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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. Cheers guys, Taarup ones are currently drying and the Lely and JF ones are about to be painted
  2. First one from a new batch today, this time a Vicon
  3. Trying to drill a hole in my finger while fitting hoses to trailers....for once the drill bit was sharp :'(
  4. Standard aerosol car paints like you buy from Halfords or any motor factors shop will do fine for the job
  5. TS135A, one of the thirstiest tractors I've ever driven on hard work
  6. Had to deliver some oil to a firm called Bronzeshield lifting Ltd today, didn't think it would be anything exciting until I saw this brand new beast out the front of the workshop ;D Just had to get some pictures of it (whilst trying not to be spotted with my phone doing it) :D
  7. Been delivering oil around mid Norfolk and the Broadland area today, got a couple of interesting pics on my phone today
  8. You should be on her like a Jack Russell on a rabbit when you get a girl acting like that around you Matty :D
  9. Mars red may be too orange, i'd try Ford Radiant red or BMW bright red
  10. Painting and assembling more root trailers, "adjusting" aerials to fit and assembling beet harvesters
  11. Making more decals and painting more models, getting a nice lot of decals now
  12. Take a look here Adam http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/index.php?topic=6844.0
  13. I seem to remember you were only following orders as well Marky..... :D
  14. Sorry to hear that and I'm sure that she will recover fully from it. The main thing is that they've caught it in the early stages, which from personal experiences with the disease is a big help. I hope everything goes ok for Alison and yourself
  15. I am, the paint is currently drying on some more yellow trailers :P
  16. I haven't, there's still the ploughs, drills, rakes and spares yet
  17. The majority of the models in the picture are for Spalding, a couple are for orders though
  18. I think I need a bigger workbench......... :D Trailers and beet harvesters at the minute
  19. Take a look at my Bunning Root Trailer topic, the blue used in there is Vauxhall Aruba Blue if thats a match for you
  20. Amazing how quickly some of you have forgotten the subject of a certain message that you were sent yesterday, please stick to the topic and conduct conversations like this one on MSN, your next warning will be a pm if this continues Murray, Cerin and Henry
  21. Ask Dan (alpinefocus), he should be able to help you on that one
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