it's all drilled rolled and sprayed by 22nd! Thought about a Terracast or Einbock seeder for it but they are quite expensive.

    I've heard a lot of great reports on the sumo kit John. Seems to make a decent job wherever. Bit cheaper than Vaderstad too I bet??

    I thought it was the best out there at the moment. Cheaper than Vaderstad & Simba.

    Heavy bit of kit isn't it John?! That Claas 826 in my pics topic bounced quite merrily when he heaved it up out of the ground. What kind of depth can you get it down to before it get's too much?

    It bloomin' is! Need about a tonne on front to balance it - been told it's about 3.25t but quite long - built like a brick toilet. Sumo suggest you don't use a 'hook end' cat 3 top link but enclosed eye :o

    tidy combination john what sort of depth does that work at ?

    Can go to about 400 mm with subsoil legs but just running at about 250 mm for now and discs I guess around 125 mm.

    Bet that takes one hell of a pull JDC as our partners tryed one on there Case MX170 and it knew it was there to the point it would just spin. How do you rate it overall? Is it a demo or is it another new purchase ;):D

    I suppose you can kill any tractor with any machine...it's not so much wheelgrip with NH but power - although it was going up a fair steep hill at 8k and down as fast as you like! Optimum speed is around 10k. Only done 1 day with it in the wet and not much else would have left as good a finish as it did, but I like the design. It's bought and paid for.  ;D

  6. This arrived yesterday and as there wasn't much else I was able to do I had a wee shot at some barley stubble. It was waaay too wet but made a surprisingly good job.  :)  Takes a lot of pulling and lifting!





    Finished job.


    Before someone asks, my neighbour bought the field of straw but his baler caught fire and he lost most of it. Makes it nice and easy to till.  :)

  7. Anyway... never mind that Mr Cranberry... what's that warning light on below the GPS  :o :o

    Just the PTO indicator - it's actually amber.  ;)

    Was you using it for spraying then? Whats it like to set up?

    I was spraying on tramlines but running it to see how it works. Dead easy to setup, and I'm overlaying the maps from here onto my mapping program and they are spot on. Going to use it for just about everything from now on.  ;D

  8. I'm sure I'm not the only one on here using GPS but here's a pic of the display from the other evening.

    The covered area is yellow, red lines are previous passes, blue lines those to come.

    LEDs at top indicate offline - three greens in centre means dead on, 12 reds to each side indicating how far off mark.

    It does a whole lot more too - a great bit of kit.  :D


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