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Valley Axe Man

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Everything posted by Valley Axe Man

  1. Ho Ho Ho HO!!!!!! All the very best for a merry christmas and a happy and healthy 2013 to all those on here that i know........... and all those that i don't, Lets hope 2013 a good all round year and as said in an earlier post......... a bit drier and sunnier than 2012 and with a bit more cake too Plus hope the fat man in the red suit with the white beard brings you all your christmas wishes............................. All the best from here in the Valley Paul
  2. A Minature Masterpiece...... i'm loving this build
  3. No probs Bill, if he checks the hydraulic filters ( especially if they look like they haven't been touched in a long while) and the brakes aren't too badly worn then chances are it be ok, just something for him to be aware of. Sometimes others mistakes make jobs a bit easier
  4. Hope the hydraulics are ok on this project Bill........ the 3130 has oil imersed brakes, when the linings wear out the hydraulics fill up with metal particles from the metal to metal contact in the brakes....... and fill everything the pumps the spools the job lot. I learnt about that from a tractor that cashquick enterprises had, from memory was a good tractor but the hydraulic problems meant an expensive re build so he sold the tractor on. Looking forward to seeing a bit more of your updates on the progress
  5. An object of true beauty......... great work John
  6. Email sent to you this morning bud, just have to see how you get on with the people at your venue now. Good luck Mark
  7. I got Bills Email Mark, i'll add a couple of dates to the list from shows and events that are on around about us too so that might help you choosing a date for your show. Keep us updated with your progress and i'll email the extended list up to you
  8. On the workbench at the moment is another stripped UH 1/16th Doe Triple D, its down to almost a bare chassis at the moment, to rebuild as another one to add to the collection,
  9. Good luck Mark .........Will come up from the Valley with a display to support you (dependant on date)
  10. Great conversion Will, looks great plus abit different having a 2wd version, nice choice
  11. I have to agree with Olly, There some great models on here, Some of the pics don't do your work justice Joe, when you see them in the flesh as i did at Lanark this year, your work is amazing bud
  12. After a serious think i would have loved to spend a day with the late Fred Dibnah on his traction engine, the smell of oily greasy steam, the coal, the atmosphere........ and the gallon of best bitter and a bag of chips when you get parked up at night. The Lancashire Legend...... Flat cap Fred
  13. If thats your guardian angel Sue......... who's your choice for the Devil on your other shoulder?
  14. Lets hope the next attempt at 80s Classic by UH hasn't got the problems that we've found on this 1455........ (thats if UH attempt another 80s classic)
  15. Looking forward to seeing the workhop take shape, if the rest is as good as what i've seen so far it'll be fantastic when it's finished Keep up the great work
  16. I didn't notice at first Erik...... it was only on my 2nd look over the tractor that i saw that it was missing
  17. A clevis hitch would be a good 2nd choice over the PUH, Niels........ lot more use than the hitch thats on!! UH strike again!!!
  18. Limited steering lock Sean, A good looking model but a bit of a let down in some areas
  19. Get trough today Bill and then there's a full week next week totally untouched it's the day to have that friday feeling
  20. Nice looking building there What plans have you got for the inside???
  21. Had a good close up inspection of 1455 yesterday Sean, There is a bit of lock on the steering but i doubt there be any tight turns being made , The tractor is impressive from a distance, and got a weighty feel to it, but the lack of opening door / window detail, the euro type hitch as Erik said has a fixed pin instead of a more useful pick up hitch, but there is another large problem that i spotted......... ....... There was no PTO on the tractor that i looked at My plans were to buy a nash and lash it on the front of a trailed forager, but looks like that forager will now need it's own engine cos the nash not going to power it Pics to follow
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