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Valley Axe Man

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Everything posted by Valley Axe Man

  1. Cheers Bill, erm Green Super 4 was just an idea of an ex forestry commission tractor bought cheap to provide better traction in the woods
  2. Start of my 1/16th scale forestry diorama, it's still very much work in progress but i've slowly begun to make a start and hope to keep updating progress as it happens Pics taken at a local rally, just to test the water to see what it looked like put together in its present form but hope to expand on it when time allows.
  3. Cheers for the comments guys, i admit i'm no expert with a camera, just sorta point and clic and hope for the best!! :laugh: 6910, This pair of choppers usually do 3 cuts at about 300 acres a cut between them, but got a feeling it'll be 2 cuts this year somehow.
  4. It be great to see you down there, just a bit bad timing money wise only a week apart
  5. I'm not sure if it's a "Q" or a "D" reg Bill, but i'll be passing the farm later on so will pop in an get another look Both New Holland choppers belong to the same Dairy unit, and back in the day when i was at school i can remember them running a pair of trailed JFs with engines on, both pulled by Roadless tractors. The grass been laid for 2 days but was past its best, that was its first cut this year, that usually takes place at the end of May. So much for the weather this year
  6. Then another team appeared in the next field over Who said "Classics" were hard to come by!!
  7. At last a bit of a dry spell, Mid July and time to blow the cobwebs off a couple of classics
  8. Very nice indeed, but i know the postage problem. i have a 4240s from the very same man and that arrived in a similar condition. i blame the posties/sorting offices cos if they see fragile on a box i think it means they take it an play football with it!!
  9. Be grand to see you all, I forgot about that there's some trophys up for grabs this year..... best put my thinking cap on
  10. Held at Wincanton Racecourse on Sunday 14th October, Are there many FTF members going or displaying? My application sent in and got hotel room sorted, I will be making the trip down from the Valley with a display again this year, so hope to catch up with a few of you there
  11. Does anyone know when we can expect the delivery of the 'Nash 1455s?
  12. Favorite tractor in my collection? mmmmm It has to be my Martyn Reeves built Marshall 100 4wd
  13. No worries then Bill, guess i'd best make sure there something good on the table and not to forget those bags!
  14. Thats a good plus point to the auction mart site at Lanark, no matter what the weather the bulk of it is under cover, so apart from nipping out to the auction or to grab a few photo's there's no real need to venture out if the weather turns bad. You displaying a few models then Bill?
  15. Its a nice thing to recieve a little bit of something when you attend a show with a display or a full size exhibit, just shows the organisers have taken a bit of time to appreciate you being there to make the show. I guess the bonus for you is the bags Bill
  16. Entry forms filled in and posted back, best get my act together now and sort a display out Got one or two ideas for something different so will have to wait and see Plus theres still time to find a couple more carrier bags for you Bill
  17. Often remember when i learnt to rope up and didn't get the knot right so when i gave it a good pull to tighten it up i ended up in a heap on the floor! Although that happened again fairly recently but the rope snapped as i dogged it down Its about time the weather faired up for some shows, it definatley dampens the spirit when the weather not so good. Tip, If you do cut your strap down Bill, flick the cut edge with a flame to seal the cut otherwise the end frays and you struggle to get it back through the ratchet
  18. looks like another good show Bill, shame about the weather and conditions. quite alot of events will be suffering up and down the country Although i suppose it's a typical "summer" Good to see you still practice the art of "Dolly Knotting" too Bill!, Most now use ratchet straps rather than a half mile length of rope, but great to see the old ways still alive
  19. All the best for a life full of enjoyment and happiness together, congratulations to you both
  20. Looking forward to seeing your 4000 and 4000-four Justin. Keep up the good work Are you going to have a go at a Pre-Force too? I'll have a think about deluxe cab 4600, Bubble Cab from Uh would create so many possibilities, but for now will have to see what i can do with whats floating around the scrap box
  21. That look Great Justin Doing 3 cylinder convo's out of shelf models takes a bit of thinking about to get them to look right, (when i did that 1/16 4000) but grand job. Well done!! makes me wonder should i hack up a Uh 7600, or do i wait an hope that Uh bring out a 1/16 bubble cabbed ford and then attack one of them instead?
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