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The Tractor Twitcher

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Everything posted by The Tractor Twitcher

  1. Thank you Pete, It's great being able to travel very short distances to find some of the views around near where I live. Here's some snowy photographs taken by Dad 20 - 30 years ago, first continuing the Dalby theme, were taken from my Uncle's farm. Next couple from where I used to live as a "little un" at the other side of Pickering and of the snow man Dad made me. Last one is of a frozen river near York taken in the late 70's.
  2. Some more photographs taken with the old Canon camera from a walk up to the Bridestones just above Staindale in the Dalby Forest Complex.
  3. Thought I'd photograph my current line up of JCB Fastracs as I've added three more since the original photographs of my collection were taken. From right to left, Siku 8250, Britains 8250, 3220, 3185, Siku 2150, Britains 1135 and 1:35 scale Joal 155 - 65.
  4. Some fanstastic photographs there Murray and some nice machines out having a go, hopefully attending my first of 2009 this Saturday as the resident photographer, might yet have the opportunity to have a go though.
  5. Jaguar SF looks fantastic, could well become the first self propelled forager in my collection, had a pair of Britains Claas foragers when I was little but sold them both for spares to someone.
  6. Massey Ferguson 8220 and 4245 on the road without anything on the back. John Deere 6920 and Machale Fusion. New Holland TM155 on a Richard Western root trailer. Pair of 2wd Case IH 885XLs in the back of a farm yard.
  7. Day off today, been to Yates for a couple more additions to the collection and also been out taking photographs. Hoping to do some more work on my second hand cabinet I bought a few weeks ago in readiness for painting.
  8. Waking up and finding it very difficult to move my head to the left, my neck is in a fair bit of discomfort, hopefully ibuprophen will ease it.
  9. As with a number of the blog style threads in the Farm Talk section just been looking through yours Gav cover to cover, some fanstastic machines and great photographs, the Vervaet looks like a mighty piece of kit, will have to get scanning the photos of the 55 plate model that used harvest beet on my friends farm. Regards David
  10. Fanstastic work as always Pete, looks really smart with the modifications you've done.
  11. Some very nice photgraphs there Martin, curious to notice the fleet of New Holland Kobelco zero tail swing excavators in the back ground, my Dad operated an E235SR model back in 2007 and found it to be a pretty good machine.
  12. Thanks Tris, the farm tracks leading from Ellerburn are a great place to walk, cycle and capture a few photographs, they take you right into the centre of Dalby Forest and Dalby Village itself. Here's three more photographs taken on my older Canon 35mm camera back in the summer of 2007 in and around Dalby. Staindale Lake Over looking Langdale Forest.
  13. Stunning photographs of some really smart equipment, very impressive. Regards David
  14. A few more photographs of farm handlers this time from the JCB stable seen at Cereals 2008 and Festival of the Plough.
  15. Thank you, now there's a little challenge, a poem about the wonderful hobby of model tractor collecting Here's a selection of photographs I took on walk to a little hamlet called Ellerburn about 3 miles away from where I live right on the edge of the Dalby Forest complex.
  16. Pictures of the real deal at Amtrac in the North of England: http://www.amtrac.co.uk Here's a link to a picture of a Case IH 9190 and information showing the similar styling ( just a much more powerful tractor ) on the toytractorshow website. I've also read in a book somewhere that after Steiger launched the revised tractors with the angled bonnet line and new cab the Tiger IV with this type of styling remained in the line up on a strictly built to order basis. http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.toytractorshow.com/9190.h16.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.toytractorshow.com/9190.htm&usg=__KGTg0N0DqYNA6ZEJ3mQK0dz7FZ8=&h=421&w=925&sz=69&hl=en&start=1&tbnid=GMmCatlawm2AlM:&tbnh=67&tbnw=147&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcase%2B9190%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den
  17. Thank you for your very kind words. I really enjoy where I live and what I do for a living. There's some great scenery around here lots of variety and views to capture and I very rarely leave my camera at home if i'm going out anywhere, but i'm still figuring out how to get the best out of it. Although it was never my original career choice I'm really enjoying working for the Co - operative, I originally started working for Safeways / Morrisons as a "trolly dolly" before the Co -op took over the supermarket about two and half years ago and they started to move me up the ladder. I've since moved into the convienience sized stores and i'm now really keen to progress onto running my own store, hopefully in the not too distant future. Thought it was about time I posted something, I'd been lurking for long enough . I do really enjoy writing aswell, haven't written much in a while ( aside from song lyrics ) but I might post some of the articles I've written in the past for Yorkshire YFC's yearly handbook on here. Here's a few photos I took very early one morning just as the frost was disappearing from the ground near to where I live whilst practicing with various settings on my camera. I use a Sony Cyber-shot 7.2 mega pixel camera one of the best Christmas presents i've had bought for me.
  18. Thanks Marcus, plenty more to come mate Here's the day light photographs of the JCB 806s in action and a close up of my Dad's colleague Phil operating one of them.
  19. Fully agree Simon, I've been to many a music gig and festival in the past, but to a young tractor enthusiast's ears it's difficult beat the soundtrack of one of these:
  20. Thanks Massey Boys Mum, i'm not sure what that tree actually is, but it makes quite an impression on the horizon just above where I live, remember my brother and I nick-naming it the "Witch Tree" when we were little lads. I'm a 25 year old country bumpkin who works in retail for a living. Here's the link to my little introduction on here: http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/index.php?topic=25540.0 Regards David
  21. It's not only all things machinery I enjoy taking photographs of, i'm fascinated by the local landscape and since I got my digital camera for Christmas 2007 around this time last year started doing a lot of walking and taking a few photos on my travels of the nearby scenery. First few snow covered captures are taken from last year, firstly near the level crossing of the North York Moors Railway in Pickering and from a farm track only a few hundred yards from my house.
  22. As I've had to cope with quite a bit of the white stuff today it seems only appropriate that I post a few "snowy" pictures from the archives. These photographs were taken just before day break and as the Sun comes up on a pair of JCB 806 tracked excavators about to get to work on the start of a housing estate at Strensall just over 30 years ago. From the Case tracked loader my Dad was operating.
  23. John Deere 6820 on a snow plough and a Sambron telescopic loader clearing back roads.
  24. Very tidy work and well thought out using the Britains parts, looks the business.
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