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Valley Axe Man

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Everything posted by Valley Axe Man

  1. It soon be here now though John, I've a table booked for some of the Nuffields etc and another table booked with a few bits on to sell... But that lot needs sorting out yet.
  2. If this little yard turns out half as good as your tractor builds it'll be great to see in the flesh John 👍 some cracking classics posted up too
  3. Think they did bit of filming there Mike, they were advertising peaky blinders nights.....
  4. Called in at Dudley on our way home from our tour of Cornwall, Devon and parts of Somerset to have a wander about the Black Country Living Museum, bit like a smaller version of Beamish but unfortunately being set around Birmingham it's all industry and houses rather than Agricultural but nice place to visit
  5. I thought that Sean, see a lot of Claas, and a good few New Holland, some with the picking table gear on around the front of the tractor. the odd Deere and a lone Fergy, but only maybe 3 of the trailers had flashing strobes on the rear.. rest just normal road lights, could see the HGV lads not liking it much especially around the bit of roadworks where they upping it to dual carriageway on the Launceston side of Hayle.....
  6. Down on the Devon and Cornwall border for a break with Gemma so headed down to Lands end yesterday for a wander about the cliff tops.... Was surprised at the number of veg lads hauling with tractors and trailers up and down the A30....
  7. Cheers John, aye she doesn't look bad next to the 804, Gemma's brother on with a set of decals for me so will look different again once they are fitted, need to order a few bits up for inside the cab, gaiters for the handbrake and hand clutch as well as gearsticks, the check straps for the doors, a handle for the 4wd lever, a set of mirrors for when Gemma's painted up the mirror arms, a fresh grille and then it's mostly little bits like the rubber buffers for the bonnet and side panels, interior decals and a few fresh pins to refit the linkage once I've welded the latch up. She didn't seem bad on the road though, bit bouncy on front end but a set of wafers will sort that, I'm not convinced that the orbital is 100% for the steering as it's a bit vaguer than the 804 maybe a bit like Matt's 802 was when I got that .. time will tell though once she seen a bit more road..
  8. A couple of shots that Gemma took after the run up the lane and back, had Gemma follow up the lane with a towstrap just in case 😉
  9. Hydraulic unit back together after collecting some quality used parts off fella I bought tractor off, he generously offered them as a freebie under a bit of warranty, actually he didn't know the cam and spindle were cracked so said it's only fair he supplied the bits anyhow re assembled and given a lap of the yard before taking her to the top of the lane.. first 1/4 mile of proper road under her wheels now so can now build on that and see how she goes
  10. That was the original plan Sean but as the blue got splashed about it was covering fairly well so thought we'd carry on. So far the only really serious mechanical issue has been with the hydraulic selector fork spindle, but that's why I've held off painting the engine, as feel once she's been hot a few times there be a few oil leaks..... It's 6 of one and half dozen of the other but what we've lost on the swings we've gained on the roundabouts, to a purist she never be concours but as long as she's safe on the road, she in a hell of a healthier state now than when we picked her up at end of last December, she ain't perfect but she'll see another good few years now
  11. Had thought originally Sean but going to leave it as is once finished, aim is to get her to a safe and usable state that's tidy enough to put in a rally field but not bothering if she gets clarted up
  12. Bit more done... She starting to look like a tractor again now.... Roof temporary refitted to measure up for the internal template for headlining, wiper motor wired up and works off the switch panel, bonnet hinges repaired and bonnet refitted, linkage parts top coated in dark blue, hopefully pick the bits up on Friday for rebuilding the hydraulics so hopefully by weekend she be mobile again.
  13. Got the prototype light pods finished off and fitted today to see what they are like, I think a couple of little tweeks would help the job a little bit so will progress with a second pair and try Joe's rubberised paint...but anyhow lights wired up and after a bit of messing about with a new flasher unit we have almost a full complement of working lights just a headlight bulb out on dipped beam and the number plate light to wire up once the roof goes back on VID_20220918_154328.mp4 VID_20220918_154357.mp4
  14. Thanks Joe, I've given the first pair a coat of satin black but I've ordered a tin to try as think I can improve on the design a little bit over these pair
  15. A cheeky swift one on a Friday afternoon at one of our local watering holes 👍 as much as I'd like to say I don't mind a pint of landlord....it's not the same as a pint of Sheep.....
  16. Thanks for the link Joe, 👍 think that needs a bit of investigation, being stainless I'll have to give the pods a coat of etch primer before anything once they had a good rub over with some scotchbrite to get the paint to stick....
  17. Cheers John, it's funny what goes on when the workshop foreman is away for a few hours 🤣... I know they not the original but will be pretty close in appearance so reckon they will do. I'm not restoring a show winner, just a safe usable tractor 👍
  18. A cheeky couple of hours spent between jobs at work with one if the old hands that I was apprentice to back in the late 90s, anyhow we got talking about the rear light mounting pods for the tractor, and how hard good ones are to find, anyhow a *** packet sketch and a bit of tin found and after a nip and tuck and a bit of the blue light we have a prototype light pod, dimensions are almost where it needs to be, so after a few holes and a bit of satin black paint it should be a usable thing that won't look too out of place to the original rubber ones ...
  19. Been to collect a few bits for the 472 and called in at Wray tractor show on way back for a quick chat with bloke I bought it off and to look at Tom blade's bit of gold 👌
  20. Attended last of this year's local shows yesterday, held on Duchy of Lancaster land at Dunsop Bridge Gemma and myself took our 465 and 804 along, bonus that we caught up with organiser of last week's local tractor run, they'd had a run over to Lancaster and back and raised just under £400 for the Blood Bikers charity, so we topped the funds up to a round £400 seeing as we were already on another event and missed the local run... Anyhow a few photos from yesterday....
  21. Looks like you had a good day out Mike 👍
  22. Cheers Justin, wasn't a bad day but could have done with a few more exhibits, seems to be quite a few Nashes about the shows at Longridge but yes those 6pots have a good following
  23. Was a few, didn't quite know what to expect being a first time event... Though I think maybe Stuart's road run suffered as there were only about 22 tractors on it... Not necessarily due to Longridge but also maybe due to that vintage rally on this weekend at wrea green....
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