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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. I'm on Streetview as well, got forced off the bleeding road by the car last summertime when I had the 6810, they had no intentions of slowing down let alone stopping
  2. That reminds me of the rear view of a cow thats starting to calve.......... ;D ;D Looks nasty though, i presume you'll be using a seatbelt in future
  3. Sorry to hear that Ben, you just have to remember the good times that you had with him
  4. They do it over here to, turn up at very short notice or with no warning and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it as if you refuse they then start playing hardball no matter how inconvenient it is for you at that time. They hope to be able to catch you out so you haven't had time to cover up any indescretions that you may or may not have in some cases
  5. Gav836

    My week

    Its a Sands (Sands Agricultural Machinery) sprayer, designed and built near North Walsham here in Norfolk, 12 month waiting list for a new one of them
  6. Must be the day for it Mark, got my onion sets in today as well, also my carrots, parsnips and beetroot. The joys of having a south facing sheltered garden, was lovely out there today
  7. You could always send the seller who's listed the item on ebay a message and ask if there are any FoMoCo markings or other markings on it.........
  8. Its a 2008 model Tris, they are fairly lightweight but still built stronger than the Kongskilde beet hoes which I think are made of cheese
  9. Thanks The stones can be a problem for the drill at times, jamming the press wheels up and can alter the spacing down the rows, they will also get into the harvester but the beet cleaner will get a lot of them out.
  10. No, it's just the one pass Colm, the ploughing had a good bit of frost on it up there, its also the difference that slatted bodies have made this year, taking much less effort to get a good seedbed
  11. 6810 on the beet drill
  12. Now its dried out we've managed to make a start drilling sugar beet today, got two fields we can't get onto yet as they are still too wet, the same goes for a couple of headlands on the spring barley we've been drilling. 6920s on the Germinator, yes that is dust blowing, will get more pictures later
  13. You're safe anyway Mandy, the Numpty award is no longer active on here ;D
  14. Laying beneath the 6810 with the 3/4 inch drive impact wrench trying to undo a stabiliser arm bracket on the axle, socket jammed on a bolt, tapped it to get it off but it bounced off the bracket and smacked me just above my right eye, socket was a big heavy deep drive impact one
  15. Having a very sore head complete with bump and cut after nearly getting knocked unconscious at work this morning
  16. Yes and they were out to it again this morning due to fuelling problems :
  17. Power harrows are even worse if used in the wrong conditions, they can make a smeared water resistant pan as little as 2 inches deep if used when its too wet Discs are ideal to use on ploughing to break up lumps when its hard and dry, used when wet though and its asking for trouble
  18. The look on Marky's face was a picture when he saw the speed that thing went at last October
  19. On the road or in your underwear ;D ;D
  20. As Mark said, only ever the 7810, both tractors in pictures that you have there are 7810's as well
  21. They don't look to have taken any harm really, will know for sure once they go into the factory
  22. Thought she might ;D Yeah it was 4 section as well, no need to over complicate matters
  23. Was in the right place at the right time today, just managed to snap this one within seconds of being born
  24. Had another day at work ploughing one of the fields they lifted the beet on last week, only the odd little wet patch or two full of massive beet harvester ruts there
  25. There's still a market for it in this area, we have the flagship Wissington factory and also Cantley factory in Norfolk
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