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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. Here's a few pictures from today, the flat screen monitor shows the cleaning table and the other one is on the elevator for seeing into trailers and where the backs of them are This is the business end of the harvester, these 2 pairs of piggy back pumps circulate the 400 litres of oil round the machine to where its required. It was the mounting flange on the pair in the second picture which blew apart last night and has already cracked again as you can see in the last picture \
  2. We can't do that Marcus as its then a case of contamination of the potato's when we re-use it, we have to be very careful about oil getting anywhere near the spuds let alone diesel these days
  3. The part we replaced on the potato harvester has already cracked again, its now looking like the bearings may be going in the main gearbox
  4. They got caught out a few years back when they grew pre-pack spuds, actually ended up having to pay more than they were worth to just have a load taken away hence why they went onto contracts back then We did try without the topper but there's too much top there, it just blocks the harvester up
  5. It doesn't look too bad a crop so far but its only the first field. Not sure on price as all of ours are all locked into secure contracts with Walkers Crisps and McCains
  6. We finally made a start on the potato's this week after dropping an inch of man made rain on them so we didn't damage them too much. You can see how dry it is by the dust in the pictures, thats 3 days after it had an inch of water :o
  7. This actually split an inch thick cast pump flange through when it went throwing the pair of pumps two inches backwards killing all drive to the digging web
  8. It won't be changed till next spring if then \ As for today well the potato harvester blew a pair of the main hydraulic pumps out of the gearbox tonight, sounded like a bomb going off >
  9. The heap of crap known as a 6920s I drive that broke down again today, yet another sensor fault, worse stil one that was only replaced just over a week ago >
  10. Started spud harvesting for the second time this afternoon, all was going well until half way round the field when a stone came out from under the topper. missed the window guards and took the windscreen clean out of my tractor, all back in now ready for tomorrow though
  11. Made an attempt at potato harvesting with out the haulm topper do to the over run clutch being faulty and the wrong replacemnt sent to us, got all of 50m before we abandoned it, too many spuds were getting pulled through the haulm extraction roller on the harvester and getting crushed in the process, just kept blocking the intake up as well, fingers crossed for tommorrow, getting fed up being in the yard
  12. We bought it off Irelands Farm Machinery near Spilsby who got it off a local farm to him, at some point in its life it looks like it was a loader tractor going by the marks on the chassis rails and the hole in the cab floor inline with the righthand arm rest, our theory is it was on a brassica farm doing a lot of trailer work and power harrow/pto work due to the rockshaft wear and the back of the exhaust being burnt out when we first saw it, would be nice to know more about its history though
  13. The latest addition Sean, can't fault it on pulling power but we can on the bills at he minute but once these things are done it should be ok.........unlike mine which has a permanent line to the dealers again, yet another electronic glitch today meaning another new sensor being fitted!
  14. That might be tidy but it aint half costing some money in age related repairs, it now needs another £1000 spent doing the hydraulic lift cross shaft up, it'll be over £3000 then since we've had it with the brake fault and some little niggles as well.
  15. Alot of it does go outside with grain in the grainstore over winter, spuds in the other grainstore and cattle in the other buildings, the combine is kept in another brick barn away from the main yard and the baler and other spud gear is either in there with it or in a lean to on the grainstore. The harvester lives outside though as there is just no indoor space for it
  16. It'll have to be outside Sean, even when its stored between seasons as we just don't have a shed big enough to get it in unforunately, only the grainstore and we'd never get it down the track to that without inflicting damge on it, the church wall or houses opposite the entrance to the track
  17. Thatsa one of the reasons that we bought it, for its age it is in very good condition.......until a bloody fastrac smashed an elevator on it while it was on its way to us today > Its Grafton wheat behind Oilseed Rape
  18. Here's a few pictures from work today, firstly my work mate drilling first wheat into what can only be described as a dust bowl with concrete hard lumps in it, 6910 on the drill. Our new grader was also delivered tonight, its second hand and approx 19 years old having spent all its life in a shed. It should hopefully serve us for many years
  19. We have actually been trying to find a cheap two leg sub-soiler but can't, our 5 legger is hopeless when the ground is hard. Shakerator isn't really anything we'd though about
  20. Will do my best to get some pics and will get the measure ment when I get a minute for you It was cultivated to get any barley laying on the surface to germinate as the field is coming into wheat, normally we don't bother Its dry and hard here as well but we can't afford to stop ploughing due to there being 100 acres of potatoes to harvest starting Monday week. My tractor will then be on smaller wheels so unable to plough. The 6910 is on a ploughing ban unless its as a last resort now due to worn lift arm parts. I'm going through plough metal at an alarming rate as well, we gave up sub soiling as I couldn't get it in the ground :o
  21. I've been busy ploughing most of the time lately but I have had two days this week overhauling the potato harvester so its ready to make a start Monday week, it means my tractor is tied up though today with it so after the engineer had gone tonight I hooked the 6910 up to my plough to give it a bit of a work out ;D The dash showing engine rpm and ground speed,was pulling it as well as my 6920s
  22. Dan's original topic on them is here http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/index.php?topic=27392.0
  23. Think you just had a bad one Phill, those that have them round here have no complaints with them
  24. It is as the biggest Arion would replace my 6920s nicely, The Axion was nice but just too bulky \
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