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Everything posted by robbo

  1. Welcome to the forum Jean-Marie, 750 models already :of :of come on do the decent thing and get some photos up in the member collections board ;D Do you specialise in one particular make or do you collect a wide variety of marques?
  2. It almost reads like a who's who of FTF members, there are reports from Toytrac with details of Leakeyvale and some of Mandy's stock and also a report from Moira with a write up on B O R and his models (complete with picture) There is also a write up of Clifford Bateson and his display and I have just realised that he is the man who won the first prize at the recent Lakeland Show :) :)
  3. My personal belief is that he wants to list the item as cheaply as possible to attract more views/bids but that he doesn't actually want to sell it for that price. The 15% is not for VAT, it is so that he can make more profit out of the deal and not sell it at the bargain basement price > >
  4. Can I ask if it is legal for VAT to be added onto the final price of an Ebay auction? I was of the opinion that this was a practice that Ebay stopped a couple of years ago and that any VAT had to be included in the sale price. The reason I ask is that I am looking at a Wiking model which has previously sold for £30 and now that it has been relisted the seller is saying that VAT is to be added to the final price \ \ \ \ :(
  5. robbo

    ford 4000

    Chris Lockwood (Belarusfan) has some similar photos of a Ford 4000 and Standen Rapide on his site as well http://www.midsuffolkagriphotos.co.uk/gallery/gp2809.htm
  6. Been to the car dealer and bought Mrs R a new car, an 07 plate Citroen C3 Desire, think I got quite a good deal as they were desperate to get us to buy :laugh: 8)
  7. robbo

    Unusual Ford 8210

    This isn't an 8210 it is a Ford 7840 but as it is a drainage contractors machine I thought that it would fit in better with this topic
  8. Congratulations David and well done, soon be the area manager at this rate ;) ;) :laugh: :laugh:
  9. Rory just with my pedantic head on \ \ \ \ \ \ in the Spalding show report you give the date for the April 2010 show as the 12th which is the Monday, it should be 11th April : :
  10. There were at least 2 stallholders at the Lakeland show who had the Yanmar and cultivator on their stands but I didn't see any with the Kubota version, prices ranged from £35-45
  11. I also see that one of our members has had a letter published this month, unless of course, there is more than one Sean Pullen in Plymouth ;) ;) ;) ;)
  12. Yes they have, there is a big case IH theme this month as it is the 25th anniversary of the merger
  13. The website has been updated confirming the date as 11th April ;D ;D ;D http://www.spaldingmodeltractor.com/index.html
  14. The great thing is as well Tris is that The Rheged Centre is a good day out on its own, Traci will be able to go off looking at the other shops whilst you are engrossed in the models. http://www.rheged.com/
  15. Was after them but they had sold out by the time I got there today :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
  16. Paul, do you know how bad that sounds ........innuendo.......
  17. I can't remember but I do know that he is a forum member so I'm sure he will pm you when he sees this ;) ;)
  18. This is a photo that Nick a sent to me of a tractor that he has just sold
  19. Britains Vaderstadt seed drill from the Lakeland show and just won a Wiking Claas Axion on Ebay 8) 8)
  20. Probably the biggest collection of John Deeres I think I have ever seen And finally a collection of tracked tractors used for road building
  21. Some more Even a Pigeon sitting in the gutter :of :of :of
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