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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. Heres a few pictures from when I was ploughing this week with Lemken's demonstration plough that they loaned us, mine should be delivered this week. Done 25 acres of spring barley stubble for rape less than 12 hours after it was combined and 30 acres out of a 40 acre field that was rape this year. When you can plough like this Marky I'll consider letting you have a go :D Lemken fit these to the pipes now, we think they are brilliant, make plugging them in and unplugging them much easier
  2. Asked my trailer man to take a few pictures for me today while I was combining wheat so here they are
  3. We wouldn't worry about him having mine if it wasn't for it being an Autopower, behaves differently to the Powerquads and also goes quicker :
  4. We wouldn't be worried unduly except there is a lot of hydraulic noise when braking and the transmission warning light has been flashing intermittently today \
  5. Dealers will be out, will have to put mine on the trailer which will be awkward as no one wants the student to drive it including the lad himself but we need two trailers as its long carts on wheat \
  6. The main pipe blew out of the top of the transmission/hydraulic filter housing on the 6910 tonight at 7pm dumping the entire contents of the back end onto a 50m stretch of road, had the police out and 5 of us sweeping silt onto it
  7. We just sold one of our two lim bulls, he was producing too bigger calves for our cows to cope with
  8. It annoyed me yesterday and I know it will again today, our John Deere 2058's inability to cut at a decent forward speed while chopping straw. Got no losses showing but I can't push it harder than 4-4.5 kph or the engine over heats
  9. Started combining the wheat yesterday after doing the last bit of spring barley, off to work again in a little while to have another go at it today, should be finished everything by mid week
  10. Yeah it will do if it needs to, will be on my 6920s most of the time
  11. Lemken Euro 8 hydraulic variwidth on slatted bodies, they're loaning us a Euro 7 bolt type variwidth on solid bodies
  12. Finished baling today so cleaned the baler down and put it away then took over on the combine for a few hours
  13. The delivery of my new plough has been delayed for at least another week and we need it now, was ordered because they promised it no later than now. Give them their due though they have rang round and I am picking up the demonstrator tomorrow to start ploughing next years rape ground with so will at least stop us from getting behind
  14. The whole point is WE weren't doing anything related to harvest, electricians were breaking up concrete in the early hours on a Sunday night/Monday morning less than 40m from someones house, the grainstore is next to a Church and in the middle of the neighbouring village so we have to show consideration to others. If we upset the neighbour down there and they could make life very awkward for us by blocking the shared access track everytime we want to get down there, its barely wide enough for a tractor as it is let alone actually turning into it off the road with a church wall one side and courtyard wall the other and houses opposite on a road barely wide enough for two vehicles to pass
  15. How would you feel if someone was using a pneumatic drill breaking up concrete at 2 am on a Sunday Murray? Thats why we need to apologise
  16. Well going by where this happened we've all said it wasn't all his fault, woman in a courtesy car (from accident repair centre where my sister works ) drove past a passing place and stopped in a narrow bit of road so boy tried to get up the bank out of her way but just caught the rear of the car as he came down. Electricians were in till the early hours repairing damage to corn store supply, boss had to apologise to neighbours there for noise of kangos
  17. The student hit a car with the teleporter driving down the road today :
  18. You've got to meet the lad to understand, he's a nice lad but he's a dreamer, almost on another planet a lot of the time but we can't say he doesn't try, he does any task we ask of him, spent 3 hours shovelling the top of the corn store level when its about 40 degrees in there, no complaints though from him
  19. Just a few things today, most of which involve one person.....the student todays incidents.......... Killing the teleporter pushing up, ran it low on diesel so it got an airlock in it Turning right out of a hairpin type field gate spilling about 200kg of barley in the process, common sense would say don't turn that way Reversing the teleporter into the main fuseboard in the barn resulting in loud bang and a flash While I was combining and wanting to empty him coming up the other side of the strip of standing crop then driving across it to get to me Always returning to the same end of the field between loads instead of thinking about where we empty each time so I usually have to wait for him to wake up and reach combine, he's been doing it for 2 weeks now so should be able to work it out The reason I was on the combine.........the pick up retaining strap eye ripped off on my baler so the pick up was rotorvating the ground boss wanted me to take over so he could go inspect the fuse board
  20. Drilling fodder rape this morning then putting Nitram and slug pellets on it and the stubble turnips this afternoon
  21. I have nothing against students at all but after you've explained to them for the fourth time how to do something and they still don't take any notice or listen then it tends to get annoying. We've no problem with him taking his time. Damage toll so far is barn roller door runners, Vaderstad drill stand, 1 irrigation pipe, 1 bent lift arm stabiliser and a near miss with the flint church wall and terra disc, he just needs to pay a bit more attention and wake up a bit He's not an Ag student, just a uni student, have you ever tried to get an Ag student on a 850 acre farm, they don't wanna know
  22. Winter barley has been all under 16% and the spring barley today was 13.9%, no idea on the osr as not been involved with it Its been catchy here too, one days cutting then two days wet or a little rain overnight then cutting by 4pm again Air con packed up on the 6910 today so the student is a bit warm, he just needs a stick of dynamite beneath him to get him motivated
  23. We finished the osr today so made a start on our spring barley while the going was good. I baled the headlands then went carting as our student couldn't keep up Our new purchase hard at work corn carting
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