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Everything posted by super6

  1. I am not sure how these are supposed to be used, perhaps pinned to wall above and either side of shop display They date from 2005.
  2. Little Farmer Aisle hanging card from, possibly, 2001 to 2004 when the range was dropped. Shown in 2002 to 2004 trade catalogues. 2004 Aisle Hanging card
  3. A bit more for you. These from 2001. I am reliably informed Aisle hanging card, a bit ropey this one, it has suffered some water damage but it was FOC A3 strutted card. It has a piece of card stuck down the centre of the back, when this is bent at 90 degrees to the front it is free standing Shelf edger to follow
  4. I don't know, I have never seen one being used. Possibly I am not doubting you, just trying to ascertain when they became available. I have a poor aisle hanging card, three A3 strutted cards (bought one then two more came along foc ) two of each poster and two of the shelf edgers. Not, unfortunately, in the cardboard wallet, perhaps one will turn up eventually I'm glad you are enjoying it
  5. Last one for tonight I know when this dates from, perhaps some one else can tell me/us? Of the three shown tonight it is by far the biggest. Unlike the other two it is made from four separate pieces of stiff/thick card More to come
  6. By this. It was still available in 1986 after which POS was not shown in the trade catalogue (Petite era) As you can see it is almost the same as the previous version. The cut out/up stand at the front has disappeared and the models along the front have been updated. This was a freebie from a well known trader
  7. Another installment for you. 0096 Card Display Stand Farm from 1978. An eBay purchase. To give you some idea of its size I suspect the image shown in the 1978 catalogue is a mock up as it differs slightly from this in the positioning of the machinery along the bottom edge. This was replaced in 1981.
  8. Ploughmaster, is this from 2001? It is shown in the 2002 trade catalogue, as BFPOSKIT with two of each poster, one A3 strutted POS card, one aisle hanging board and six shelf edge strips. I was under the impression it dated from then
  9. I noticed this and was going to post, but you beat me to it! Does this mean the first versions are worth more now
  10. The promotion with the farmhouse was including the play mat. The two tractors are two other promotions marked as super value set, tractor and trailer with some animals, figure and accessories ?9.99.
  11. These date from 2002 and are part of a POS kit available to retailers. These ones were acquired from The Toyfarmer I think they were called from Fordingbridge, from their stall at the Great Dorset steam show and were foc, I asked and received Next time I saw them they were being sold. Some more latter. If sideways...............thanks photobucket
  12. More. Power farm from original release, 1988. Also 1988. The Fiat 90-90 double rear wheeled tractor was only out for this one year
  13. Some more, posters. This one was issued in 1989 or 90. The farm house was available from 1988 and deleted at the end of 1990, the super spray tanker and Renault tractor being released in 1990. If poster is sideways then photo bucket is not playing ball!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I acquired this poster after a visit to a toy shop. While talking to the owner I mentioned that I collected toy tractors, upon which she pulled this from under the counter and presented it to me. It was given to her by a Britains rep and is dated 1999. I gained another, seen in yet another toy shop, having spoken to the manager and leaving my name and number. It cost me a donation in a charity box. I presume the poster had something to do with this competition, obtained at same time.
  14. brhofa, I have these books, all 4. Some nice pieces that I covet Ploughmaster, As regards the implements at work "poster" it is made of much thicker card than the boxes were, flimsy would describe these , so I do not think it is the front cutout. It is quite possible that they were inserted in the sets though.
  15. Yes I agree with that, the colour suits it. I should imagine it was released at about the same time as the post hole borer as that is the only other model that appears to be painted this shade of green. Some one is sure to dispute this, and I welcome it as I am no expert Most definitely, was it cheap? always are when you don't buy!
  16. First version blue tipping trailer or as it is marked HIGH SIDED TIPPER CART. This was a lucky eBay buy
  17. Green tipping trailer. This has the early, knobbly land rover tyres. It is the same colour green as the post hole borer
  18. As promised MJB1, Milk tanker first. Boxed one has the silver painted tank and was bought from a trader.
  19. Hey PR what happened to the chicken house in the previous post? My dad has a couple, I think, of farm yards that are similar to this. I was of the impression that they were post war, but I suppose that we will never know as they never appear to be marked
  20. Can I reserve one Nigel? or are you ebaying it/them? MJB1, the milk tanker is the US edition. They come with either a chrome or a silver painted tank. I will, try to remember to , put some more pics up of the tanker and trailers Just the one for today, as described by Britains No. 0067 Display case for loose models. It comes with three glass shelves with a perspex front and sliding doors to rear. First available in 1980 with a different logo along the top. This one dates from 1981 to at least 1986, after which they are not listed in the trade catalogue, if available.
  21. Shelftalkers! shouldn't they have batteries in? bit like the birthday/christmas cards you can get? Imagine the noise Last bit for now. Shelf-edger in Britains parlance Small World version. I can't remember were I obtained this one from \ A lucky acquisition More to come...............
  22. A little bit more Shelf edgers. First version in card, first introduced in 1982 as item No. 78. These have to be folded before placing on shelf edge, and that is what I had to do for this picture. There are some unfolded examples behind. It was superseded in 1986........ ..........by this version, in plastic and already folded before being replaced by this version. Sorry no date for this as issued during the Petite era which was replaced by this version, 1996 to 1997 when these images were used Oh, and some of my small collection
  23. Two more, for the animal ranges. Farm first, item No.93. They were both introduced in 1977 and deleted at the end of 1981 Wild life, item No. 92. I purchased a few bits and pieces of POS from a trader and it included four of these, only this one left now had to keep one. I traded the other three for a major on steel wheels, the first version with external headlamps, which were missing This last one dates from 1971, as item No.82. I would imagine it was only available for the one year because it is virtually identical to the cover of the 1971 customer catalogue. Another purchase from Zwolle
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