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Everything posted by robbo

  1. Tried to do a last second bid manually a while ago but got caught out when I bid with seconds to go and then found that my log in had expired. By the time I had logged back in the item had finished and it went for far less than I was prepared to go to...........ever since then I have sniped! > >
  2. Make sure you put your contact details on your raffle ticket application and when Pete and I do the draw at Penrith whoever comes out of the hat first is the winner, whether they are there on the day or have bought their tickets at another time. Although I do know one FTF member who has bought a fair few tickets but said that if he wins to draw it again as he couldn't be seen dead with a John Deere no matter what is is for :
  3. Picked up and early black chassis MF 5480 but in a Country box, then a short time later I got an empty silver MF dealer box for 99p. Did the early 5480 come in a dealer box because if so I will swap it over and use the country box for another of my unboxed models?
  4. robbo

    Robbo's Photos

    Yesterday (the photos that I lost) they were spiking (vertidraining) and they had a slot seeder which had discs that cut a slot in the ground and then dribbled grass seed into the slot. Today they were spreading sand on top which would help to cover the seed and will also trickle into the spike holes which will help with the water flow through the soil profile and keep the surface drier.
  5. robbo

    Robbo's Photos

    For the simple reason that by and large they are highly reliable and there is a good dealer nearby if anything does go wrong.
  6. Very much so, Sharon disowned me for swearing at the computer [ However, I think I have fixed it.........but I don't know how :
  7. robbo

    Robbo's Photos

    Thanks Eurodeere so here you go. I went out with my new phone yesterday and took a few photos of a ground maintenance crew at work only for my phone to play up and delete them all. Thankfully they were still there today and I managed to get a few more, so far the phone hasn't eaten any more pictures \ \ \ Loading up and then spreading
  8. Came across a turf team working using a Same Antares and the Lamborghini R3.................so far so good..............I took 24 photos with my new i-phone and when I have tried to download them and then post them up on here i-tunes has deleted all my files and I have lost them > >
  9. robbo


    I got a model from Hong Kong recently and paid quite a lot of money for it, when it arrived it had been damaged in the post and when I told the seller I got a full refund, I can't praise that particular seller enough. The postage took over 2 weeks but it was worth the wait.
  10. Doh! Maybe someone can't read their own writing and has mistaken the 20th for the 29th, it is probably a bit late to get them to correct it in time for the next issue though. :(
  11. Great news Paul look forward to seeing you there. 8)
  12. Ertl sold off their remaining JD8530/8430 Precisions at £30 a while back and now the price is starting to climb on eBay although it is not yet back up to their RRP of £60. I might be tempted to buy an Imber at that price but I will still get a new 7*40 when it comes out
  13. I'm sorry Nick but what you describe is proxy bidding, where you get a friend or aquaintance to bid an item up even though they have no intention of buying it just to artificially raise the sale price. That sort of bidding is banned by eBay and if discovered then the seller would have his/her account withdrawn. It is also one of the reasons why I never bid until the last few seconds of the listing. My view is that it is no use being the high bidder with hours or even days to go, I want to be the high bidder when the auction ends and so I do not bid beforehand because all that does is to drive up the final price.
  14. Likewise Peter, you have far too many good ideas for my liking.............if it wasn't for the fact that you are bringing a model already for me I might ask you not to go...............just for the sake of my bank balance......... : :
  15. This http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POXMAiLZhOg I can't believe it's real, it has to be a spoof ;D ;D I had tears running down my face by the time the clip ended :
  16. Shouldn't this have gone under the Agritechnica thread and not the Marge Models section??
  17. Marge Models Ford 7610 2WD arrived today.............very nice indeed :)
  18. There are a few in the ....err.......Events section under Toytrac :P
  19. Well I have been dragged kicking and screaming into the Century of the Fruit Bat (does anyone else read Terry Pratchett?) and I have discarded my old Nokia brick and got myself a gleaming new i-phone. Can I work it? Not a chance at the moment, there may be much swearing before I manage to even make a phone call with it \ \
  20. Ros Antonio Carrera Ergit 100, supposed to be mint but once again the mirrors were broken off by the postman >
  21. Well the doors have closed at Toytrac (only just) but this is the next major UK show. FTF/Model Farmer will have a stand there so who is going and who will miss out. For anyone who has not been before the Rheged Centre is a wonderful venue and is a great day out for all the family as it also houses the Lakeland Visitor Centre, Mrs R loves it and leaves me to my own devices whilst she goes off and spends even more than I do ???
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