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Everything posted by robbo

  1. This is the one Diapet model that I have which I believe to be a Yanmar, I believe that cultivator is for the paddy fields
  2. I always liked the abbreviation from Saving Private Ryan.......FUBAR.... sums up quite a lot of my work really \ \ \ \ \ \
  3. # Weren't they known as pig tail tined cultivators as opposed to chisel ploughs though \ \ \ \ \
  4. Ben I think you managed to post the same picture 3 times \ \ \ \ \ \
  5. Bas just above the Shuitemaker prototype picture that looks like a Same front end, is there a new Same tractor model on the way :P :P :P
  6. I took some last year when he was at the North West Tractor show at Myerscough College, he even took the lid off the harvester for me to get a better view He also has a clamp in the corner of the field
  7. One of my friends retired from the Force in September and was looking forward to going travelling, he has just been told that his wife has got terminal Cancer and has no more that 2 months to live. It is especially upsetting as his first wife also died of Cancer 10 years ago
  8. A member on here has some of the new Agritechnica models on Ebay, I sent him a message to say "stop tempting me" and I got this as a reply Hello Mike, Sorrythat i tempting you. But i put this one on ebay to see what it will be.Wait till the normal releas is there or make a good bid on this on andhelp a poor men trough the winter hahaha. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
  9. Tris, it's a sign of impending middle age when you can get excited over a household appliance ;D ;D ;D ;D
  10. WOW what a great show, thanks Andy. Someone was asking on here recently if anyone had seen "Starbrush", the tattie harvesting layout in topic #1 looks like his diorama so he is still around ;) ;)
  11. Are you going to put up the rest of your pictures Andy? You did say you would start a new topic for them ??? ??? ???
  12. robbo

    Weise-Toys 2010

    Atte, can the models be taken off the plinth or are they permanently fixed?
  13. There's the FTF Massey 390H there, what more do you want? As it happens I had a dealer boxed MF8690 delivered today, it's a Christmas present so I can't unpack it yet. The plan is also to get the new 1200 and cultivator as well as the 590 but it might have to wait until the New Year \ \ \ \ \
  14. Thought you would never ask.......get the camera out please ;D ;D
  15. There are some big words there, what does direptitiously actually mean as my spell checker doesn't recognise it and I have never heard it before?
  16. Fourth shelf, Same's including pride of place to my PDC Jaguar 90 Specials and show editions including the FTF Precision Massey Then shelf of Fendts, mostly limited editions Finally the big stuff, mostly tracked and one artic
  17. It's been some considerable time since I posted this topic but the cabinet has changed somewhat. Mrs R will only allow me to have the one cabinet as the other is for books ??? ??? so I have to change them around on a regular basis and consign the older models to the loft. One day I hope to convert the garage and then I can have all of them out at once......what a big kid am I [ [ [ The top shelf....McCormicks Second shelf, John Deeres Third shelf small Fords including the FTF models
  18. David, aren't you a bit young to be joining the world of us old fogies and pedants ;D ;D I can't text to save my life and I fully agree with you, I can't understand what they are talking about, I have to get my kids to translate for me \ \ \ \
  19. Got a call last night to the car park of the B & Q Warehouse where "travellers" were setting up their caravans. However, when we got there it turned out to be a film crew who were getting ready to film the Christmas special for The Royle Family at the Burger King which is next door. They had a couple of "props" including an old battered Renault car and a double decker bus, apologies for the photos they were taken on my phone and the only light was my car headlights
  20. robbo

    Weise-Toys 2010

    Come on Sean, you did promise to go back and try to get a picture of the old girl ;)
  21. robbo

    Weise-Toys 2010

    Place I worked in the mid 70's had a D80 06 and from memory the cab looked a lot like this one, I will be getting the cabbed version as I have never seen one without a cab. A lot of the European versions had the Fritzmeir cab, sort of a canvas thing with a front window that opened outwards, don't want one of them thanks \ \ \ \
  22. Does anybody want to tell this seller that these are still available from on line sellers for less than £50? :o :o :o http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FENDT-280-DUAL-wheels-fresh-from-Agritechnica-2009_W0QQitemZ180430620899QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_ToysGames_DiecastVehicles_DiecastVehicles_JN?hash=item2a0280c8e3
  23. Me too, best singer just went out > > the ruddy twins stay in again >
  24. robbo

    Robbo's Photos

    He did look a little worried when I stopped to take the photos ;D ;D ;D
  25. robbo

    Robbo's Photos

    Yes thats the one ;) ;) ;) I take it you know them
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