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Valley Axe Man

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Everything posted by Valley Axe Man

  1. Or is it Big boys and Small toys now Tris? :laugh: There's plenty of childhood memories, just sometimes wish they'ed have kept hold of a tractor or 2 rather than movng them on to buy something else, since Longridge the claas coluored Valmet has found a new home down somerset and its timber trailer went to a buyer from York.
  2. Unfortunatley Tris i not got my own full size tractor, it is on the list of things to buy, but for as long as i can remember there's always been a major or a nuffield floating around, plus an odd John deere 3130 and roadless 75, 1174 county, 10/60 bray, unimogs, a pair valmets a universal dt, and a Aec Matador timber tractor, and numerous landys, all used in my uncles and mums,joint timber extraction/ coppicing and charcoal and firewood buisness. One of the Valmets was outside the show at longridge, dressed up in it working gear of crane and winch. Heres a couple of pics of some of the beasts of the wood, I'll post up some more when i load the pics onto laptop
  3. Cheers Tris, glad you like them though i ain't a proffessional i just try my best and see what happens :laugh:
  4. Grand looking fleet there Justy, have you plans for an engine-on chopper too? a Nh 717-719 or 525 with 6 cylinder on would look great and fill the gap between pto driven and self proppelled in the late 80s era?
  5. Thanks for the supportive comments Barry, Oliver, Wil Sean and Erik cheers! watch this space for my next project........ I didn't measure a real loader, just sort of made it up as i went along and think i could probably improve on it if i made another but i've got other ideas floating about on the to do list before i do that. Although i do have to agree that there a lot of things UH could do, a 1/16th scale loader would be one of them as there seems to be no shortage in 1/32nd
  6. We've been busy down in the workshop in the Valley, this time mothering an old loader on to a trusty major for those lifting and shifting jobs around the yard, Loader scratch built from plastic card and tube for the rams, with 14s electrical wire for the hydraulic hoses. the major gained a set af tin front wheels to be a bit easier to change when we get a "flat" and a set of rear wheel weights to give a bit of extra counter weight and grip in the woods Finally a bit a weathering to finish it of and blend in with the other 2 majors in the fleet some pics Hope you guys like it
  7. Has anyone any more info on the dowdeswell power harrow behind the Uh 7810?
  8. There's been a bit of recent investment down in the Valley , gone has the 4t Petit with farm built silage top, and it has been replaced by a Red Weeks/MF 22 4.5t silage trailer with Tite-on door Plus another Leyland 384 has joined the fleet!
  9. Looks like some good displays there at the show
  10. I'll see if any of my local Marshall collectors are up for a trip and i'll PM you with their numbers
  11. Hi Steve, Have you got many of the later Scunthorpe or Gainsborough Harvest gold machines booked in?
  12. Glad you all had a great weekend, though looks and sounds like your profits went in the bar! :laugh:
  13. No worries John was great to see Mathew starting out on the long road to building up a monster display Many thanks for all your help with the tables last night, to go home and then come back to give us a helping hand was fantastic. Cheers bud
  14. I not sure if John sells owt he makes he builds mostly for himself, but the topper does finish my 4000 off nicely, on hire for yesterday to Hornsea's HedgeMaster aka Sparrowlegs :)
  15. Cheers Barry, we'll let you know what the future holds, though an glad your trip up north was memorable :laugh: I don't know if anyone got pics of andrews roller but i'll see what i can do for pics of the forestry specc'd 6400.
  16. Aye that the very same man Bill, you got one hellish good memory!
  17. Many thanks again David, your pictures show the world everything that was there on the day
  18. Cheers David, it was great that you made it over, always good to be able to catch up with a few friends and you were a winning bidder to increase your collection too! Can't be bad!!
  19. No problem Jonathan, it was great that you could come and I'm glad that you enjoyed your weekend and the food gets the thumbs up. Thanks to your wife for the coffee and walnut cake too, a nice treat on a sunday afternoon!
  20. Thanks also must go to Mike Arnott (Sparrowlegs) and his partner Jenny, for bringng over half of the models that we put out on display in memory of Phil (Starbrush)
  21. Many thanks again to all involved and to all those who travelled down from Scotland, and up from way down south, and to all the supportive comments and feed back posted on here, Thanks to Mike (Robbo) and David (Walter) for posting up pics, i only took 2 all day but wasn't for the lack of trying! Bill, The Ford collection belongs to John Dewhurst, and was the first time he'd brought out almost his entire collection, and the Meccano models were handiwork of Mark Rolston, who brought along just a taster of his built up models that he has in his collection, He can soon fill a table or 3 but transport then becomes an issue. Tris the FH660 was done in memory of dad by 1st time exhibitor Andy Ainsworth who brought along a selection of his built up kits and conversions that won him 3rd prize in the senior class. All in all a good day was had by all and was a great Tribute to two of the Farm model worlds most memorable and devoted enthusiasts, Both Chris (dad) and Phil will have left an everlasting impression in so many peoples lives and yesterday proved that both men will never be forgotten for there contibutions to the farm model hobby and show circuit. :) We'll let you know what develops in the pipeline for future plans,
  22. Winners list in full, Senior Model Display, 1st Farmer Dave Arthur, Farm Diorama, 2nd Graham Carr, Demolition and Plant Display 3rd Andrew Ainsworth, 1/25th scale Trucks and Trailers Junior Model Display, 1st Mathew Dewhurst, Foraging Display, 2nd Liam and Shane Mason, Farming Diorama 3rd Benjamin Pullen, Farming Diorama Full Size Tractors, 1st, David (Jack) Winder, 1963 Fordson New Performance Super Major, 2nd, Andy (Ashcon) Hodkinson, 1994 7840 3rd Thomas & Graham Dixon , Valtra Valmet 6400 with Botex Crane and Grab, and drum winch Best In Show and winner of the Chrome 7810 Trophy Cake, Damian Hampson, Farm Diorama and 1/16th JCB and County Dump Trailers Displays
  23. Just home, and unloaded. unpacking can wait!. Many thanks to all that come and supported us today and help raise so much for two well deserved charities, The Auction tractors so kindly built and donated by Damian, The cakes by my mum, The plates and books by Dads Tractors, paintings by Brian Oldroyd, All the Printing and Computer work by Hazel, All the helpers we had tonight, and yesterday, Harold and jane with help in organising. There are alot of people that need to be thanked especially Phil and Joan with their butty van and their proper butties
  24. Hope all went well for your show yesterday, and "fields for life" benefitted from likeminded people getting together to enjoy their hobby and support a good cause at the same time
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