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Everything posted by robbo

  1. The British postal service and their caring handling of a box with FRAGILE all over it in big letters. I got a model back today that has been away having a respray and the postie has managed to break off a mudguard, a light fitting, the front light bar and the exhaust > > > >
  2. 5IMON Takes me about 1 hour 40 minutes from Warrington, the centre is about 600 metres off the motorway at junction 40
  3. Sean can you go to a restore point prior to the update and undo the changes?
  4. I would be interested if it was the Friday before Spalding. Tris, I would suggest that when you speak to your contact at the factory that you ask what is the largest party size that they can accommodate at one time, they may have a limit on Health and Safety grounds.
  5. I would say yes, that is reasonable, it is less than some online dealers have it at but slightly more than the Claas UK website.
  6. Atte are you saying that the more they produce the cheaper the model will be or that the lower limited edition numbered models will cost more than the higher numbers? Either way I will be getting one if possible ;)
  7. Ooeer missus.....I am with you with this Joe, go on Norscott you know you want to........... 8) 8) 8)
  8. For the full service which includes unlimited call outs, parts and labour, just under £30 a month, worth it for the peace of mind.
  9. Nice first post Ben, now get the camera out and get some photos................models and the real things ;) ;D
  10. When I got downstairs this morning I discovered that the hall radiator had started to leak, thankfully it is tiled rather than carpeted. However, I have got one of these Homecare agreements with British Gas so at 7.15 I rang them to book an engineer visit. He arrived at 8.25 and had the leak fixed within 15 minutes, now that's good service :D
  11. A young in service colleague was sitting in the canteen telling people what he is going to do, let's just say he is.....confident ;) One of the older guys turned to him and said "you are a bit like a lighthouse in the desert, you are very bright but no damn use to anybody" Nearly fell off my chair ;D ;D ;D
  12. Schuco Fendt Favorit 626 LSA from the Agco dealership. Quite a strange looking beast to my English eyes as I have never seen a real one but a nice model all the same ;)
  13. Siku/Weise Iseki Big T 5095, maybe not the most popular of models either in real life or 1/32 but it is based on an MF 5445 with some quite nice changes so I had to have it \ \ ;D
  14. robbo

    Schuco 2010

    I will let you know next week when I pick one up that I have had on order ;)
  15. Was watching something on Ebay and then had to go out to take Mrs R to her friends house, by the time I got back it had sold for far less than I was prepared to bid, Got delayed in traffic or I would have been back in time >
  16. This topic has been moved to Custom Model Methods/Tips/Help. [iurl]http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/index.php?topic=32123.0[/iurl]
  17. 8) 8) Tour of Treviglio I am in heaven :D :D Need to organise next years holiday.....wonder if Mrs R fancies Italy :
  18. robbo

    Schuco 2010

    It would appear that black is the new green \ \ after the success of previous black beauties everyone is jumping on the bandwagon. I will be getting the standard green one but probably not the black one
  19. Sean I have added a review in the "rate and review" section http://www.farmtoysforum.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=150:fendt-geratetrager-360-gt&catid=14:tractors&Itemid=44
  20. Whilst it is still a year off I would be interested in the details but I probably couldn't commit until after Spalding next April.
  21. Is there any chance of these photos Andy?
  22. I will do but it will be next week, I'm a bit busy over the weekend \ \ \
  23. Wiking Fendt 828 Pine Green and also both of the Weise Fendt tool carriers, the one with the mid mounted cultivator and also the other with front mounted trailer
  24. Not so much what I saw but what I heard.....we are undergoing yet another period of change and going back to the way we used to do some things a few years ago........one of my colleagues made the comment that "we were re-inventing the wheel" but a senior officer disagreed and stated "we were moving forward with familiarity" ;D ;D ;D
  25. Are these JCB's really worth this much? :of http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=110587573110&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT I only paid £39.99 for mine about 6 months ago \ \
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