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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. I pull the 5 legger that deep on the 6920s
  2. 6920s drags it, good load for it on the heavy land though
  3. Its not all light land, we do it this way as there tends to be a lot less clod than we would get with ploughing. The problem with ploughing was that we couldn't get it deep enough to bed depth whereas with subsoiling we can and it is also quicker
  4. Just caught up on this topic, you have some nice kit their Will Those Vogel and Noot (or Bugle and Flute as they were once known in the trade) really were a pile of crap during the 90's and early 00's, I had a 6 furrow one crack off at the front furrow slide whilst turning on the headland, was still under warranty by two weeks as well at the time. It was replaced by one of the first Hektor semi mounted Vogel's which was even worse, the beam split in two clean behind the turnover rams, very messy as one end of the rams was still on the headstock end and the other on the beam end
  5. It is as it provides the power for the web drive motors, agitation shafts and wheel drive
  6. Yeah they were a mess. Have since been told the actual price of the pump.......glad I was sitting down as its a good chunk of what the harvester is worth :o
  7. We don't actually know what is wrong with that pump other than a damaged shaft, only looks a mess as I had to remove 8 or 9 hoses and one valve off it to refit to the new one My row crops are 16 inches wide and the harvester has a powered axle, came close to getting stuck a few times but the harvester kept pushing me
  8. We give it one pass of the terra disc then one or two passes with a 5 leg flat lift at 16 inches deep, we don't get so many clods then. One of the big poato growers locally uses a Cousins Patriot one pass cultivator on a Challenger, a one pass system is on our wish list but just out of budget for our area of potatoes
  9. No, not at all, I know someone who min-tills his sugarbeet land and we min till our potato ground before bed forming
  10. A few more pics for you from the past couple of days, switched the grader round to start putting our other variety of spuds into our store at the farm so we could keep lifting while they sort the box store out for us. Another good load leaves the field And what happens when the irrigator only finishes putting an inch of water on 4 hours before we want to lift the field, had to abandon it until tomorrow
  11. Being told we had to stop potato harvesting this morning as the store was full > Worse still they must have known Monday that it was nearly full so could have told us so we didn't waste water and electricity irrigating our next field ready to start lifting, could have watered the other variety to start them instead >
  12. Not kidding mate, bruising can be a big problem in the store. I can't get a picture as it isn't the farms and belongs to the store. Its basically a potato shaped sensor which transmits a signal to a hand held monitor which displays a bar for every occassion of bruising, it also bleeps when it gets tapped in some way. It bleeped briefly when it went onto the intake web and then onto the roller table but never showed up on the creen meaning no bruising would have occured
  13. Had the electronic spud put through my harvester today to check for bruising and was given a pat on the back as nothing showed up at all, just one knock as it went into the trailer and bounced and banged into the side
  14. There was much discussion amongst the members of the Admin Team before the decision to lock the topic was made, the reason/s why we took the decision our outlined in the last post of that topic and it will not be reinstated for those same reasons
  15. Here's some pictures of the cracked flanges, bottom flange was the first one where it blew the pump clean off the gearbox. Other two pics are the cause of the flange problem, the old pump had a damaged shaft on it and possible internal fault so I had a trip to Ely today to get a new one, spent 4 hours fitting it this afternoon, several pipes to be swapped over with a mixture of metric and imperial fittings
  16. Its sorted now, seems there was a problem with the pump causing it so we fitted a new pump today, looking at well over £1000 for it
  17. It could be mustard, that has a time span of about 8 weeks to flowering and would set seed soon after, same family as rape as well
  18. Got my lap top back today with its new screen after Buster smashed it two weeks ago
  19. We can't do that as it would then start to leak oil from the gearbox so its getting an internal investigation tomorrow
  20. We think the bearings are on the way out in the main gearbox that drives the pumps allowing some movement and vibration on the shaft, will know more tomorrow morning when we have an investigation into it
  21. Brand new part and the last one in the country \ No warranty if there is an underlying fault causing it
  22. We don't want one of those German things, the parts are expensive compared to our British built Standen, would probably look at an Enterprise when we change the Vision
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