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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. Not sure but I'll think of something Never say you have money round me or I'll try and find a way to relieve you of the burden :D
  2. You mean I haven't taken it all yet? Have to try harder I reckon.......... :D
  3. I used to use a Matbro TS280, a great machine but for the amount of hub trouble it gave us, it has since burnt out due to an electrical fault. I have to say i'm biased on older telehandlers as my Dad sold Sandersons from 1987 up till his death in 1997. The last range that they had out, the TL6 and TL7 were a very popular machine about here and are now quite affordable, there never seemed to be a lot of warranty trouble with them and unlike the previous models no longer used the unreliable ford engines, if its pivot steer then there was the GX525 which having used i can say was a nice machine. Last TL7 I for sale was a 1997 model with 2500hrs on it and was up for ?9k. TL7 lifting to 7m, TL6 to 6m
  4. We used to run a 1990 525-67 where I worked before, she would carry 2.5 tons at a push and had a 7m reach. The old thing had done 7500hrs and was still in good working order, the only repairs were general wear and tear like ram seals and brakes, ok so it lacked air con and joystick controls but iI always found it a nice machine to use as long as they are blown out and washed down regularly you won't get a lot of trouble, one thing to look for if it's going to get a lot of prolonged use is one thats had the cooloing system upgrade with a bigger radiator as the standard models will overheat on road runs or during heavy use
  5. We didn't want one of our valued members getting electrocuted :D
  6. Yeah there certainly is No one on here knows about the...................................
  7. That was supposed to be our little secret : :D :D
  8. [ [ You've made me go red now I'm only too pleased to be able to help out, if we can't help each other out on here then its a poor state of affairs really
  9. Think we'd better get the waterproof keyboard and sponge on standby here :D :D
  10. You'll have it soon enough, in the meantime I'll keep teasing you :D Hoping that the rams will come tomorrow then I can get the deck finished and crossed off the list, that just leaves the blower then
  11. They definately weren't on the Renaults as they were a good 6 inches in from the rim, I doubt they are on the MF either as the holes are not usually big enough to get your hands through
  12. Story of my life really not to worry, worth a try thanks
  13. A nice pair of tractors even if they are Massey's Martin :D I noticed that on my old Renault 836 and the 816, the only reason that we could think of was for stress relief, don't know if thats right or not \
  14. I have them in front of me at the minute Sean and I've been trying to break them as a test by twisting and pressing on them but haven't managed as yet
  15. Out of the Manitou and the Claas i'd pick the Claas, from speaking to fitters and local farmers about handlers a few months back those that have the later Targo's speak highly of them, the fitters said they are a good machine but steer clear of the early ones, the Manitou people told a different story, my old bosses cousin won't even use the Manitou dealer for anything anymore because of the sheer amount of trouble the machine has been and the poor service, our engineer when i was there maintained it and he was fed up with having to go out to it so much for so many different problems, sadly his isn't the only one. Most people about here run JCB's now and the odd one or two Merlo's and Claas's.
  16. So this is the project you've been telling me about then, looks very good to me
  17. Well if he's going to do it that way why bother to put them in an auction listing, its not going to make what he thinks it should every time
  18. There should be rules against that sort of activity, shouldn't be more than ?2.00 really \
  19. Thanks for the comments guys, still got to make and fit the beaters and rams but its as good as finished now
  20. I think the chrome paint really sets it off nicely, let me know what you think
  21. The deck has now had a coat of red paint, a reasonable match for NH red to match the accompanying blower. The slats in the bed have had a coat of chrome paint to make it look like lifelike
  22. What would you use them for on a potato planter though? The only thing I can think of seeing on them is the Horstine Farmery type pesticide applicators \
  23. Another very nice job Marcus, The wheels off the Deutz certainly do make the tractor look much better as does the weight block
  24. Thanks Garret, only too glad to be of assistance. You've made me blush now :D I'm glad that you had the info on this as I spent over an hour yesterday afternoon trying to find colour pictures of it on the internet with no success, all I could find was the document that you had sent me \
  25. Very nice Jason, thought this might have been what you were up to after seeing your comment in the topic on the real ones. The Cougar wheels look just right on it
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