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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. I've been suffering on and off with flu symptoms and chest problems for the last 5 weeks \ Its at Holton, near Halesworth Sean
  2. no, i didn't get to that site but i have been on the machines what were there since they came away, don't know the details on it yet
  3. You numpty! they were turkey's :D Bit worried actually as where i work we muck out all Matthews sheds and were at that farm not more than a few weeks ago \
  4. Happy Birthday Marky, just think some things get better with age, then again............. :D
  5. I spent a fair amount of time walking behind a Mastenbroek drainer a few years ago on the farm i used to work on. He bought an older machine and drained the whole 400 acres with it as it worked out cheaper than getting a contractor in. We used to lay the pipe in at anything between 3 feet and 6 feet deep, it was all guided automatically by laser level on the depth side of things, all the boss had to do was steer it. I just walked behind to check the pipe was on the trench bottom and mark where we sliced through old pipes. Happy days, i used to enjoy doing it and listening to that beast of a Deutz air cooled engine purring away
  6. Yeah you can use the same machine, the way we've done it was to lift the topper up and take all the scalper knives out of it as you want the beets whole as much as possible not with the crowns missing like on sugar beet. They aren't cheap machines to run but for a smaller grow a machine like this would be justifiable compared to the cost of a trailed on now
  7. Thats quite an old harvester there Bazza, must be 10 years old or more with the old style cab on it. Good pics though
  8. :o :o :o :o http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/BRITAINS-NEW-HOLLAND-TS135A-TRACTOR-BOXED-AS-NEW_W0QQitemZ130075163155QQihZ003QQcategoryZ117196QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  9. Done as you should be aware by the PM Site now updated with ploughs and barrels on there
  10. Not got enough barrels yet, still popping them out at the minute, want to get a few more done today yet. Sounds like you have been having fun any way
  11. I just happen to know where there is one. The other halves brother law uses one on their farm to store grain in for cattle feed so next time i go there i'll see if i can get you some pics, think its only about 6-8t, can't remember if its single or twin axle though
  12. Has to be the Claas Dominator 118sl and 108 for me, the 118 was the first combine i ever used, everything was well laid out and easy to use, at the time the 108 was its partner belonging to my then bosses brother, she sadly burnt out 2 years later and was replaced by a 118sl, the engines had a great note on them as well, sadly the 118sl i drove burnt out in 2005 due to a burst injector pipe and has now been replaced with a Lexion 480. The 118 was a vast improvement over the MF865 it replaced which was more trouble than it was worth
  13. Was looking for something fibrous to use......... :D Nope but i may be casting a couple of bits for a drag chopper, just waiting for a delivery of a vital componant
  14. I think a decent towed chopper is needed too, i have a cure for that up my sleeve though....................... :
  15. I haven't done mine yet, i'm a serial course taker, done the PA2 course 3-4 times now but never got round to taking the test : :D Done the one for granules as i didn't fancy the ?40000 fine for not having it or PA1 \
  16. oh dear, someone would have just failed their PA2 test with the sprayer sitting like that Nice little set up though
  17. Gav836

    Belarus 1060

    We're going to have to get Chris a bib when he sees this :D :D
  18. Gav836


    oh dear a new member cutting their FTF teeth still and you meanies want to dish out a numpty............................ baptism by fire, i like it :D :D
  19. Gav836


    Ok at least we agree on the Howard rotorvator bit :D
  20. Gav836


    Thats a ridging body to fit a Howard Gem rotorvator, i used to own one
  21. Gav836

    Doe 130

    Give him a pair of red tinted sunglasses and he won't know the difference : :D
  22. I thought so, but my memories getting a bit foggy at times lately : :D
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