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Everything posted by jakescot

  1. good progress being made now jason eh? am sure the conservation orifice.......he he saw what we see in this project a sympathetic well executed modernisation...........certainly something worthy of showing off.......am sure plenty of space too for a great layout in the garage attic.........
  2. Thanks Marky and Sean. I have contacted John and he is willing. Spooky though - he only lives 10 miles from my friend who I am visiting the weekend after next! Very spooooooooooky!
  3. the fact I`m gonna have to sell more of my collection !.........................not got the sad bit yet I`m stil at ANGRY
  4. I`m sure it`s about the collecting thing , rather than wanting models or brochures or stamps etc so when you have that collecting "BUG" you are hooked ! ...........I don`t do brochures anymore, I used to ...loads got chucked out and sold a heap to Colm !
  5. methinks thomas has too much time on his hands he he , well done again
  6. excellent thomas,hand cut blades too wow..certainly more patience than me !!!!!...oh and whats that we can see lying in the background? part of another top notch scratch build? cheers, john
  7. big progress jason, lookin good, who`s been a busy boy.....doubt that will give english nature etc any cause for complaint
  8. got any herbaceous perennials growin in the garden with brown stems ? overgrown grass outside somewhere? might work ..great lookin set up
  9. sorry if anyone feels ive stuck my nose in ,just thought i had a point but anyway.............my final thoughts remain as has been said lets hope we can all get it sorted out........ once again my apologies if I`ve been out of order
  10. well........I goes away like always for the summer ........I comes back to this.........oh dear not nice to see ,I`ve enough arguements in real life without one of my fave online places bein the same....... At the risk of repeating what`s already been said by many posters, my tuppence worth............ I hope I understand what`s been said already and hope too that I can see both sides of this. I haven`t the ability, time or facilities to tackle too many conversions etc so being able to see them done by you infinately more talented guys is great for me and having the opportunity to get hold of some of these superb models or have one made for you, it`s very tempting to jump in and say can I buy this....... how much etc etc. I suppose we should have the courtesy to do this privately.....save posting silly comments taking up band width ( I don`t understand all that malarky other than it`s bound to cost money to someone.???....Andy as owner??) why shouldn`t sellers have to pay to have their goods advertised for sale............problem being as mentioned above some photos may unwittingly solicit the "can I buy this , make me one please how much " responses meaning they didnt openely advertise said goods for sale in the first place. hobby converters making one or two spares to order are a big difference from full scale online traders and herein lies the problem ,how do you differentiate......perhaps a note on the post......this is for my own collection but can be made to order via the classifieds? or something like..... just a one off I`ve knocked up for myself guys... a worldwide problem in all life you can`t please all the people all of the time so we should all respect the efforts being made to reach reasonable compromises which suit most of the people most of the time. I don`t have the answer to this ..........I can only perhaps suggest that members who don`t pay for advertising,but benefit financially by selling their work , do the right thing and make a donation even if it`s only a small donation annually, I`m sure every little would help.Probably as much the gesture of making that donation,recognising the forum`s part in the deal,would be greatly appreciated. Other than that,and slightly off topic if cost is becoming more of an issue.............would it be so bad to ask us all to pay a small annual subscription ?.I don`t know ,I`m sure it would discourage some folks,especially perhaps the younger members, at a time when we`re all bein squeezed financially but it is only another idea Can I just add a big thank you to all who post, who contribute by posting pics, ideas etc and to those who do a great job in keeping this place going. I`ve certainly made some useful contacts and hopefully some good friends both of which have greatly enhanced my enjoyment of this hobby we all participate in and one day I`ll get to meet a few more of you. My life would be lesser without the forum so please can we all try to compromise ,be a little more understanding,without things getting too personal which may ultimately result in the forum being a much less worthwhile, informative and enjoyable experience for us all. John oh and ps...............despite this, it`s good to be back ! :)
  11. no way you`d have combined round here yesterday .................been hellish wet rain rain rain with us.
  12. its so bad this one it needs dumping immediately before anyone else sees it, I know just the place !!!!!!! ;D ;D my direction :D another top job Sean,well done
  13. we used variable chamber (belt) round balers for silage for years , as I`ve mentioned before...they were very convenient and I think certainly the more modern ones are pretty good.very flexible as Gav says ,we once made 2 foot bales of hay......yep you heard right for a guy who only had small byres (small fields too 1,2 4 and his biggest hay field, 5 acres).2 of us lifted them onto a flat trailer flat ways 2 on the trailer rolled them up ontop..........pretty impressive to see .
  14. I was in norfolk once,a mate of mine was delivering salers cross bulling heifers to holkham hall estates.They have suckler cows to graze the saltings and utilise the beet tops.We took them to chalk hill farm at Wells next the sea... Pat Cole. was the guy`s name we were to meet, I think he`d just retired as the manager.....31st october , mid 90`s . We stayed the night in the motel at Fleet I know its off topic but just as blakeney point was mentioned ........
  15. Geoff at Toptractor has some in now
  16. we get a lot of twins but have never as yet seen triplets.......... up to around 20% of the herd having twins in any year......mixed sex twins are common ,as common as single sex twins and yes correct most but not all the females are infertile, freemartins as Sue said. The uterus is generally missing completely in those cases.We occasionally get one that is normal,wev`e had 2 in recent times. One we kept(she`d been hand reared and dad`s pet if you like.was always smaller than the rest so kinda got running on a bit longer.She was in with some bullocks and a bull we were fattening....she stopped coming in season and was duly pronounced in calf! the other one wasn`t being kept and a neighbour`s bull broke in amongst them .Due to the fact you sometimes have problems getting them in calf once you get them jagged to "stop" them being pregnant in the young heifer`s cases what I`ll do is note the date the offender was in with them and PD them approx 6 to 8 weeks later. Any doubtful or any pd in calf will be injected with hormones to make them come in season again . One of the twins pd`d in calf, was jagged , it hadn`t worked I never saw signs of it working so got the vet again she said well I can do a proper abortion injection on her. this worked and I actually found a perfectly formed hand size calf from her. We`ll only hear of about 1 set of triplets per year on average locally and we do have a lot of cows in our area both beef and dairy .
  17. we`ve still an old MF 120...pretty much as new other than a big dent where the pto shaft fell off and dug in the ground and bashed the cover for the big flywheel.It had good days and not so good days , we had odd knotter probs from memory but nothing major .Dad was good at baling, he`d done it for many years but the guy we had working with us at the time was better and he could make her clonk on , I remember him baling 21 acres on day for us and a near neighbour from 11 am til around 7pm , good crops and using an old MF 135 !!! ours was done flat 8`s and the neighbours was just the drag sledge with 2 lads building on it, our old sledge had no top bar so you could build a good stack in it.The 135 was grunting at times when the sledge was full even tho the field was dead flat ! that would be back in 87 I think it was . those were the days !
  18. not to make your head too big Jez........... there are several of you master craftsmen building fantastic layouts on here but you know what I mean by most of us......you seem to think of things we see everyday and don`t think to add ......I even PUT dents in the tin !!!!!!
  19. wow Jez..............you think of everythin too.Some top class work continuing here....you`re raising the bar now eh?. most of us cannot hope to match or even come close to matching this level of attention to detail. seriously thanks for sharing!
  20. am gonna send you my medical bills...........I fell over when I saw this I was so amazed and I think I`ll need glasses too ,so I can view all the minute details! fantastic yet again tris invoice to follow!
  21. jakescot

