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Everything posted by robbo

  1. The a display that is worth a topic all by itself : : err I think there is one somewhere The work of art by Damien (JCB Bloke) I just love the Pheasant on the wall :laugh: :laugh:
  2. Then on to a Forum member, County 999's display
  3. I assume that this was a conversion but I wouldn't mind one of these as I used to drive a 674 Lancashire Lads Leyland display 1/64 display Few Massey conversions
  4. A few construction displays This was a wonderful display and won the first prize. Apparently the owner has never displayed anywhere before
  5. Couple of general views Ian (Agrium) hard at work, I did buy one of his wonderful drawings :laugh:
  6. Yep just got back and uploaded them to photobucket will start posting them in a minute. Bill and JDC were both walking around with cameras so they will be able to add any that I missed. I have to say it was a great venue for a show, it is in the Rheged Lakeland visitor centre and there are loads of other attractions, shops, craft stalls, kids play areas so it was a really good day out
  7. Nice pics Bas, I can see Marky buying that tracked Massey :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  8. The news from Cockermouth where it seems as if a fellow Police Officer has been washed away in the flooding and a body has been found on the beach :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( Yet another one for the roll of honour to give his life for the job and the people he served :'( :'(
  9. I hope JDC and Maureen are alright in the caravan, I don't think I would fancy it given the weather warning for the area \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
  10. RDF I just love these photos, since you started to post the beet harvesting pics I have become hooked to the point where I have ordered a model beet harvester for the collection 8) 8) 8)
  11. Your perspective on the rights and wrongs of Ebay depends on whether you are a buyer or a seller, as a seller I have had to let some things go for far less than they are worth just to keep my 100% feedback but, as a buyer I always try to get it for less and I have had some real bargains that way ;) ;) By the way, it's Robinson not Robertson ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  12. Sorry Simon but you should start the item at the minimum you are prepared to let it go for, it might incur slightly higher fees but it would still work out less than pulling the listing and having to pay further fees to re list it. I only use Ebay to try to get bargains, I bid at the last moment and try to get it for less than it is worth. If I want a boxed model then I will go to the normal sellers and get a brand new one. I suppose the only exception would be conversions but I don't collect them and the others on here seem to prefer to make it themselves rather than buy someone elses \ \ \ \ \
  13. I saw that as well and I though, alright then, I won't bother bidding on any of your items goodbye \ \ \ \
  14. SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS: Seriousinfections have happened in patients taking HUMIRA. These infectionsinclude tuberculosis (TB) and infections caused by viruses, fungi, orbacteria that have spread throughout the body. Some of these seriousinfections have been fatal. Patients treated with HUMIRA alsomay be at risk for other serious side effects including certain typesof cancers, allergic reactions, hepatitis B virus reactivation, nervoussystem problems, blood problems, heart failure, and certain immunereactions, including a lupus-like syndrome. And you are PLEASED about this :of :of :of :of :of
  15. Try this http://www.farmtoysforum.com/magazine/ although Andy is updating the site at the moment so you might not be able to subscribe yet
  16. Ben, I am trying to reply to your pm but you have blocked me \ \ \ \ \ \
  17. I haven't seen that 90 odd page booklet, I never got that far. This isn't just the Police, it permeates our society these days, possibly brought on by the compensation culture, if you haven't had the course then you can make a claim if it goes wrong \ \ \ \ As for going off sick, I haven't had a day off sick since 2001 and that was a hangover ;D ;D ;D I always seem to get sick on my days off \ \ \ \
  18. Same here Sean, you might have seen it in the papers recently. I got told that I needed to go on a course to ride a push bike, my reply was unprintable. 28 years in the job, most of which was as an advanced driver and now some numpty, who used to be a traffic warden is going to teach me how to ride a bike > > I don't think so >
  19. It's been lashing it down most of the night and it's still raining ??? ???
  20. I was wondering if there was a bit of suspicious bidding going on with him or a friend bidding from another account to drive the price up and then got caught out at the end as the high bidder ??? ??? ???
  21. Tha ARGO Group (McCormick and Landini) have announced that all of their tractor will now be fitted with the CESAR vehicle identification system as standard, watch out for announcements from the other major manufacturers http://www.cesarscheme.org/News.html# I believe the green and yellow ones will be next ;) ;)
  22. Looks like he is selling number 40 again, just how many number 40's are there http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1-farm-toys-forum-ltd-mf-390h-highways-tractor-1-32_W0QQitemZ280424851288QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_ToysGames_DiecastVehicles_DiecastVehicles_JN?hash=item414a9fa758 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
  23. I don't want to steal anybody's thunder here but when I rang Karen to give them my card details I had quite a good chat with her about the future. The plan is to introduce the next model in the series every 6 months, first the 6*40 series and then the 7*40 series and so on. However, a great deal depends on circumstances that are beyond their control, licences from the OEM, quality issues and other production delays. You only have to look at the problems Andy has had with the FTF County to know how that can affect the plans \ \ \ \ \ The short answer is, yes there will be more models, but when they actually appear is still anybody's guess ???
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