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Everything posted by Stabliofarmer

  1. Yes its the middle of July, and yes you did read Snow! Been clearing out my shed and stumbled upon a box with parts for three snow blowers that I'd started building a year or so ago. Thought you might like to see them and being based on a county and an Unimog they're the most 'Agri' thing I've posted in a while. First up is my favourite. Base model is the Siku Unimog U411 with Schmidt blowing gear and a 6 cylinder merc engine in the back. Next a County based Vohl snow blower And finally a Rolba R1200, fully scratch built and with functioning raising cutter and cab. Would like to get these finished before the Penrith show just in time for any real snow
  2. A repositionable adhesive spray is applied to the back of the stencil. Its just the roughness of the cardboard that's meant it hasn't stuck, the walls I have planned will be painted MDF which should be much better for the stencil to adhere to and thus stop the problem.
  3. Yes auite pleased with the variation of levels, should be able to even it out abit do its alittle less sharp on the next go. Its just the bricks where there should be a gap and the mix has got under the stencil thats alittle annoying
  4. For a new diorama project I have planned I needed a new stencil to use with the Bromley Crafts realistic brick compound that was alittle less repetitive. A sheet of 190 micron Mylar and about 4 hours of cutting with an X-acto blade and a new stencil was born. Gave it a test and its come out as well as I'd hope. Stencil didn't stick to well to the card hence the blobbed up bricks but that shouldn't be an issue on the final material
  5. Blushing over here Your conversions sit on there a treat Martin, a pleasure to deal with.
  6. Took longer than expected Paul and only managed to get them all stripped and the metal ultrasound scanned for thickness, all is looking good so far, boilerman returns on Friday for hydraulic and livesteam tests.
  7. Still no sign of the printer ink I need to finish some other builds so ploughing on with the Plowman.
  8. Looking very nice indeed, all the greenery really helps bring it to life.
  9. Attempting to make a half decent 4 series Scania by taking the mess Newray make and crossing it with part of a Siku Scania and some of my own resin bits. Hoping to make this outfit, the trailers also inbuild
  10. Prepping some of the engines for their boiler tests tomorrow, then hopefully sell a few on. First time we've had most in the same place, still two in other units but made for a nice photo
  11. The sisal mat looks very effective, much faster and less mind numbing than cutting individual strands of rope. Nice find.
  12. I like it alot and use it in most of my builds. Easier to cut than plastic both by hand and with a laser cutter. Nice to shape and sand. And cheap, which when I first started was very important. It does of course have its limitaions. Over time and in a damp environent it will sag and getting a good paint finish can be difficult.
  13. Yes it is Pete, most of the structure is 1.5mm mount board which is roughly the same strength as plastic would be, then any detailing is cereal card. I will hopefully get some of these built up soon as I have the parts to make 6.
  14. Loving the crush Wayne, should sit very nicely on your layout
  15. Cheers guys. Didnt get to the sale unfortunately Paul, spent to much at the last few Cambridge sales with a third 4" added to the stable, all be it in need of repair. May well be designing the new Defender never mind modding one Sean. Theres is a placement year where you go and work for a company, theyre well linked with Jag Landrover, JCB and Terex along with loads of others, liking the sound of Terex at the moment and they usually offer you a job once you complete the course
  16. Got my A level results yesterday, A* Maths, B in Physics and a B in Art so off to Harper Adams at the end of September to study Off Road Vehicle Design Over the moon!
  17. Dio's looking good as usual, glad to hear harvest is going well
  18. Cheers Graham, I have made the containers yes. Funny you should say that. Im in the drawing stage of a Bathtub tipper at the moment and have a batch of three planned once Ive finished the current orders I have.
  19. Thanks Barry, I have many many builds exactly like that, hopefully get them finished one day
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