    Whats The Crop?

    my guess is it`s oilseed rape..........pods too slender for peas or beans ............i don`t grow it so not 100% positive mind you.Certainly looks like it to me tho. If it is then it`s more than likely dessicated with herbicide to help it be evenly ripe (well killed off I suppose) and possibly swathed by a machine like a combine which only cuts and leaves it in a row.That may be largely stopped over here tho I couldn`t be certain, some of the others will know for sure.if thats the case then it would just be cut by a combine like other seed crops.time.....oh not certain , probably after the earliest winter barley tho. something I was told , your trailers for hauling the seed about have to be watertight? can anyone confirm that?
  22. I have one, well a 456 your 446 will be around 94 HP......................it has the Claas FL 80 loader on it ..it`s ok it does what it says on the tin,I`ve never been so unexcited by a new machine ...... VERY light on the backend mind you,brown pants if you don`t use a block or load the wheels especially if you have slopes/ bankings etc. All that said, we`ve had a few issues with hydraulic pumps ,couple of leaky water hoses,PTO cable seizing up where it enters the back end of the tractor and an annoying clonk in one front wheel hub, it is a decent tractor.I`m used to it now , done almost 1200 hours since march 07.It can pull a bit, does all I ask of it when I ask it to do it so I can`t complain too much....I would have preferred a Fergie........but that`s just me
  23. vermeer system one and the same as Vermeer USA made the farmhand as well from memory.................. I WON`T go into our horror stories other than to say we made 9 bales one afternoon and on another unforgettable occasion rather than a memorable one, the old dog crapped in the row in front of the baler.............may be unrelated but it had worked faultlessly as far as it did, all day before that. We were baling what was almost hay in one of our best fields...as I say working perfectly,then got this "mess " in the last wee corner .After 4 hours trying,and at 9pm, we had to give up. went to it the next morning after a nights rain and it sailed through a grand total of 3 bales in all ! the dog was popular needless to say
  24. Brand/Manafacturer - 10/20 ok I`d have preferred an MF .BUT............. Country of origin - 10/20 they are mostly all imported now anyway Interior design - 12/20 as long as the ergonomics are good for me then not too fussed about justin and colin type interiors Looks - 10/20 less important as long as the machine works !!! Price - 10/20 to me thats less important if the machine is fully fit for purpose, has all the toys I need rather than just want BUT times change and everything has to be considered Reliability - 20/20 top for me I want a machine that works ! one I can rely on to do the job when I want it done and for as long as I want it done. Resale value - 15/10 important if you`re regularily changing kit Ok so we chose a Claas last time because of past experience with the Renaults we used to hire ........the paymaster general (dad) liked them and was able to operate them ok some he finds too confusing now. secondly because of the price, we got offered a deal we couldn`t refuse..........we replaced a well worn MF 390 with the 102 HP Celtis 456 RX, with loader, bought new bucket and grab for the Claas (chillton) ..for the same price we paid for the 390 back in `94. lots to consider in today`s market conditions rather than purely price and looks eh.
  25. thats devotion for ya!! Posted by: nashmach Insert Quote My cousin is much better thankfully after his quad bike accident - I visited him on Saturday night and was surprised how positive his attitude was despite having his neck butchered and can only talk through an air hole there now - a lot better form this week and is even up walking around out in the yard - farmer still hasn't left him Good to hear he`s doin ok Colm, Harry Emslie wasnt so lucky ! Congrats Gav sounds like a decent move .Remember too.......good folks are scarce so if it turns out not so well, you`ll still be fine! Oh and congrats to the school leavers too good luck lads !
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