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Everything posted by Stabliofarmer

  1. Gorgeous as always John, congratulations with the venture!
  2. Some very interesting information Ted, very much looking forward too seeing the progress of the Engine, can't beat a good traction engine, although its got to be a McLaren or Fowler for me. The finescast kits certainly look like very good quality representations.
  3. From what I'm aware most of Dylcom's stuff is bought in from other manufacturers, I know he's contacted me before about supplying parts. A lovely buy Martin!
  4. This looks incredible, can't wait to see more progress. Is this the future of model making?
  5. That's a serious size shed, nice work. Love the river too.
  6. I'm liking this alot Sean, great industrial model railway sort of vibes on the go. And I think the stone blocks look the most effective you've done yet, the colour and texture really pop on them.
  7. They certainly look very effective. A rubber stamp may work well for getting printing on, cut away at a lino block or similar so just the lettering is left in reverse.
  8. They look great Sean, I thought they where sculpted at first they look so naturally filled. I'm guessing they're something like filter paper or rizla?
  9. Love that Lee, always fancied something similar. Really brings the general detail of the mog up too.
  10. They're a seriously clever bit of kit, I can see why they call the guy that makes the 'The Prof'. Plan is to do a run of finished models, and release a kit version. The old Uni life is about to get in the way though! Going to train dad up so that I can remotely run the laser. Experimenting with the arm at the moment.
  11. Going to have to put one of my own listings in here, watched the modified cattle sell for ridiculous prices last week, so thought I'd try a few sheep. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/124320774999 Ebay definitely feels to have shifted with items reaching sale price early on rather than one big bidding frenzy in the last hour.
  12. Panicked abit at the title Joe, thought I was going to be in bother! Some lovely builds there, I see you where casting parts long before the rest of us! Particularly like the TerraGator, always fancied completing this as a build, as with many ideas I've never found the time.
  13. A lad called James Martin, and then Harry Bell. I keep getting asked to contribute, but from what I can see they've literally taken the model farmer format, right down to the fonts and layout, without actually buying the rights? Maybe Andy knows more.
  14. Thanks Will, hopefully tackle the arm over the weekend, my intent is to make an MC2 arm, but if that proves unfeasible it'll be a Super Extra arm.
  15. More than happy to cast to order, I'll drop you a message
  16. Thanks Andy, the wheels are my own design that I originally made for the Bailey Trailers, 34mm dia and 17mm width.
  17. Thanks, it was indeed, and is design to be built as a kit, along with a few other models.
  18. Rather complicated machine, taking alot of figuring out!
  19. Laser cutter set up and running, awaiting a delivery of Acrylic but couldn't resist a test cut in card for the first kit I have planned. Bailey bale trailer.
  20. Loving the texture on the inside, frames looking good to
  21. Something different, great to see. I like the truckman back on the Amarok
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