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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. That one is what they use for grass crops, the header is not big enough in height to get a crop of OSR through it without shattering all the pods on it
  2. from what the barley looks like in the field, both the Fanfare and The Pearl winter barley look promising, i would guess that it'll average 2.25-2.5 t/acre which is good for our light heath type soil, hopefully all will make malting quality again this year
  3. That certainly looks alot riper than what a lot of ours is. What variety of Barley is it and whats it yielding like?
  4. Not yet, we have one of those nice little moisture meters with a grinder built in :D
  5. We'd rather just spray for wild oats as it would prove impossible for us to pull them with only 4 staff members on 3600 acres across a 25 mile area. We have about a 99% success rate as well so far with the spray
  6. Its like that here as well, there's the odd bit fit here and there but there's alot more that isn't. We only have the aforementioned 80 acres or so fit, the remaing 5-600 acres is still green in the straw and in the ear in about 300 acres of it
  7. We're still looking to cut the 80 acres that are fit on Wednesday or Thursday this week, so hope to get some pictures then from the driving seat of the Lexion
  8. 1) All the straw chopper blade nuts and bolts being excessively tight on our Lexion 460, not the best place to have your spanner slip off, doesn't do your hands alot of good 2) The thermostat and thermostat gasket going on my Renault 836 > 3) The PTO speed selector cable shearing on the Renault 816 due to the effects of liquid fertilizer > So all in all not a good first day back after our annual first week of July shut down \
  9. Yes but when you think about it these big tractors aren't designed to lift great weights but more for the drawbar pull they have, the only thing they may have to lift is a semi mounted plough or a subsoiler i would guess
  10. ..........only to be nearly run over because James didn't see him when he drove off : :D
  11. Smeone is yet to make a GT Bunning trailer though as far as i know
  12. Gav836


    I think you're right there Alan. Fermec bought MF industrial but kept that name on the side to begin with before changing to the Fermec name, I believe that Terex then bought Fermec. I know that It was Fermec in the mid 90's when my late father sold the diggers, very good ones they were too
  13. That i will agree on, the red numbers are slowly building up again, although Fendt are the stronger sellers here. If they get a combine to compete then i'm sure we would have one on demo, we'll try anything except JQ :D
  14. Never, got to be yellow or green and grey Seriously though MF unfortunately still don't have a big contractors machine to compete with the likes of the NH CR980 or Claas Lexion 580/600, until they can get up there with those models and rebuild their tarnished reputation, especially in this area they won't do it. What they once had with the older models the Droningberg models destroyed for them with their reliability record \
  15. Will be going there for about 2-3 weeks before we have to move to one of the other farms nearer Norwich, got until beginning of September though
  16. The offers there, should be going from mid week this week, but pleeeeeaaaassse no more bad puns like that one :D :D
  17. Think you mean if you got on the MF it would break down and you'd end up having to fix it Can arrange the first bit as well with some rope and the teleporter if you're into that sort of thing :D
  18. I know where you can get a ride on a Claas Lexion if you want one
  19. You might find that this guy is quite useful for styrene sheets, thought his prices were quite reasonable for the sizes he has. Handy too as he's only a couple of miles away from me http://search.ebay.co.uk/_W0QQfgtpZ1QQfrppZ25QQsassZstationQ2droadQ2dbaseboards
  20. Me either, yes have fun but never damage other peoples property. we get a youth club just down from here on a saturday night as well, you can hear the little sods shouting and screaming as they walk home tanked up, smoking and uprooting plants out of peoples gardens
  21. well i guess if they'd used milk as well you could have had a giant yorkshire pudding if the sun had came out :D :D :D
  22. Thats good compared to what some scroats done around this way a couple of weeks back, they painted red crosses on peoples cars, threw paint stripper on someones new car on the bonnet, there were loads of them vandalised. Begs the question, why ???
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