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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. Watch this space Spoke to the manager there this morning, said I got your letter last night, all he said was "oh right", I'm now exploring the legal side of how they have gone about making me redundant, especially while I'm signed off work by the Dr \
  2. I could do that or I could just make a call to the relevant authorities about the lack of cleaning when moving between turkey farms ie- there is nothing cleaned or disinfected!!
  3. Got an update to the situation now, Heard the letterbox go at 630 tonight, letter pushed through saying I was being made redundant from my current job due to lack of work caused by bird flu, thought it was nice of them, they didn't even knock!! Had no contact with them by phone about it, just a letter out of the blue, think that shows what sort of a firm they are to work for \
  4. I don't think that would work as you wouldn't be applying the force right then, stick to the hammer and punch method, you're less likely to damage it than you are with a G clamp
  5. The way i do them is similar to Mike, I lay the tractor on its sid with a nut or something similar between that and the work surface making sure that the hole in the nut is under the axle then take a parallel pin punch and hammer and tap the axle rod from the other side, easy enough to do like that on the back wheels You wouldn't be able to do it with a G clamp as it would just prees the rings on tighter
  6. Thanks, not used to all these compliments hence the red :D I'll get you some more pictures from different angles on the next one, this ones all boxed up now
  7. I'm going to have to send a bottle with it as this rate, eitherthat or get the medics on standby when you open it :D :D
  8. forgot to mention......I also got some warning stickers which are now fitted to it
  9. Thanks Marky. You're making me go all red here :D You get me the steel and I can do it, size knows no limits :D
  10. Thanks Marky The rams came in the post today so it won't be long before the pics are here for all to see
  11. Never believe what the brochures say, they never seem to test them on the tough land like most of what I was ploughing \ If it had been that good Dowdeswell wouldn't have dropped it from the range when they bought Volac
  12. Yeah from what he said this morning he'll be doing the combining whilst myself and his son are out with the 2 Welgar balers on contract work. Never done any baling but I'm really looking forward to it, something I've always wanted to do
  13. The new place is about 3-4 miles from my door so it'll save 24 miles a day on my journey, or in other words nearly a gallon of diesel a day
  14. Erm..... No, you told us that you'd given up smoking Unless of course you want to use the petrol to keep Fanny warm :D
  15. Thanks Mark, i hope it does too, like going back in time really as my Grand Father worked for his Father years ago
  16. Ok I'll come clean, over the past week between working on orders I have been casting press wheels and seed hoppers in resin ready to start making a few maize drills up once I get a few orders cleared
  17. Thanks Garret, Should work well like that as if its wet I'll be at home and during slack times so i can do the models then
  18. I totally agree, may not be for much longer though........................
  19. I used to use a Volac disc plough a few years ago and can whole heartedly say that it was the biggest heap of excrement i've ever had the misfortune to use, it wasn't too bad on the really light soil but most of the time there was more stubble showing than soil \
  20. Thanks guys It's based at a place called Mattishall near Dereham here in Norfolk
  21. Cheers Martin, no idea on age, I've seen it every year for the past 5 years as it turns out as they had some land joining where I used top work but I've never paid much attention as I was always on the Lexion at the time Cheers Luke, looking forward to it, shame about the TSA though
  22. Thanks Barry. I can't make enough doing the scratch building alone but this proves a good answer to the problem as it could only be 2 or 3 days a week some of the time giving me time to do the models as well
  23. After a few weeks off sick I have now decided to give up my current job on health grounds. This morning I have managed to land a job on self employed terms with a 1000 acre family farm which also does some contracting, especially midi hesston baling using Welgar machines. My jobs would be spraying, baling, ploughing, drilling and muck spreading along with maintainence jobs. Machinery fleet that I know of at the minute consists of NH TM175, TSA135, there is another NH or two but not sure what, also one McCormick, combine is a NH TX66 20'. As soon as I get a chance I shall get pictures for you all to see
  24. No probs, I'll scan them sometime tomorrow for you
  25. If you want a leaflet on them let me know as I still have most of Dads selection here, I know there's several TL ones in among them
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