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Everything posted by robbo

  1. Looks like you have got a tractor stocking rate of 1 per acre :o certainly got plenty of horsepower ;) ;D
  2. I am getting dragged to Mothercare this afternoon, it is the grand daughters 1st birthday next Sunday, (hence I can't get to Toytrac), and we are buying her pressie and also new shoes
  3. Hi John, I take it all is planted up for the year, time to get serious on the models again ;)
  4. I can see the time coming when FTF will need to attend shows like this, after all, we consider ourselves to be a World Wide Forum, a bit more publicity wouldn't go amiss 8)
  5. Happy birthday Sean......I love the new bit in the profiles when it is someone's birthday, if you click on their profile it shows a birthday cake next to their name :D :D
  6. Same here, I can't make it as it is my grand daughters 1st birthday on the 18th, still I don't think I can afford anything else at the moment anyway......start saving for Spalding in April ;D
  7. Mortgage companies and ruddy solicitors > > > > I have just re-mortgaged and the transaction was supposed to happen at 00.01 hrs on the 1st October, for some reason it didn't go through until the 2nd October > because of that I was charged a full months interest by my old mortgage company AND to make matters worse, they took another direct debit on the 1st. I am now out of pocket by almost £1000 for the sake of 1 day > > I am not normally a rude person but I have just given both the building society and the solicitors who handled the change an ear bashing because they are both blaming each other > >
  8. I wish you had too, I look forward to your photos :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
  9. robbo

    Robbo's Photos

    Yes it is Tris, its just a Corsa, we refer to it as the Noddy car ;D ;D Most of the drivers stop and ask what they have done wrong and then laugh when I tell them I am just a tractor geek and I want to take photos of their machines, still, they often offer me a ride in the cab.
  10. Not good Sean, you are having the worst luck in the world at the moment, hope it gets better for you and your family soon best wishes from me and Sharon
  11. robbo

    Robbo's Photos

    Then into the field, the driver reckons he can do 150 acres in a good day View from in the cab
  12. robbo

    Robbo's Photos

    A couple of miles away a real rarity for Cheshire JD 8520 plus 6 metre Vaderstadt Rapide. Apparently there are only 4 in the North West, two 4 metre versions and two 6 metres of which this is one of them. First, parked up and filling up with Wheat
  13. robbo

    Robbo's Photos

    Then in the same field, JD 6920S with a power harrow/drill combination
  14. robbo

    Robbo's Photos

    However, on a more positive note I have seen nothing but green today. First up JD7810 and 6 furrow Dowdeswell, this was really shifting, I can't remember seeing anyone ploughing so fast before
  15. robbo

    Robbo's Photos

    Keeping with Deutz for a minute, here is a rather forlorn tractor that appeared at my local recovery garage, a case of spontaneous combustion I believe :o :o :o :o :o :o
  16. Rick is your address a box number because they don't have room numbers in the asylum ;D : :
  17. ooh that sounds incredibly painful Sean \ \ :'( :'( I have been to the dentist and had 2 teeth capped, now dribbling even more than usual :D
  18. I did get some of the older tractors parked up after their exertions, first a restored MF65 followed by one in its working clothes Grey and gold Fergie That came with a built in oil leak, (just to make Udi happy) :D :D
  19. Lemken cultivator followed by the result A PROPER tractor :D :D :D
  20. and a little one ;D ;D ;D followed by a big 'un an old lorry for BC
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