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Posts posted by Gav836

  1. yeah very true i guess,they have a youth club up the school on sat nights,but last night they were all walking round with tins of fosters,not many of them over the age of 13 either,don't mind them drinking ,hell i used to do that,but never would have entertained the rest no matter what ,

    Me either, yes have fun but never damage other peoples property. we get a youth club just down from here on a saturday night as well, you can hear the little sods shouting and screaming as they walk home tanked up, smoking and uprooting plants out of peoples gardens

  2. got up this morn to find some nasty bugger has thrown eggs and flour all over the car,and several others,and it rained last nite,so i have a sticky lumpy mess all over the screen and bonnet,didn't touch hers ??? ??? ??? ???

    Thats good compared to what some scroats done around this way a couple of weeks back, they painted red crosses on peoples cars, threw paint stripper on someones new car on the bonnet, there were loads of them vandalised. Begs the question, why ??? ??? ???

  3. Ah ha I see MFF... they all look easier to work on than they did in my day really  :-\ - having the motor at the back helps somewhat I guess - bags of room for servicing and things  ;)

    there is a snag with having it there, all the sh1t from the straw chopper ends up on top of it, how much depends on how good the cover is. Our early Lexion just has a mesh guard on it and has caught fire once in the V of the engine, its blown out daily as well with a road compressor  >:(

  4. yeah i noticed that on friday why we tried to look on here :D :D

    Tris, whats the law with lorry drivers and CB's then ???, can you get done by the rozzers for using them while driving ??? ???

    We looked into this at work Ben as we have them in all our machines, apparently as you have to actually push a button to speak it is not classed as continuous conversation so is still within the law at the minute, besides which if it wasn't they have contradicted themselves because when we move oversize vehicles now we are supposed to be in radio contact with the escort vehicle, how can you do that if you can't use them?  ::) ::):D :D :D

  5. Looks good, still think the Case STX looks better though,don't know which one performs better. I just turned down my dream job to be main driver on one :( if only the company in question had a better history  :-\

  6. my new mf activa turned up today,wasn't in so the lovley interlink delivery guy left a card saying it was in the back garden,and as my very good neighbour said ,"threw it" over the back wall,quite well to,found it in the middle of the lawn box well crushed in the corners,but when i opened the box,the model and box were perfect,amazing really given how fragile it is

    did ring them up but the bird on the phone said" our drivers would never do a thing like that,or even place it in the garden in the first palce"???liars

    dear g&m if you read this please change courrers as i dont like my stuff being treated like that

    I thought it was only Parcelforce who done that to parcels  :-\

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