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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. Never did like the old wheels on them and i had a spare one from a Siku Fella rake which suited it perfectly
  2. Too right, if i'd wanted to do a job with a need for athletics i'd have picked one :D
  3. I done that to a lemken a while back, also changed the wheel for a more realistic one as well
  4. Mine is more likely to soon be road compressor won't start to blow down the combine, or trailers got a flat, or numerous electronic faults on the combine computer :D
  5. And people always ask me why i stick to working on arable farms :D
  6. Tried that in the past myself, if i say it won't get stuck enough it won't happen, got about a 10% success rate so far :D
  7. Gav836


    Thats too right, Claas headers are terrible for taking in tall crops, the worst year i had was 2 years ago when there was a lot of charlock in the rape, the stubble was 2 feet long in places and all had to be disced a couple of times to chop it up for the plough. The boss annoys me if he takes over at anytime because if he stops for any reason he sits atill and you get a massive pile of chopped straw, doesn't take a genious to work out if you back it up it ploughs in easier, especially when i plough just over half our 3600 acres
  8. Better hope for a dry potato season then or you could need a good winch on the field headland with all that weight there :D
  9. Gav836


    Sounds like you need to be asking if there is a sleeper cab option on the STS combine then :D Yeah i've had a vario header on a demo 4/580 in the past, i hate having to leave 18 inch stubble just to get it to feed in the combine on tall crops of rape and shattering pods on it and the beans
  10. Nice pics James, you know F-P is going to start drooling when he sees these :D
  11. Gav836


    Looks a good set up to me, my boss won't even try a John Deere combune on demo for some reason. Bet that rape extension is handy as its a bugger to get into standard headers like the one on my Lexion
  12. Don't dis the Defender, thats below the belt Marky The body work is the only thing that i have had no trouble with on it :D
  13. Have you been sniffing your vegetable waste and getting high again Marky? :D
  14. Thanks, had a feeling it might be but wasn't too sure as boxes are in dry storage at the minute
  15. Can any of you in the know on here give me alittle idea what these 2 limited edition John Deere 6820's are worth, both are Mint in Box models, i know one is the LCN 2003 model but i can't remember what the other one is.
  16. Good point Nath, hadn't thought of that, no reports of accidents lately around here so you never know.... :D
  17. Any chance of putting that into some form of english there Sean : :D
  18. No problems, always willing to help an agriculturally challenged person in need :D :D
  19. Don't think we've had quite enough rain for that yet this year :D
  20. They had a tracked 600 at cereals and i do know of at least 2 that have been sold locally here so you might not have to wait long although even the 580 you've seen will probably disappear soon into the demo fleet
  21. Planning on growing rice as well as potatoes now are you Ben : :D
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