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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. As Colm says, if you let one of us know we can get a list together of those that may need to be brought to task, as you may have some different names to the ones that we already are aware of
  2. yeah, 2 12.5kg of grease at one, a 205l of engine oil at the other and one 205l of hydraulic oil in Maldon
  3. Been out delivering oil today, couple of drops near Norwich then one drop at Maldon in Essex
  4. Should get to you first then us later/tomorrow, affecting the south worse than the north apparently
  5. The shop I get my paint from has sold out of the red I use for my beet harvesters....well failed to replace it after I cleared them out earlier last week :
  6. I have AVG as well and mine was doing the same so I disabled the auto test bit of it that started up as soon as the computer was running, it's much better now
  7. Ditto, prepared and painted 50% of the parts for 6 red beet harvesters today along with some trailer parts, still am painting them for that matter
  8. Happy Birthday Simon, have a good one, I would say don't drink to much but...... :D
  9. Thats no fair, I asked if you could be in the same place again so that I could annoy you during the day :D
  10. It's currently due for delivery some time in April I believe Matty, Marky is pacing up and down like a Father in waiting :D
  11. Got my stand numbers through this morning, will be in the same place as last time at the far end of the small hall
  12. Currently looking at it on my desk trying to work out how to mold it, desperately want it done for Spalding if I can
  13. Been busy updating the site in the past few days so there's several new items on there and better still for you guys there's even some price reductions been made. Any feedback is welcome
  14. I'll never turn a customer away if there's something that they want
  15. Cheers guys. JDM, I've run out of the Siku mowers at the minute but as soon as I get some more in I'll be doing a few more in various brands
  16. Done two more in different colours, let me know what you think Pottinger Claas
  17. About 1.4 tonnes, the 1402 relates to how many litres the spread holds, ie.1400 and you can roughly allow a kg per litre of fertiliser from when i used an amazone, it held 2000 litres and I could get 4 bags in it if it was right empty (500kg bag days)
  18. I used to hate loading the things up, it was bad enough combining them if I had to get out for anything. No off the shelf antih's work on them though, I used to be on prescription ones through harvest to control the itching \
  19. At least Ford and Ferguson bits are easier to find....you try finding parts for early Nuffields, took us 3 years to source one part for the one restored and when we wanted spark plugs for it they were ?16 each :o
  20. Local newsagent here is waiting for it to come in still so might only have been recieved by subscribers at the minute
  21. Well at least you didn't say working as we all know that would be a lie :D
  22. I bet you're itching in places you didn't know you could itch with them damned things, they're worse than Barley :o
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