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Valley Axe Man

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Everything posted by Valley Axe Man

  1. I know the one that your on about David, it was on Kennys display and i know a little more, its a model built by cyfen (ken) davies, and offers the mower also fitted to a power major but if you ask him nicely he'd probably sell you the mower on its own.
  2. I know the one that your on about David, it was on Kennys display and i know a little more, its a model built by cyfen (ken) davies, and offers the mower also fitted to a power major but if you ask him nicely he'd probably sell you the mower on its own.
  3. Home and unloaded from a good weekend north of the border, good to see a few familiar faces and a few new ones too , You'll have to wait and see Brian...... you never know what Penrith might bring
  4. Must be quite a list by now then Bill? yep we see you Sat morning, Carrier Bags and a Cake at the ready! :laugh:
  5. Bit of a lazy morning but typical Valley weather to get loaded up in, its sheeting down anyhow we be there late afternoon and hoping for a good weekend
  6. Aye not be long now Though it sounds like you've forgotten to pack your shopping list Bill :laugh:
  7. Be good to see you David, in the past i've done diorama's and scenes as well as displays of collections, Leyland, Nuffield, and then did special display of my late dads Ford and Fordson collection last year but i've been working on something abit different this year and hope it looks good when its set up. My 1/16th Forestry diorama has taken a seat on the back burner for now, but it'll be first time out at lanark for my new project. Sometimes it doesn't pay to be too far ahead Bill, i've been known to take stock at the 11th hour just to make sure everything present and then its a marathon job trying to re-pack and load up at the same time :laugh:
  8. 2 weeks to go , Displays packed and sorted, Just a couple of odds and ends to tidy up but nearly ready for it
  9. I'd have to agree with Tris, if you can't find another body to cut and stretch, or don't want to try and build your own why not try a body off a Britains Marston grain trailer Jordan? they are readily available and could be just the length that your looking for. Look forward to seeing this project when its finished
  10. There's quite a bit of room up there when you take into account all the gallery area too, lets hope there a good turn out and one or two new faces as well
  11. Think next issue of Blue Force mag out in September.
  12. I spoke with Kenny and Shirley a couple of days ago Bill, they were asking if Andy (ashcon) Hodkinson was displaying again this year, i'm not 100% sure but know he's off on a big contract soon so time will tell with him . Both Andrew Anderson and his partner Carol are both having displays. Then there'll be the usual (non local)suspects from Cumbria, Yorkshire and Lancashire to keep an eye on They did mention that the displays will be upstairs again in the Function Room, warm, well lit and carpeted, it great in there after years of standing out in the pens (although some did say we were animals!!! :laugh: )
  13. Does anyone know if Squires will be attending Toytrac this year? I only visited as a spectator and buyer last year and something in my mind tells me that i didn't see them there
  14. You could advertise the County in dedicated "Blue" mags like (Ford & Fordson Tractors Email tractors@kelseypb.co.uk or 0906 802 0279) or (Blue Force Email info@blueforce.uk.com or 07826 650 424 Leyland could go in Nuffield and Leyland club mag (www.thenuffieldandleylandtractorclub.co.uk) but suspect that it would sell better in Classic tractor.
  15. I'd have to agree with Bill on his Leyland price Ol, i reckon on it being around £1500 to £1800 realistically possibly £2000 top end, But county should be right about £5000.
  16. If paintwork not too bad you could give it a wipe over with a dieselly rag every now and then to keep its original character John, but as for rear tyres, Have you tried The British Rubber Company, E-mail britishrub@aol.com or 01274 585427
  17. Glad you're liking it Justin, I had looked at putting the loader on my 4000 although that could be another project I'll post more pics as work progresses.
  18. Cheers Justin appreciate your comment, thought it would be good to have somewhere to put those 1/16th conversions to good use
  19. At the minute Sean its on three 3 foot by 2 foot boards that when put out make a 6 foot by 3 foot display, i'm hoping to increase this but the actual finished size is a bit unknown at the moment. Transporting a larger display when based on the 3 by 2 board system isn't too much of a problem, My old 1/32nd scale farm which was 18 foot by 5 foot transported well, but now working in 1/16th it'll take a few more boards to get a sense of the bigger scale of things
  20. There's a couple of ideas that i'd like to attempt Sean so will see how it goes, it's trying to work out how to do what i'd like but keep it robust enough and easily transportable.
  21. Cheers David i appreciate the comments , I hope that as it develops and grows Fellside Forest will remain a transportable display, so if all goes well it should attend a few shows up and down the country
  22. Fingers crossed Sean, hope to have a bit more done for Toytrac
  23. Figures are by G and M Originals, i've a couple that are standing and a couple that seated. I had looked at bruder figures, given time they might be useful 1/16th a bit of something different and a change from 1/32nd scale.
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