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Everything posted by robbo

  1. I don;t know if this guy is registered on the forum but he does a mean diesel tank http://www.proscalemodels.blogspot.com/
  2. Neither was I when he said "I have got a lime green one in the shed", not many people round here have tractors as large as that. I will be going back later in the year to try and capture it in action.
  3. A few miles down the road was an entirely different class of machine, I have seen this tractor driving through the town but never got close enough before to photograph it The Scots will be happy, a Stewart trailer
  4. They were bringing the fodder beet back to the yard and running it through the cleaner, powered by a tidy Ford 7610 The harvester for the beet was parked up in the shed as well, a Matrot self propelled 4 row machine, I couldn't get it all in the screen in one go
  5. Then in complete contrast and hiding away in a dark corner, a Pre Force Ford looking very sorry for itself :- Ford 5610 that seems to be having a few problems at the moment And a more modern JD still hitched to the baler
  6. Merlo loader at work over the hedge I had a chat to the farmer and he told me that he had some more classics back at his yard and although he couldn't stop work he allowed me to go and have a look around..................well.............I saw a real beastie : Sitting in the shed was a lime green monster 8) apparently this tractor featured in "Classic Tractor" a few months ago, it is their primary cultivations tractor but only does about 200 hours per year. Unfortunately as he was still busy in the field I had to try and take the photos in the shed which was a bit cramped and the light wasn't brilliant............
  7. View from the cab And then the arty farty attempt Turns out they were loading fodder been and carting it back to the yard, also on a trailer was a more up to date Valtra M130
  8. Time for another update and a few more classics Firstly, for all of you who like flotation tyres, just look at the boots on this baby :of
  9. That would be better for me anyway as I wouldn't have been able to make the Saturday morning, I can't get away from home until 1pm on that day and then it is a 3 hour drive to Spalding
  10. Got back from holiday to find that our suitcases have been broken into by the baggage handlers at either Manchester or Las Palmas airports and all Sharon's jewellery and watches have been stolen, now onto the Insurance to see if we can claim and that is a nightmare in itself >
  11. Who made the 6930 Chris? It is quite a nice convo
  12. Chris FTF and Model Farmer have a stall at the show and it is a magnet for all the wierdo's, I mean regular posters to meet up and have a chin wag. I know that Sue said to wait for 10.30 but that would give her half and hour to get the bargains before you get in, the doors open at 10am although, like she says, there is an early bird entrance from 8 but some of the stall holders are still setting up and may not have their best models out of the packaging yet. Don't forget that we also meet up at the pub at the side of the Travel Lodge at the Springfield Centre on the Saturday night for a round of story telling and general leg pulling ;D : :
  13. A few more This one isn't a Roadless but a similar conversion
  14. Next a very unusual version, a Roadless 115 co0nverted into a reverse drive loader
  15. This topic made me realise that I have some Roadless pictures from the North West Tractor Show that used to take place at Myerscough College, unfortunately the show is no more as it was quite close to me
  16. Whilst I don't want to run it in I am in gran canaria and the temperature is a balmy 25 degrees see you all next week
  17. UH Deutz TTV 1160, the version with the front weight as I already have the one with the front linkage
  18. I feel like the man in the US patent office in 1897 who resigned saying there was nothing left to invent.......................just when you think there are no models left to make, they come up with a list like this................oh well, another expensive year :
  19. This could possible go in the tractors of different colours thread but I will leave it here instead. I am not sure whether this is a Ford 2000 or 3000 as there are no badges or decals
  20. Yes that's right Chris, the problem is that we have quite a few members from Europe and beyond and they don't understand text talk and abbreviations
  21. I would love to John but it is a bit far to travel, I was only just managing the 35, heaven knows what I would have been like on any of your others
  22. I got the email from Creative Masters about these last week and I won't be ordering any until the real tractor becomes available in chrome
  23. I don't do obvious John, I need to be hit over the head with a big stick.....................it's working now [
  24. Yes I just reinstalled it to make sure and it still doesn't work >
  25. As of today I have completed 30 years in the Police and I am now eligible to retire, after what the Government are doing to Police pay and conditions I am rather glad that I can get out now. However, I am not going to jump just yet as I need a job to go to or I won't be able to afford to keep buying models........get your priorities right is what I say : : Anybody got a job going? :
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