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Valley Axe Man

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Everything posted by Valley Axe Man

  1. Cheers Justin she's a nice model, after speaking with Brian and Will on Sunday they are pushing on with trying to get a harvest gold into the line up as well as trying to get a better more proportion front 4wd axle into the moulds before releasing a cabbed 472... I already put my name down on one of them πŸ‘
  2. Been a while since I added any new brochures to the collection too but many thanks to John (JMD) for his handiwork again a handful of new additions was collected on Sunday, including a 2100 synchro and spec sheet, Marshall factory reconditioned tractors brochure, Malayan motor scraper conversion based of the 270, a french text export spec 245 brochure and a complete folder brochure set for the harvest gold Leylands, 502, 602/604, 702/704, 802/804 and qf loader all with accompanied spec sheets ....
  3. Long time since any models were added to the collection so thought it be rude not to add one of RJNS cabbed 272 synchro tractors whilst at the Borderway Model show last Sunday ..
  4. Was a fantastic day in a great venue, like James said it's good to catch up with a few folk after all these years and I think Gemma has found a few new fans for her baking πŸ‘ roll on next year
  5. You'll get a nosebleed being this far up country Zach🀣🀣... Will See thee in the morning πŸ‘
  6. Progress been a bit slow of late, lack of time to get up the yard due to other commitments and work but been putting spade work in to gathering up and ordering up a few more bits to push her on a bit more once next weekends Borderway show is out the way, good bit of news is that the old reg number was still active on the DVLA website and after a bit of form filling in and a cheque for Β£25 a modern up to date V5c has arrived this week so she'll carry her original reg number once a plate has been cut to mount the reg plate and number plate lamp on.... Original plough lamps are getting rare and also a bit pricey but after a chat with a fellow follower of the brand's found that Durite do a lamp that is almost very similar and readily available so a pair been duly put on the shopping list to finish the electrical work... decals are now an on going project with Gemma's brother Mick who has his own vinyl graphics company is using the originals to copy a new set, after seeing his work on a couple of Ford's and a County that have all been rosette winners at our local rally I'm in no doubt that the set he makes will be close enough to original to look right. Anyhows more updates when I get chance to get a bit more done, with the local Christmas tractor run only 5 weeks away I not sure if I get her finished in time but will see how things pan out over the coming weeks
  7. Tidy work as always John.... You never fail to impress with your builds πŸ‘πŸ‘Œ
  8. Thanks for sharing your photos Mike, unfortunately not had chance to make it down this year... Bit gutted really but can't be helped... Looks as good a turn out as ever though πŸ‘
  9. Aye times ticking away John, soon be here and should be a good day, will sort through some of the sales stuff tomorrow (bit of old boxed Britain's to go I think) but this afternoon Gemma fancied another play with a few bits to do her own bit so she been on with a small bit of base board for a little 16th scale fencing to go on front of our table, Leyland powered of course though πŸ˜‰
  10. According to Elaine, the event is fully booked with both Traders and Displays, so fingers crossed it'll be a good day for a first event, me and Gemma have a table booked to display some of the collection
  11. New Show in a couple of weeks time, that fingers crossed will carry on from where Lakeland model Farm and Construction show that was held at Penrith, now with Elaine, Colin and David at the helm they will hopefully have a successful day taking over from Sharon and Peter, based at Harrison and Hetherington (H&H) Carlisle Mart just at the side of the M6 at Junction 43, it's a handy spot with the Mart Cafe open for food.
  12. If I remember rightly they offered everything from hot beef sandwiches to a full roast dinner... It'll be a 4 year or so since was last in there just before the covid job started but couldn't knock it... Yes your right though good bit of support will hopefully help it become a yearly event and not be the end of the road. Be grand to have a catch up though and admire some more of your handiwork πŸ‘
  13. Nothing ventured nothing gained John, your bound to be a bit apprehensive being at the wrong side of a table at a show but your handiwork deserves the credit that irs due, I know you're not chasing glory, but it be great to see you showcase your builds. From what I remember the mart cafe grub was good too πŸ‘
  14. It soon be here now though John, I've a table booked for some of the Nuffields etc and another table booked with a few bits on to sell... But that lot needs sorting out yet.
  15. If this little yard turns out half as good as your tractor builds it'll be great to see in the flesh John πŸ‘ some cracking classics posted up too
  16. Think they did bit of filming there Mike, they were advertising peaky blinders nights.....
  17. Called in at Dudley on our way home from our tour of Cornwall, Devon and parts of Somerset to have a wander about the Black Country Living Museum, bit like a smaller version of Beamish but unfortunately being set around Birmingham it's all industry and houses rather than Agricultural but nice place to visit
  18. I thought that Sean, see a lot of Claas, and a good few New Holland, some with the picking table gear on around the front of the tractor. the odd Deere and a lone Fergy, but only maybe 3 of the trailers had flashing strobes on the rear.. rest just normal road lights, could see the HGV lads not liking it much especially around the bit of roadworks where they upping it to dual carriageway on the Launceston side of Hayle.....
  19. Down on the Devon and Cornwall border for a break with Gemma so headed down to Lands end yesterday for a wander about the cliff tops.... Was surprised at the number of veg lads hauling with tractors and trailers up and down the A30....
  20. Cheers John, aye she doesn't look bad next to the 804, Gemma's brother on with a set of decals for me so will look different again once they are fitted, need to order a few bits up for inside the cab, gaiters for the handbrake and hand clutch as well as gearsticks, the check straps for the doors, a handle for the 4wd lever, a set of mirrors for when Gemma's painted up the mirror arms, a fresh grille and then it's mostly little bits like the rubber buffers for the bonnet and side panels, interior decals and a few fresh pins to refit the linkage once I've welded the latch up. She didn't seem bad on the road though, bit bouncy on front end but a set of wafers will sort that, I'm not convinced that the orbital is 100% for the steering as it's a bit vaguer than the 804 maybe a bit like Matt's 802 was when I got that .. time will tell though once she seen a bit more road..
  21. A couple of shots that Gemma took after the run up the lane and back, had Gemma follow up the lane with a towstrap just in case πŸ˜‰
  22. Hydraulic unit back together after collecting some quality used parts off fella I bought tractor off, he generously offered them as a freebie under a bit of warranty, actually he didn't know the cam and spindle were cracked so said it's only fair he supplied the bits anyhow re assembled and given a lap of the yard before taking her to the top of the lane.. first 1/4 mile of proper road under her wheels now so can now build on that and see how she goes
  23. That was the original plan Sean but as the blue got splashed about it was covering fairly well so thought we'd carry on. So far the only really serious mechanical issue has been with the hydraulic selector fork spindle, but that's why I've held off painting the engine, as feel once she's been hot a few times there be a few oil leaks..... It's 6 of one and half dozen of the other but what we've lost on the swings we've gained on the roundabouts, to a purist she never be concours but as long as she's safe on the road, she in a hell of a healthier state now than when we picked her up at end of last December, she ain't perfect but she'll see another good few years now
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