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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. not often i can do that, once i leave the yard in the morning i don't tend to go back until late in the evening
  2. I'll agree that they are a nice cab, not much space for your lunch bag though. Spent many hours beet carting with a 6310 with no complaints. It just looks big compared to the rest of the tractor :D
  3. nice picture Martin. Those 6210's never look right to me, the cab seems out of proportion to the rest of it in my opinion \
  4. this one looks immaculate, but he only buys spotless secondhand stuff, and it has to be green Might be able to answer that one tomorrow, if i can't see it, i'll ask the driver on the CB as i found their channel tonight
  5. its a Norfolk thing although to pronounce it right it should be taarnip, not turnip :D Cheers Martin, hope i can get some better pics tomorrow, he's had it for 2 years but it's the first time i've seen the thing close up, never usually near to where they are using it
  6. he'd been down there all day, i'd ploughed one 32 acre bit already by the time i got onto that bit. And in answer to your daft question, how the heck should i know if he carried on tonight as i was on my way home. Is this a numptyfiable comment i wonder :D :D
  7. Started ploughing on another field at 5pm tonight and managed to snap a picture of this beast subsoiling. Hope to be able to talk to the driver and/or get some more pic's of it tomorrow. Was taken while i was turning on the headland so is a bit blurred
  8. He's an old school farmer, he never trades anything in so on 450 acres i think he is now up to something like 13 tractors including an Allis B, 3xFergy 35's, 2xsuper majors, 1xIH 276, 1x5000, 1x6600, 1x6610, 1x7810, 1xValmet 8400, 1xMcCormick MTX140. Then add 2 Frasier buggies, 1 MF 50B digger and 1 Sanderson Teleporter, along with a MF 780 special and New Holland TF42 combine and you can see why the hours are so low :D
  9. My old Nuffield used to do a similar trick, the selectors used to jump off the shaft in the gearbox, just had to take the filler plug out and stick a bar in and push the shaft forwards again. Lets hope the problem with Regan is just as simple
  10. don't know about pushing, but it does do a nice line in pulling out the game keeper when he gets his Kawasaki Mule stuck-FREQUENTLEY
  11. very nice Sean, looks very lifelike, would look good next to the UH combine or with a nice loader tractor on the front of it :D
  12. Nice pictures Martin, snows all gone down here now. In this part of Norfolk the council use farmers and snowploughs which often go round to a different farmer every year as well as their lorries. The farmer just has to let the council know that they have it.
  13. That damned ebay has alot to answer for, but you've made me feel better as i seem to have been suffering from the same problem lately. Looks like a nice little buy anyway
  14. will be interesting to see what it's like in the Claas models then, Hexa shift as they call it. You have my full approval to do a makeover on one, but i will deny all knowledge if you get caught :D :D Nice pics Luke, even if it is a MF, forgot that bit earlier
  15. i did spend one whole day in December on the 5000 with a 10 ton trailer carting sugar beet while the 6610 was occupied elsewhere. Was a case of wrap up warm as no comforts there but was enjoyable none the less
  16. yeah i know but she was losing engine oil from a leaking cooler pipe and sump gasket at a litre every 5 days so thought i'd better get it fixed \
  17. already got a dusting down here in Norfolk. Just a pity the Defender's off the road (again!) so i can't go out and play in it tomorrow
  18. nooooooo, i spent many hours on a 5000, 6600, 6610 and 7810 on the farm i worked on when i left school. he still has the 5000 which i think may be K reg and has only done 3500 genuine hours since new
  19. 1992 1.3 one, worst car i'd ever owned. Give me a Defender any day
  20. yep, they're the ones, just slip in a couple of TM's and an MX for good measure though
  21. well the escort i had used as much oil as petrol until it had a disagreement with a Mondeo on a blind junction, so i'm no big fan :D :D
  22. OI! i'm an anti MF man myself, give me a Ford anyday :D
  23. I reckon an NCC style Matbro makeover would look better still, improved the Escort no end :D
  24. don't you now take ten paces, turn and........ :D :D
  25. i reckon you two need a topic all to yourself where you can verbally knock 7 bells out of eachother, the great blue V red battle :D :D
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