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Valley Axe Man

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Everything posted by Valley Axe Man

  1. @mike whiting here some photo's of one of Andy's 16th scale 3.5 ton Weeks for you
  2. Well spotted Martin... actually theres 2, the original 1100 and a 1500, although the 11 has gone back to Andy for a pipework mod
  3. A few more goings on down here in the Valley, bit of slurry out with one of the 1455's and Star 1500, then off for a load of bales note to self... a load of bales needed next and a lagoon would be handy too
  4. I hope so too John... its going to be a long job which ever way things go.... Your not wrong though, that loader is almost identical to the one Andy did on my Leyland
  5. Cheers Martin.... funny you should say that... a 717 had been talked about as one is now handy for him to get at sometime..... ere i hope you been looking back at old photo's then or are you older than your letting on
  6. The only thing i think i have about POS wise is this Aluminum folded sign, not sure where it came from just remember dad turning up with it from one of the shows, its approx 4" long and 3/4" high on the face where the decal is, almost a light grey rather than white
  7. Some nice bits amongst that collection John and like Justin some of the 80's stuff brings back good memories from upstairs in the KayDee bookshop or the bigger selection at Cowgills, but like some have said in other threads it's when there were implements to go with tractors in the range
  8. Cheers Erik, underneath she's a Speccast but Andy swapped front axle and rear axle and added a linkage and cab Thanks Justin, thought it was about time i got them out rather than them being in storage boxes after you got yours back out of storage Cheers John , hopefully get a bit more done to it now that i've a bit of time on my hands, aye it'll soon be here, near enough every bugger and their dog been on with muck and slurry.... Thanks John, must remember that then you can give it a better coat of looking at Penrith, if hopefully things are getting back to some kind of normality by then, come to think of it seeing what you do in 32nd.... a 16th one would be jaw-dropping.....
  9. A bit of a flash back to first cut 2019... Chopped by the 472 and Kidd, led in by the 384 and Armours and pushed in the clamp by the mighty 465 and twose
  10. Seeing as there nowt much happening i thought id start and blow the dust of some of the models seeing as they not get out much for the foreseeable.... anyhows making the most of the dry spell and drier land to spread a bit of bedding muck loaded by the 384 and spread by the Deere and 150.....
  11. Could do Sean, but again its down to cost... apart from fuel for the Defender i'll have change out of £350 for a block, hence why i'd like to dye pen test the block with the vendor, basically you apply a red penetrant dye to one side of the area to be tested leave for 10-15 minutes then clean off with a remover, dry and then apply a spray on white developer, any sign of crack or porosity will bleed back into the applied developer highlighting the flaws if any are present... we use these kits at work on the tank barrels....either way a weld up and re-grind or block the gasket kit for rebuild isnt dear, just need to wait and see which is best option once i seen these other blocks.
  12. It will that Justin, We shut down until after Easter at Crosslands then it'll be decided if we back in or not.... guess we really need to do what what the Govt says and Stay home, the more we do it the less spread and the sooner things will get back on the road to getting right again. I wont be back up the yard for a bit now but the tractors wont take any harm... will maybe give me abit of time to blow some dust of some of the models....
  13. It is Martin.. the bug bear of the job is that now we shut down at work it would be the perfect time to go and look at the block and get her rebuilt but a trip to get the block isnt really essential travel. he did offer to pallet one up and send it but want to see before i pay
  14. Under the new rules of anyone with underlying health conditions that need to stay in isolation for 12 weeks..... i knew there was an underlying issue with the 345 as she was mixing abit in the sump, the past couple of weekends before shutdown i'd had her up the road abit but wasnt happy at the ever so slight milky taint to the sump oil so had her into the quarantine area and popped the head and dropped the sump, pistons out and with a borrow of my mate Nathan's liner puller had the liners out for better inspection, found a couple of cracks down through the liner-seal seats, due to the minor amount of water in the sump i'm guessing that when she gets hot the cracks open up ever so slightly causing the leak.... Cracking between the bores is a common issue with the 3 pot BMC's but i have made a few enquiries and now have a lead on one or possibly two 3 pot bare blocks so once the non-essential travel is lifted i plan a road trip down to see them armed with a torch and a Dye-penetrant testing kit i'll be able to determine that these blocks are good to go.... won't be a bad job really but one of the joys of having a few old tractors about... and it makes a relaxing change to be spannering for myself rather than spannering at work, better radio, better coffee and no interuptions or stupid questions Hope all forum members and their families stay safe over the coming weeks and hopefully it'll be business as usual before too long
  15. Seeing as your a bit of a Landy man Ted there was a bloke not far from Bulith Wells who put landy front axles under fergys and dexta's, he made his own sandwich box to go between gearbox and back end that used bits of a Range Rovers chain driven transfer box, then used a longer prop to take the drive forward to the axle, i not sure how many he did or if the ratios worked out right so it didnt wind itself up but a use of old parts non the less
  16. Had a few hours up at the Carrutherstown ploughing match in Dumfrieshire to catch up with a few friends, bit clarty with plenty of wheelslip, if the wind would have died down it wouldnt have been as bitter of a day on that hillside but it'll have raised a few quid for the Dumfrieshire Prostate Cancer charity Prostate Buddies, didnt get chance for too many photos as forgot camera needed charge....
  17. Think you need a trencher on the list John, not that i'm trying to add to the workload would make use of the 171 and a lowloader...... progress looking good though with the 131 with blade and cart
  18. Agreed Mike..... almost equivilent to rowcrops now by todays standards
  19. Would love one Paul, way ahead of the time when Marshall were doing these back in 89/90 and then you look at todays market.... flooded with ATVs Gators, Mules etc that'll be a rare thing, i dont think too many survive
  20. Called in at the yard for a few hours yesterday to do a few bits of jobs on my Freelander but thought id have half an hour and give the old girl a wipe over with a rag seeing as i dont really give her the attention she deserves in comparison to the 804
  21. Spent a few hours yesterday admiring this trio at the Bath and West amongst a rather grand display of Nuffield Leyland and Marshall. not a line up that can be created too often due to there only being a pair of 115's in existance.....
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