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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. Most people settle for something smaller for a 30th Birthday treat to themselves :D
  2. It isn't trying to lift a force of 7 tons though when its semi mounted is it, its one thing to pull 7 furrows its another to lift them
  3. No wonder its gutless, stick it on a subsoiler for a week or something along those lines, it needs hard work
  4. You have got it set up right I take it
  5. There is engine braking with it Phill you just need to be a bit more gentle with it than you would your Fendt, I've not had any problems with it on even the steepest hill round here (not one you would want to meet a car on, steep is an understatement )
  6. The main tractors are updated regularly but the other kit is only updated when its either worn out or repairs are to high on it, believe one of the two main tractors are up for change next year. No TLS on the 6910, we struggled to find one, well a good one with creep gear, front linkage and PTO and TLS so something had to be lost, the 6810 doesn't have it either so its not a big problem for us
  7. I bet that last one made a dent on the bench when it landed Mike
  8. Thats what we thought after 4 weeks hire this spring and 5 or 6 last autumn, think the final straw was when we could have done with another one the other week when my 6920s was on the baler, the 6420s was on the sprayer and the 6810 was irrigating and we had some trailer work to do. Often times like that where we have to think what is the easiest thing to take off a tractor, this should cure that problem.
  9. Thats not a bad price, we're charging £2.20 a bale for 5' x 4' inc net and fuel, only for our neighbour so no doubt if we were travelling further it would be a fraction more
  10. As I said above its been bought as a back up for me if when my 6920s goes wrong which is an autopower so wouldn't want the 6910 all the time after driving that especially if we're potato harvesting at the time. The other main reason behind it was we were hiring a tractor twice a year and for what its costing us it will pay for the 6910 within 4 years, we were looking for a 6810 to start with but then thought if we got a 6910 it would at least handle most of what I do with mine if needed as well, its main task beside trailer work will be drilling
  11. They were resprayed on the first pictures that I put up on here Will keep on my 6920 for most things, this is going to be the drilling tractor or my back up Those pictures were taken in our barn, she's bought and paid for, was just under £19k but worth it for the condition she's in
  12. Yeah they have, had a lot of dual wheel related damage to the paintwork on them
  13. Look what arrived yesterday Will be putting it to work shortly on the drill I think, just needs its cb fitted and some cab brackets made up Its an 850 acre farm Bluefan growing beet, wheat, barley and potato's along with rough grazing and a 100 cow suckler herd with followers
  14. Thats actually cheap for any area be it 4'x4' or 5'x4', we charge more than that for 5' x 4' round baling
  15. Torrential rain and a thunderstorm here at the minute, good job we don't have anything fit to combine at the minute
  16. A couple of conversions for people on here and something else :-X
  17. Had a feeling that it might have been you I was battling for it Got both of mine now so I'm ok for now, shouldn't need anymore
  18. Another JD 6410, can start on the conversion now as soon as they both get here
  19. Had the morning off then went in baling after lunch, got 30 acres done so all of ours is baled up now along with the headlands on a neighbours field.....then it poured down again
  20. I Just need one more now and I've got enough for what I want to do........no doubt we're after the same ones at the minute
  21. Triple Link Suspension Marky, basically front axle suspension
  22. Nice looking tractor Mike, you won't go far wrong with that one if our 6810 is anything to go by
  23. Gav836

    My week

    Seems the problem nowadays is its very much a branch by branch thing, a well known local dealer who has several branches is a good example, one branch will come out at 5.30pm if they are called about a problem whereas a different branch will happily make you wait, personal experience here backed up by words from an employee of said firm \
  24. Yeah I think it was Sean :D will make a change from my usual implement conversions, just need to find the tractors still \
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